Remington Leith (Concert Love...

By That_BVB_Army_girl

14K 410 61

Alice is a 21 year old and she's emo/scene and she meets Remington and the band at a concert she got front ro... More

First Date
Work and talking
Amazing Second Date
Meeting Skylar and a Suprise
Leaving for Tour
That Night
After a Show
Time of Month
Time Of The Month and Dealing with a horribel Waitress
Back at Home
Dinner with Stephain and the Guys
One Year Anniversery
Meeting A Friend Of Emersons
Good News!
Leaving For Tour
Bleach Hair
Going Out
Tattoo's and Suprise Talent
Mom: part 1
Mom: part 2
Hospital: Part 1
Hospital: Part 2
Out Of The Hospital
She Finds Out
Alice Coming On Tour
Drunk Alice
Two Year Anniversary

Meeting Mama Royal

387 13 0
By That_BVB_Army_girl


I wake up after my only two to four hours of sleep. I stand up tired and nervous and I start getting ready in this

I am really nervous and I'm about to change when Skylar calls
"Alice, Remington's here." I head downstairs after grabbing my phone and sunglasses. Remington's in black skinny jeans, white a little destroyed t shirt and a leather jacket. He smiles at me and I smile and he says
"Nice, got a little punk look today." I shrug and say
"Maybe a little I don't know, should I change? I want to look good to meet your mom-" He cuts me off by kissing me and I kiss back and he pulls me close to him and I wrap my arms around his neck. He slides his hands down my back and whispers
"It's gonna be okay, she's excited to meet you Princess." I shake and shake my head okay and he says
"Ready?" I shrug and he kisses my forehead than my lips the we leave and he hands me a bike helmet.

I put it on then we get on and I wrap my arms around his torso and sit close to him and he starts the bike. He pulls out and I smile, I love riding his motorcycle with him. After the ride we pull up at his house and I feel like I'm going to be sick with how nervous I am. And I see his house

After Remington shows me the house we sit on his couch and my legs shacking. Remington says
"Hey my Vampire Princess are you okay?" I sit foreword and he sits up and I look at him and he kisses my shoulder and I say
"Oh uhh I'm just nervous." He smiles and says
"No need to be nervous Chérie, she's gonna love you." I shake my head and he kisses me and I kiss back. He moves and is closer to me and I put my arm around his neck and the other on his stomach. He pulls me close to him and he leans back agents the arm of the couch and I am kind of on top of him. He slides his hand down my back and slowly takes my jacket off my shoulder.

All the sudden there's a knock on the door and I move and blush and Remington gets up and fixes his hair and I stand up and fix my jacket. I hear him say
"Mom!" I look down and take a deep breath and I stand in the living room doorway that leads form the entrance. After a minute Remington and his mom walk over and I stand nervously and she says
"You are so beautiful!" I blush and Remington smiles and she says
"Hello I'm Stephanie, the boys moms." I smile and say
"Uhh hi I'm Alice, Remington's girlfriend." She smiles and says
"Are you a model?" I light up and say
"No, I'm a photographer sort of." Remington puts his arms around my waist and says
"You're a photographer and the best one if I say so myself."

I blush and Remington says
"Mom I want another hug I've missed you." He lets me go and they hug and he takes a picture of her and post it on Snapchat. Than he wraps his arms around me and he kisses my jawline and says
"Mom would you like anything?"
"I would like to get to know your girlfriend." I smile and blush and Remington says
"Follow me." We walk into the living room and we sit down, Remington sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head. I smile and Stephanie says
"So how'd you two meet?" Remington smiles and says
"Well, it was at a show. Her friend and her had the VIP tickets they were at the show we talked a little before the show and after.

Her and her friend were at the end or very end and we talked and she just had something about her and I had to get to know her so I signed her poster and wrote my number and yeah." His Mom smiles and Remington interlocks are fingers. His mom says
"How sweet." I smile and Remington kisses my cheek and she says
"Well I'm going to head to my hotel-"
"No Mom you're staying here." She shakes her head no and says
"No, I don't want it get in the way-"
"No it's fine Mom you are staying." She shakes her head okay and I see it's almost 8 and I say
"I have to get home." Remington looks at me confused and I say
"I got to go get some work done, remember I got a job." He frowns and says
"Come on pease just for a while longer." I laugh and say
"I can't I really wish I could." He frowns and says
"Fine." He softly kisses me and I move back and whisper
"Not in front of your mom."

He says
"Fine." I stand up and he says
"I'll talk to you later." He smiles and says
"Okay, I'll call you later." I shake my head and he stands up and says
"I'll walk you to your car and Mom I'll grab your bags on the way back in." She says
"Okay, Alice it was lovely to meet you." I smile and say
"Yeah definitely." We smile and Remington walks me out and he closes the door. He is holding my hand and he walks me over to my car and says
"You sure you have to go?"
"Yes, if I want to see you at all tomorrow I got to get through all this work." Remington kisses me and I kiss back and say
"I love you, I'm gonna mi-" I stop right then and he stares at me and I say
"I-I-I-" He kisses me and I kiss back and he says
"I love you too."

I smile and say
"Wow." He smiles and says
"We've been together for a year next month how crazy." I giggle and say
"I know times flying by." He kisses me again and I kiss back and he says
"I love you." I smile and say
"I love you too, Wow that's the first time we've said that." He smiles and says
"I know." He kisses me again and I kiss back and he says
"You better go now Vampire Princess." He lets me go and I say
"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Definitely." He lets me go and I leave as he's heading inside.

Remington POV

I walk back inside and my moms says
"She seems nice." I smile and say
"She's amazing."
"But why where you all over her?"
"Well the whole time you were touching and well-"
"Sorry that's just how we sit, I didn't even realize it." She shakes her head and says
"Well can we go out to dinner tomorrow so I can actually get to know her?"
"Oh sure."
"Okay, well I'm going to sleep, goodnight ."
"Night." I hug her then she goes upstairs and I call Alice.

A (Alice) - "Hello?"
M (Me) - "Hey, I got something to tell you."
A - "Okay, What is it?"
M - "We'll my mom wants to go out for dinner and she wants it to be tomorrow night."
A - "Oh uhh okay, what kind of place will it be at?"
M - "Somewhere nice."
A - "Okay."
M - "Okay so, what are you working on?"
A - "Just uploading stuff."
M - "And you couldn't do that here?"
A - "Slytherin, I have to have my computer and camera."
M - "Fine, I want you to be here though."
A - "I know but it would be weird to be their and your mom be their."
M - "Yeah I guess."
A - "Okay, I have to get back to work babe."
M - "Okay, bye love you." I smile at the words and she say says I can hear the smile in her voice.
A - "I love you too."
M - "I'll call you in the morning."
A - "Okay, bye."
M - "Bye."

We hang up then I head upstairs take a shower than lay down and go to sleep.

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