War of the Undead

By bootsykitty9100

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The apocalypse has started. Zombies lurk around every corner. When you are trapped at school anything can hap... More

War of the Undead
The beggining of the apocalypse
Waking up in the Enemies Territory
The Talk
Low Grumbles
Clash of the Teams
A Plan
The Revealing
Authors Note
Bring it On
A Traitor has come to Join Us
Revenge will be Sweet
Authors Note
A New Friend
Ch.14 Fight Until The Heart Stops
Authors Note
Ch. 15 The Final Fight....Or So You Think
Authors Note


55 2 2
By bootsykitty9100

Chases POV

Oh crap. I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die at the hand of Sky! Well unless I can find a way to calm her down,  yeah that's definitely not going to happen once she is mad you have to give her a few days to cool off not an hour.

DJ was beat up pretty badly,  I wonder what she will do to me? Probably turn me into a woman by my guess. One thing for sure is that I am scared for what is to come. 

Jc then yelled 'Chase! Ed! Get to your ends of the room!' Ed and I then split off to our ends of the room, god I'm so scared for what Sky is going to do to be. Jc then began to count down from ten and while he was doing that I yelled out to Sky 'Sky I am sorry! It was never my intention to hurt you in any way!'

A scowl was then put upon Sky's face as she snapped back at me 'Can you just shut your trap Chase? I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. You think you can break my heart, apologize,  then expect me to forgive you in an hour? Well if forgiveness is what you wanted I'm not sorry to disappoint you. I am not a lost puppy you can control Chase, so I would think again, I can be sweet as  sugar hard as ice but if you hurt me once I'll break you twice.'

My heart dropped to an all time low, how could I have been so clueless? And how did I just get my butt verbally kicked by Sky?  Well she was in a English class a year above the grade she was supposed to be in. Still,  I know for a fact that when Sky falls for someone it's basically love unless Well your a screw up who will only mess up her future,  but I still feel as if it is my fault. I've always knew she liked me but I was selfish,  I always pretended like I didn't know because I didn't want our relationship to change,  but now look at the position I am in now. I've lost my best friend and I'm about time get mauled by her after I win this fight with Ed.

I was then punched right in the bridge of my nose by Ed and blood was pouring out of my nostrils. Dang it! Well now Ed is going time face my killer left hook, I swung back at Ed and hit him right in the jaw bone. He stumbled back a few steps but then I kicked him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. 

My ankle then gave out on me because Ed had kicked it. Ed and I then began wresting hard core. The weight if Ed's body crushed my lungs making it hard to breathe, my ribs felt as if they were covered in sharp points tearing at my flesh inside,  and even though I am in incredible pain I must win. For if I loose I will be dubbed a weakling as many Renaissance/ Medieval people would say.

I then turned the tables on Ed who looked to confident for his own good, and flipped the positions. Now I was pinning Ed to the ground while his face was turning beet red. Jc was counting down from 10 like they do in wrestling and when he reached one I smiled and said 'I wouldn't have had to embarrass you if you had just left us alone in the first place Ed.' With that both Ed and me stood up, Ed went back to his seat and Sky stood in front of me with a grin. 

'Sky please I don't want to hurt you ' I pleaded to her because honestly I don't want to hurt her. 'Oh but Chase ' Sky said 'I really do wish to hurt you like you hurt me. '

Jeez Sky why do you always have to have the witty comments to make me look like a fool.  That's it I refuse to hurt her or fight her, but wait will they hurt her if I don't fight her?

Sky's POV

I stood in front of Chase with rage radiating off of me like heat off the sun. I am ready to beat Chase,  yes he is stronger than me but I know all his moves. He tries to knock them to the ground then pin them.  Stupid jock.  I intend to make it a nice show.

He threw my heart threw a shredder like it was a piece of paper and now he will pay,  Jc was counting down from ten. But just as Jc reached one DJ and Ed both said 'wait a second,  Chase won't ever hurt his little girlfriend so let's make this a bit more interesting' Ed sang basically 'Brandon bring her in!' DJ yelled.

'I'm not his girlfriend Edward!' I yelled.  Then Brandon stormed in with his hand wrapped around Chrissy's wrist. 'Chrissy!' I yelled out and I turned to run to her. But then Jc grabbed me and held me back. 'Let me go you backstabbing dog!' I screamed in fury.  Chase then said 'Jc let her go now.' 

I kicked and attempted to punch Jc but it didn't work. Eventually Jc told Chase 'here take your girl she's killing me.' Chase then grabbed my arms and restrained them behind my back and said 'please don't fight me I have a plan.'

Yeah like I'm going to listen to any plan he has. 'Screw off Chase' I said.

Chrissy was crying, she looked horrible. Bruises painted her skin like paint did to a canvas,  two of her teeth we're gone,  and over all she looked like a walking skeleton.  'What did you do to her you monsters!? Where is Jace! ' I screamed. 

'Oh Sky you didn't hear ' Ed said with a grin 'Jace is dead and we killed him. We wanted the answers to where you all we're hiding and so we had to beat it out of poor innocent Chrissy,  she never told us but we still caused some scars. '

That is the last straw,  I will kill Ed,  rip the meet right off his bones with my bear hands if I have to.  Ed will have a painful death I swear on my grave to it. 

'Well now ladies I know that Chase would never hurt his little princess Sky and I had to make sure this fight happened you see' Ed said 'you both fight until one is unable to fight anymore meaning dead or unconscious,  if you disobey that we will inflict pain on Chrissy while you both fight. '

I looked over at Chase with death in my eyes and said 'you listen to me and you will fight me Chase because if even one punch is put on Chrissy I'll have a lot more than you head on a silver platter. '  

Hey guys! Happy summer 2014! :D I told you guys I would update XP , so What did you guys think of this chapter?  Yes I know it was short but I'm trying guys I can't just make 10 super duper long chapters so as I said before I'm sectioning it off.  Any opinions on any characters I have in the book so far? Feel free to ask me questions and comment about the book. Love you all my little bitters ♡ till next time -Eve


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