The Biggest Competition Ever...

By PoetsPub

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Welcome to Poets Pub's 2nd Annual Biggest Competition Ever - Volume 2. This is a 10 week marathon of poetry... More

Welcome to Volume 2
Week 6 - Acrostic (Nov. 13 - Nov. 19)
WEEK 7 (Founders Choice) tri-dodeca
WEEK 8 (November 23 - 30) Nursery Rhyme
WEEK 9 (December 1-10) (Poet in Perpetuum selection)
WEEK 10-a (December 11-17-a) (A (ah) poem)
Pubber drive
tittynope (Bill Temple) (6)
Onomatopoeia (andrewagreen) (6)
Spreading The Love (most_bay) (6)
Depression (Abbydf) (6)
Dedicated (Michael Tyger) (6)
Hope (Ajay-Kumar) (6)
Well Balanced People Rules (chickenteeth) (6)
Whodunnit (Ajay-Kumar) (6)
Conspiracy Theory (MichaelTyger) (6)
midnight (ArcadiaM) (6)
golden years (theoldPoet) (6)
loneliness (theoldPoet) (6)
no (ruminat) (6)
Mind Over Matter (crazyp01) (6)
You Are Undoubtedly Mine (undoubtedlymine) (6)
Wonder (Skipper_019) (6)
Sesquipedalian (Simon Durney) (6)
Lullaby (Simon Durney) (6)
Induratize (AliceMorris7) (6)
Weaknesses (AmbergrisJane) (6)
Hotel Transylvania (prosenpoetry) (6)
Track the Bold Letters (writewithmeforever) (6)
POETSPUB in WATTPAD (ScottArroy) (6)
Pen To Paper (MystresMyna) (6)
Voice (_imperfect_writing) (6)
pray for me (theoldPoet) (7)
what the puck (theoldPoet) (7)
who am i (Bill Temple) (7)
Cold Comfort (lyttlejoe) (7)
Precious One (most_bay) (7)
Be My Guest (most_bay) (7)
I Missed You (undoubtedlymine) (7)
A Struggle (Skipper_019) (7)
I Love You (Skipper_019) (7)
Squirrel's Winter (Simon Durney) (7)
Campfire Tales (Simon Durney) (7)
Food Coma (Simon Durney) (7)
Noah's Ark (Simon Durney) (7)
how (Skipper_019) (7)
Ha Ha Ha (Skipeer_019) (7)
wee bloom doth wane (chickenteeth) (7)
Soundless (Michael Tyger) (7)
Disappear (Michael Tyger) (7)
Hush (Michael Tyger) (7)
Watching Long (Michael Tyger) (7)
A Horror Story (undoubtedlymine) (7)
World of Joy (undoubtedlymine) (7)
before you say goodbye (ArcadiaM) (7)
Dance (AndrewGreen) (7)
Quiet Man (Andrewagreen) (7)
Tale Untold (Abbydf) (7)
Mission Accomplished (lyttlejoe) (7)
An AspiringSoul-Twin (undoubtedlymine) (7)
Hurt Back (Michael Tyger) (7)
Name Keeps (Michael Tyger) (7)
Late (andrewagreen) (7)
Wattpad Life (most_bay) (7)
Melody (most_bay) (7)
Christmas (AliceMorris7) (7)
Dancing Grass (Ajay-Kumar) (7)
Puppets (Ajay-Kumar) (7)
One Feather (TheGracefulQueen) (7)
Winter (TheGracefulQueen) (7)
At Night (AmbergrisJane) (7)
First Love Song (prosenpoetry) (7)
Butterfly Effect (writewithmeforever) (7)
Living Life (ScottArroy) (7)
Walks A Man (MystresMyna) (7)
once upon a time (lyttlejoe) (8)
The Girl With A Head Of Feathers (HerCrystalHart) (8)
Antar Ibn Shaddad (most_bay) (8)
Ralph the Elephant (theoldPoet) (8)
Nursery Rhyme (Andrewagreen) (8)
Grump (Michael J Tyger) (8)
A Universe of a Different Color (Michael J Tyger) (8)
Poets Pub (Bill Temple) (8)
Love is love (AliceMorris7) (8)
The Princess (ArcadiaM) (8)
A Tale from the Isle (AmbergrisJane) (8)
the girl who will never write again (chickenteeth) (8)
Space Soup (Ajay-Kumar) (8)
To Our Mother (SimonDurney) (8)
Mulberry Bush (SimonDurney) (8)
Survival (ScottArroy) (8)
Once Upon ... (Skipper_019) (8)
Once Upon A Time (_Imperfect_writing) (8)
The Sad King (MystresMyna) (8)
Beautiful Little Fools (prosenpoetry) (8)
once upon a time (writewithmeforever) (8)
The Story of Snow White! (FictionGoddess) (8)
Oh Fir Goodness Sake! (lyttlejoe) (9)
#1 Plan (chickenteeth) (9)
Countdown (AmbergrisJane) (9)
A Rocking Crib (most_bay) (9)
Bacon Breakfast (Andrewagreen) (9)
Too Late (SimonDurney) (9)
A Christmas Shocking (SimonDurney) (9)
what i remember (ArcadiaM) (9)
Lost (MichaelTyger) (9)
Squatch (MichaelTyger) (9)
An Ode to Winter (Ajay-Kumar) (9)
riches to rags (Bill Temple) (9)
like a memory (theoldPoet) (9)
Monster Haunts (Writewithmeforever) (9)
Texting (ScottArroy) (9)
the Storm (Skipper_019) (9)
The Box (MystresMyna) (9)
The Whisper of Winter! (FictionGoddess) (9)
Flashback (prosenpoetry) (9)
Obsession (_imperfect_writing) (9)
Lola (Bill Temple) (10)
Mamma Mia (Skipper_019) (10)
Hola (Skipper_019) (10)
JD and Coke (Simon Durney) (10)
Unemployed (lyttlejoe) (10)
Success Story-a ( chickenteeth) (10)
Surf's Up (AmbergrisJane) (10)
Waiter (Andrewagreen) (10)
Toothbrush (most_bay) (10)
Coma Gnome-A (MichaelTyger) (10)
Why d ya say 'ah'? (Andrewagreen) (10)
Travel or nah? (writewithmeforever) (10)
traveling-a (ArcadiaM) (10)
Ah, The Mighty Mississippi (ScottArroy) (10)
Influenza (most_bay) (10)
Satisfying Cola (ScottArroy) (10)
Cheers to You-a (Michael Tyger) (10)
Dance the Night Away (prosenpoetry) (10)

Verdict Cancer (lyttlejoe) (6)

33 8 5
By PoetsPub

Verdict Cancer 














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