The Pole Life| Dave East Stor...

By wendayyy3

105K 3.3K 297

Brooklyn White, who goes by Miracle, just wants go to work, take care of her two kids, and move on from her e... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty

Part Thirteen

4K 134 20
By wendayyy3

"Can I please have my kids back?"I say laughing as I watch David play with Titi and Deandre,ever since they met him they've been all over him and he doesn't mind it.He's really good with kids considering he has his own.

"Ok ok... Go head back to your momma."He tells the kids and they whine before coming to me.

"Wow you guys don't love me?"I ask sounding hurt and they hug me which makes me smile."Ok but it's time to get dressed so go wait for me in your rooms."I say and they nod before doing what I asked.

"What time is Devon coming?"

"He should be here in like 30 minutes...Thanks for watching the kids last night though."I say and he nods kissing me briefly.Reef made me come in since I'm taking off the next couple days and David offered to watch them which was nice."Ok I'm going to get them dressed I'll be right back."I say and he nods letting me go so I can go.

I go to Deandre's room first cuz he's easier to get ready.Once he's done I send him out to stay with David and then go to Tyranny's room. I put her in the cutest little outfit and then start doing her hair, it doesn't take more than 10 minutes and then we go to the living room.

"You have your backpack Deandre?"I ask and he looks up from the ground to nod."Ok your dad is gonna be here soon so I hope you guys took all the toys you want..."I say knowing that they'll fuss later and try and bring ten more.

"I wanna get Cassie!"Titi says trying to wiggle out my arms and I let her go run to her room.Deandre follows her and I laugh as I just shake my head.

"She just told me yesterday she didn't wanna take her."I say and David laughs sitting back.

"You coming back Monday morning or in the afternoon?"He asks and I roll my eyes obnoxiously so he can notice.

"I already told you like 10 times David."I say looking back at him and he bites his lip at me.

"Well tell me again."

"We'll be back by like five so I can go to work that night."I say turning to face him and he nods putting his arm around me.He just stares at me and I'm about to question him but the doorbell rings."Devon is here..."I say and Titi and Deandre run back out after hearing the doorbell,I go to open the door and David tries to follow me but I stop him."Can you please get my suitcase baby?"

"Ok,I'll be right back."He says and I smile as the kids come up to me.I just didn't really want him here as soon as I open the door.

"Hey Devon."I say and he smiles at me before turning his attention to the kids.

"Hey Miracle...You ready?"

"Yea,David is getting my bag."I say and his face drops.I hope he doesn't try and start anything cuz I'll cancel this trip.

"That's his car?"Devon asks talking bout David's nice ass Benz in the driveway and I nod."It's nice as fuck."He says and I chuckle as David comes to my side,holding my suitcase."Wassup man."Devon says and they dap,when that's done Devon reaches for my suitcases but David pulls back."I can get that."Devon says trying to take it again.

"I can take it to your car."David says and I roll my eyes cuz he's trying to show up Devon or something.

"David give him the bag so we can go."I say and he looks down at me and then sucks his teeth.He reluctantly hands it to Devon and Devon takes it to the car.I pick up Titi so she doesn't have to walk down the stairs and hold Deandre's hand.David follows us to Devon's car and waits until I've put them in the car to hug me.

"Call me when you get there..."He says and I smile, nodding into his chest."You sitting in the backseat right?"

I laugh at this nigga but he looks dead serious."I'm sitting in the front David.Stop."I say and he sucks his teeth,I suck mine to mock him before I reach to kiss him.We end up making out cuz this nigga won't let go of me.....but I'm not complaining.

"When you get back I'm a have to.....You know..."He says putting his tongue at the side of his mouth and I laugh hitting his chest playfully.

"You a clown!I have to go David."I say and he laughs letting me go."Bye..."I say not wanting to leave him and he looks like he doesn't want to me to leave either.

"Bye Miracle..."

I get in the car and Devon doesn't look at me or say anything he just starts the car up and waits for David to leave so he can go.

"So y'all together for real?"Devon asks after driving for a little bit and I nod smiling just thinking bout him.

"How's Naveen?"I ask feeling a little petty and he shrugs.

"Ion know,I haven't talked to her in a minute."He says and I nod kinda happy,I just don't like her so Ion want him with that bitch."You told me you would never date a nigga from the club...."He says and I look up at him.

"That was before I met him."

"Technically....You told me this after I found out you fucked him."He says and I sigh biting my lip.I did tell him that and it turned out to be a lie.

"I'm sorry Devon,I really am."I say looking at him and he nods,glancing at me briefly.I can already tell this will be a long trip....


"Ok so I know I should've told you this before but....My grandma still thinks we're together and I don't wanna make her upset since she's been so sick."Devon tells me as we sit in the driveway of his aunts house.

"Are you serious Devon?"I ask and he nods,making me sigh."Your Mom hasn't told her?"I ask and he shakes his head,me and Devon haven't been "together" in almost a year so I'm so surprised his grandma doesn't know.I know she'll be upset cuz she's always liked me and wanted us to get married but that's not gonna happen.She used to live in a retirement home near Devon's Mom house so we saw her all the time but she had to move in with Devon's aunt two years ago cuz they couldn't afford the home.

"Please Miracle,I just want to keep her happy."He says and I sigh before nodding.I want to keep her happy too so I'll just go with it.

"Fine..Let's go."I say getting out the car and he does too.The kids are asleep so he gets Deandre and I get Titi,Deandre wakes up as Devon is taking him out the seat and starts fussing cuz he's tired.

"Dre stop."Devon says putting him down as I come over carrying Titi.

"You want me to get him?"I ask cuz I know he just wants to be carried and Devon won't carry him.

"Nah cuz once he sees the other kids he'll be fine."He says holding Deandre's hand and I nod wiping a little drool of his face.We walk around the house and to the backyard and the party has already started.I don't know all of Devon's family but I know a lot of them through Facebook and Instagram,once I moved out of my Dad's house his family became mine.

We greet all the people we run into and of course Deandre wants to run off but we make him stay with us for now.Titi wakes up from all the noise but doesn't want to be put down so I keep carrying her.We walk through the yard until we find Devon's Mom and grandma sitting near the food....And Devon's bitch ass sister is there too but I don't care.

"Hey momma."Devon says getting her attention and she cheeses when she sees it's us.She runs over and hugs the both of us before taking the kids from us."Hey grandma."Devon says holding my hand and I force a smile as we walk over to her.She's in a wheel chair so we sit around her.

"It's so good to see you two!Its been so long!"She says and we smile hugging her as tight as we can."You need to visit me more."

"I'm sorry grandma...We'll visit a lot more for real."He says and I smile cuz I see how much he loves her.

"How are you Miracle?"She asks turning to me and I smile laughing a little as Titi runs into my arms.

"I'm doing great honestly..."I say and she smiles patting my hand,she told me when I first met her that I should say honestly after something I really meant cuz it's good luck.

"Is this Tyranny?!She's so big now!"She says and me and Devon nod laughing,I try and get Tyranny to go say hi but she's so shy.

"Titi that's your great grandma,that's grandma's mom."I say and she looks confused for a second."Say hi baby..."I say and she gives a cute little wave that makes us all laugh.Devon reaches for her and I let her go to him.

"Where is Deandre?"

I look around and of course he's already running around getting his clothes dirty with the other kids."He's running around grandma but I'll grab him later."Devon says and she nods laughing.

"Where's your ring Miracle?"She asks looking at my hand and I look at her confused.Did Devon tell her we were engaged?I look to Devon and he looks like he's tryna remember what he's been telling her."Devon you haven't proposed to her yet?"

"Ohhh not yet...It's coming though."He says and I look away uncomfortably.

"You making her wait after she gave you two beautiful babies?I know she tired of waiting...Right Miracle?"She asks and I nod cuz when we were together I was always waiting for him to propose for real.

"I am...But I trust him."I say touching his leg and he bites his lip at me.

"Well I think it's about time for another baby."She says and I choke on my spit as Devon clears his throat."Tyranny is getting older now and you don't want to have another too late or they won't be close when they grow up."She says and we recover enough to nod.

"Actually I've been trying for another baby but she isn't sure..."Devon says looking at me and I look at this nigga crazy.

"I just don't think we're in that space right now.No more kids until we're married."I say and he sucks his teeth cuz he knows we ain't never getting married.

"That's a hint that you need to buy a ring Devon.Don't wait too long or you'll lose a good girl."She says to him and he nods before looking over at me.

"I wouldn't want that...."He says and I look away cuz it's getting awkward.Nigga you already lost me.


"You want my jacket?"Devon asks seeing my rubbing my arms and I nod without hesitation.As the sun has gone down it got cold as shit.

"Thanks Devon."I say taking it and putting it on,it smells just like him and try and ignore the smell that I love.

"Thanks for coming and being my date."He jokes and I laugh a little bit.To be honest it is kinda like I'm his date...David would not like this one bit."I hope David isn't gonna be pissed?"

"Oh I'm not telling him.He will literally beat my ass."I joke but he doesn't laugh.

"Don't joke like that Miracle.Tell me if that nigga ever puts his hands on you."He says and I roll my eyes at him cuz one it was a joke,two I won't ever let a nigga beat on me,and three Devon is acting like he didn't get a little physical with me sometimes.He never hit me but sometimes he would push me a little or grab me a little too hard.

"It was a joke Devon and I don't need you caping for me."I say getting a little annoyed and he sucks his teeth.

"Why you gotta be so damn disrespectful Miracle?I care about you!I'm always care about you!"He says getting loud and I look at him waiting for him to finish his tantrum.

"I'm just gonna go to our room cuz I don't wanna do this with you."I say getting up and trying to hand him his jacket but he gets up too.I walk away from him but he follows me through the yard."Devon leave me alone or I'm a hurt your feelings."I say not wanting any of his family to hear me.

"You can't hurt my feelings Miracle."He says laughing a little and that pisses me off."I'm a just keep annoying you until you wanna have a conversation with me."

He follows me into the house and to the room we're staying in,I was fine with sharing a room with him to save face but now I'm regretting coming on this trip at all.

"Leave so I can change."I say just tryna get him to leave but he shakes his head and sits on the bed.

"I'll leave after you talk to me."

"What do you want Devon?!Damn!"I yell after just having enough of his annoying ass.

"I wanna know why you so mad at me when you the one who fucked us up?"He says getting up and I don't know how to answer him."You treat me like shit even though I didn't do shit to you!"He says and I huff sitting down on the bed and he does so too.

"Me and you been going back and forth for weeks Devon and I'm tired!We be good for a couple days then you get jealous and we fight for a couple days then it starts over....I'm tired of it!"

"I want to be with you!I made that clear months ago and just cuz you fucking this other nigga doesn't change that....I'm a always get jealous when I see you with him and don't act like you liked seeing me with Naveen."He says and I look up at him.

"I get that but I just don't think I can be with you anymore Devon....I'm happy with David right now."

"You happy for right now but I'm a love you forever."He says putting his hand on my thigh and I shake my head.Devon always knows the right things to say but as long as I'm with David I'm not gonna give in to him.

"Devon please have respect for my relationship with David."I say frowning and he sighs moving his hand off me."I'm sorry...."

"Like I said I'm a always be here for you but after a while someone might want what you had..."He says getting up and I frown at that,he leaves the room and I just go over that conversation in my head trying to see if I said the right things.

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