You me and the sea baby

By wwemaster12

24K 742 58

Harry and Uma have been hiding their feelings from the crew even though their suspicions got the best of them... More

Dude what
Your mine
Forever and always
🛳We ride with the tide🌊
Our petty argument
Drunk in paradise
"Get well Harry" Party
Our beginning
Just the girl for me
Don't tell
Your protected I promise
Family "date"
When we met
I'm your's
new shipment
my love
True Love
You promised
Fight night
back again
those dumb arguments
That look
A tragedy
Parents day
Till the end right?
My precious son
The sea 3 adventure
That horrible night
something about a dark fairy
My backstory
In this together
My soulmate
Thanks for the memories
My father ladies and gentlemen
My one and only
Fireballs and Hearts
The talk
It's an always thing
The other side
The truth
A kiss of death
The sea three
Coffee dates and Break ups
The sequel

🐚The shell and hook⚓

425 14 0
By wwemaster12

Harry's POV

I'm working on my project about past heros before me with Carlos and I see my phone ringing

Wife😍🐚(Sent a snap)
Wife😍🐚:Babe don't open those in public🚫
Wife😍🐚:One missed call

I chuckle and put my phone down and start writing and Carlos notices

Carlos:Was that Uma

Harry:Nah Gil

Caros:Oh well dude Evie is coming over to help us out cool


Evie:Hey guy

my phone starts ringing and flashing and I run to pick it up

U:Harry did you open it
H:No I didn't calm down
U:Who are you with
H:Evie and Carlos
U:Please don't open that right now I'm beggin you
H:I won't love

I hang up and drop my phone and Evie and Carlos stare at me


Carlos:Was Mrs. Hook worried about her little baby

Harry:Yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom

I grab my phone and walk in the bathroom and shut the door and open the snap revealing a suggestive video

Harry:Uma Ursula you are my queen my essence of glory


I open the door to see Uma in sweat pants and glasses



Harry:Even when you don't try you look amazing

Evie:Awe Omg he's so in love

Uma:Oh my Zues

I chuckle and kiss Uma's forehead and hug her

Harry:I'm sorry I left I didn't wanna wake you up

Evie:Oh my god he didn't want to wake her up

Uma:Evie quit it, It kinda sucked to see you sleeping in my bed this morning

Harry:Hold that thought

I pick up my phone to see my dad calling me which is weird because he never calls

H,H:Hello fathee
H:Harry I need you and Uma at the docks right now
H,H:Ok Ok I'm on my way

I hang up and grab Uma's hand and walk out the door

Uma:Wait can I drop off my glasses I look geeky

Harry:No time

Uma and I reach the docks and we see my dad pacing back and fourth

Harry:Dad what's wrong


Uma and I walk on the boat and my dad closes the entrance behind him

Uma:Dad what's wrong

Hook:There is something I need to tell you too I don't know if it's the soberness or the fact that guilt is killing me


Harry:Dad just tell us

Uma:Uma's mother and I made a deal on you two


My dad goes to the bar and pours himself Uma and I shots

Harry:Uma doesn't drink

Uma:I feel like I'm gonna need too

Uma grabs her shot and mine and downs them

Hook:Back when Ursula and I were in our youth we made a deal a deal that your true love would never find you in benefit of living on the isle you'd never know love


Uma:Oh no

Uma grabs the bottle of vodka and chugs it as if she's a whole different person like she's one of us it's like I just became more attracted to her

Hook:Now your true love is still out there and unless you 2 had sex it might lessen the chance of you two ever conceiving with each other

Uma:Oh my god

Uma grabs another bottle of vodka and opens it and I snatch it from her and I start to chug

Uma:I'm never gonna have kids Harry might not be my true love this day is awful

Harry:So we might not be each other's true love

Hook:No...Son I'm so sorry

Harry:You put me under a life long love spell I don't even think I can forgive you for that

Uma:I need to go

Uma stumbles to the entrance and I catch her forgot she can't hold any type of liquor

Harry:Uma c'mon let's talk

Uma:(Slurred crying)No I don't wanna talk



I pick up Uma and walk to my room and sit her on my bed


Uma:No you might not me my true love and Harry I feel in love with somebody who wasn't you

Harry:Uma that doesn't change what I feel about you

Uma:Whatever when your true love comes along your gonna forget all about me

Harry:That's not true

Uma:Are you seriously saying that when you know what I'm saying is true I can't have kids now Harry that was all I ever talked about a blue haired boy and a black haired girl

Harry:Uma I feel in love with a girl and she made tick tock noises drove my father crazy and we had to search the ship and I found this girl I couldn't see her face or anything but I only saw her eyes I remember how the glistened in the moonlight and I let her go

Uma starts crying even harder


Harry:It couldn't have been

Uma:No it was Mal I got caught by your dad and that's when I guess that was the night they made that deal because when I got home my mom wasn't there

Harry:That can't be right the girl she had brown eyes I know she did not blue

Uma:No Harry that was Mal

Uma stands up after sobering up and walks out my room and I grab her wrist and pull her into a kiss

Harry:No matter what no matter where you are you are my true love

Uma:That's sweet and all but uh I don't think that's possible

Harry:Uma please please don't leave me I love you

Uma:And I love you too


Uma:I can't not be with my true love Harry I hope you understand that

Harry:Uma please


I feel my eyes burn with tears and Uma kisses me and walks off leaving is this what death feels like?

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