The Hidden One

By RogueBeautyQueen

857K 32.6K 1.8K

(Warning: Rated R) "Aaron was puzzled at his own anger, "Why is her presence so vexing?" He pushed away from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Meet The Author

Chapter 31

23.1K 895 34
By RogueBeautyQueen

It was morning as Arron stood on Letta's side of their bed. He thought to himself as he watched her sleep, "Perhaps it is best to keep her hidden. Emella is dangerous, I could never forgive myself if anything happened to her." He leaned down and gently kissed her temple, he noticed her brow felt fevered to his touch. He reluctantly left and set out to find Claudia.


"Hello brother! Beautiful day for a holiday.," Claudia smiled a sarcastic smile in front of the Governors wives.

Aaron returned the same smile, "Dearest sister, a moments word please?"

"Of course.. Ladies please excuse me."

Aaron led her around the corner as his two guards stood watch, "Change of tactics I do not want Letta to come out of hiding. I believe she is ill."

Claudia straightened her posture, "Really.. What ever is the matter..?"

"She felt slightly feverish this morning ,she is exhausted, she never eats.."

Claudia patted her brothers shoulder, "Aaron, I'm quite sure she is fine, but I will tend to the ladies as she stays hidden. I will let Cecile keep her company."

Aaron gently kissed his sisters hand and took his leave. Claudia bit her lip with worry as she hoped nothing interrupted Letta's safety.


"Here Letta! Catch!" Cecile giggled as she threw the ball towards her.

Letta grunted as she caught it, "Can't we play chess.. I do not feel well.."

"Chess again? I always beat you.." Cecile smiled as she caught the ball.

Letta chuckled a sincere laugh, "You are absolutely correct."

Demetrio's POV

Sir Aaron lead the governors and their wives around their massive house for a tour of the grounds. His eyes cut to an outdoor entrance that was covered with a red thick velvet drape as he passed by.

As Demetrio passed by the same entrance, he paused as he heard a ghostly familiar laugh. He turned to the drape as though he was in a trance. His breath shook as he eased it back. He gasped in shock as he spotted Letta sitting on a stone ledge talking to a young girl. His mouth went dry as he took another step.

Cecile did a double take as she spotted the intruder and pointed , "Guards!"

Two guards were standing at the entry way with their backs turned, they crossed their spears across the entrance as they stood in attack mode. Letta turned her big  questionable eyes to the entrance and frowned. She could hear Demetrio screaming as he tried to push past the guards while Cecile lead her down a stone staircase.

"Letta!! Letta!!  Let me pass you fools!!! Letta!!"

Aaron quickly ran to the back of the group to see what had happened, the Head Administrator followed, "What is the meaning of this?"

Demetrio heaved with anger as he turned to Aaron and the Head Administrator, "Letta! He has my Letta!"

Emella glared coldly at her husband as he spoke.

The Head Administrator turned to Aaron. Aaron had his eyebrow cocked as he glared at Demetrio, "Does he speak of your wife?"

Aaron turned a softer face to his superior, "Yes sir."

Demetrio roared as the guards held him back, "Wife!!? Wife!!?"

Aaron smirked, "Why yes, she is. She is also the whole reason you're here. She created the farm in my honor to help our people. I couldn't be more blessed."

Demetrio roared as he tried to free himself from the guards grasp. The Head Administrator leaned into Demetrio's ear, "Tread lightly young man. You do not get between this man and what is his. Trust me. Now calm yourself and we will sort this matter out in private."

Demetrio quickly snapped his head to him, "And Letta... She will tell her side of her confinement?"

Aaron cracked his knuckles as he glared at Demetrio.

The Head Administrator nodded as he answered, "Yes Letta will speak of her prison here with a husband that worships her and a whole terrible city that praises her generosity! Hold your tongue boy! Last warning!"

Demetrio breathed through his gritted teeth as he calmed. His cold eyes turned to his fuming wife.


The Head Administrator sat as Aaron stood next to him in the massive dinner hall. Demetrio stood with two guards beside him and one behind. He eagerly searched the rooms entrances as he waited for Letta's arrival.

Letta sighed her anxiety away as she stepped in the halls side entrance. All eyes fell on her as her eyes studied the room as she slowly walked. She reached the middle of the room and politely bowed to the Head Administrator.

The silence was interrupted by Demetrio's voice as he tried to push past the guards, "Letta! Tell them that you do not belong to him! Tell him you want to come home!"

The Head Administrator yelled, "Silence!" His chest heaved at his lack of patience with Demetrio. The Administrator then smiled and leaned forward, "Letta! So wonderful to see you again. Please my dear.. Please tell this audience how you came here."

Letta fidgeted with her fingers as her eyes scanned the room, "Well.. After Demetrio married Emella, I was kidnapped by three of her men. I has held prisoner at a farm not far from the river. For five months I stayed in the fear of If I were to escape, she would murder the only man I knew as a father. Every month her men would come and whip me, sometimes more than once a month."

The Head Administrator raised his hand for her to pause, "Why did Emella do this? What did you do to earn such hatred?"

Letta had silent tears ease out of her eyes as she whispered, "I do not know sir?"

"She lies!"

All of the men turned to a fuming Emella as she strolled into the main hall. Aaron placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled, two more guards appeared and stopped her from getting any closer to his wife.

Emella growled as she was stopped from slitting Letta's throat.

The Head Administrator leaned on his hand as he studied Letta's reaction from Emella's presence. He could see fear in the sweet woman's eyes as she focused on her husband for strength. The Administrator loudly cleared his throat, "Lady Emella, and I use the term loosely, I don't recall you being called to this meeting."

Emella held her head high as she spoke, "Am I not allowed to prove my innocence while a slave tarnishes my name?"

"Demetrio, was Letta your slave?" The Head Administrator cocked his eyebrow in his direction.

Demetrio looked down as he thought and smiled as he told his lie, "Yes! Letta was my slave! She is my property!"

Letta closed her eyes as she shook her head.

The Head Administrator smirked to a blank Aaron. He then turned his attention to the sad Letta, "Letta, is what they say is true my dear?"

"No your honor! Both are lying. Merick freed my mother and I when I was a child."

Emella giggled at her response, "Oh how amazing, you have the scars of a slave, but you were free? How ridiculous! For your lies I will beat you myself." Emella took a step towards Letta and Aaron slightly crouched with his hand on his sword ready to attack. Emella stopped immediately as she noticed how unpredictable Aaron was.

The Head Administrator turned to Aaron, "Please Aaron, will you please enlighten this morons how free your wife really is?" Demetrio felt the blood from his face drain as Aaron gave a scroll of parchment to one of his men. The Head Administrator smirked as Demetrio reluctantly took the paper.
"Read it aloud for all of us to hear!"

Demetrio cut his eyes up them then back to the scroll, "Let it be known, on this day. Esther and her daughter Letta, of the house of Merick, shall no longer be bonded in servitude. They are hear by free women.

Signed Merick of Venice"

Letta closed her eyes as relief swept over her. Aaron smiled as he strolled to her and lifted her in a hug. He slightly spun her around, making Letta's nausea return. When he placed her down, Letta turned away and heaved her nausea away. Aaron bent over with concern.

Emella screamed, "She is ill! She will kill us all with her plague!"

Letta couldn't stand it anymore. She met Emella's cold eyes with her own, "Im not ill you twitt! I'm with child!"

Demetrio silently shook with anger, here was his first love in the arms of another rival and already with his child! This was supposed to be all his. He would seek revenge on his wife and Aaron. Then he would have Letta finally. She was all he ever wanted.

Emella roared as she tried to charge towards Letta, "I'll cut it from you before you can spread your deceit over this land!"

Letta clung to Aaron as they watched the guards drag her from the hall.

The Head Administrator sat in shock as Emella kicked and screamed as they took her away. He then turned his attention to Demetrio, "Tell me.. Why did you claim that Letta was your slave? Do you take me for a fool? Do you not think this man had secured her safety the moment he wanted to take her hand? What do you think he wants to do to you now, especially since you are delusional enough to call this woman your property?"

Demetrio rolled his eyes at the Administrator.

"All I have to say is, may he have mercy on you when the time comes."

Demetrio stared off to the floor as the Administrator gave his warning.

Aaron kept Letta turned away from Demetrio while he glared at him. He repeatedly kissed her gently on the forehead, he then whispered, "I think it's time for you and my child to rest."

Letta nuzzled her nose into his chest as she nodded.

Demetrio stared the couple down as they departed with two soldiers in front and behind.

The Head Administrator smirked to Demetrio as he walked past him, You know, I could hang you for lying to me. The crime is treason."

Demetrio slightly bowed and glared as he met his eyes again. The Head Administrator shook his head as he took his leave.

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