returning to oakland hills。・゚...

By vernahns

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ㅡ park jihoon is given a second chance in life. ... More



399 42 35
By vernahns

Kwon Country Homes.

September 1, 2017. 11:30P.M.

Jinyoung settles in a seat with a cup of coffee, beside Hyeob and Jade.

"So," he squirms in his seat as he tries to get comfortable. "How is the boy now?"

"I'm not sure how to leave the house to him." Jade taps her chin, her indecisiveness seen in every swift tap.

"Are you crazy?!" Jinyoung screeches, pushing Hyeob to hiss. "We barely know that guy. Why do you think it's a good idea to leave the house to him?!"

"Because you would not be willing to watch the house for another week, would you, Mr. Bae?" Hyeob glares at Jinyoung, sending daggers flying at him.

"My first semester starts this week!" Jinyoung cries.

"Exactly!" Hyeob nods sharply. "Who else do you think would take care of this house?"

"And do you really think it could be that dirty, old man upstairs?!" Jinyoung spits.

"He's just dirty, not old!" Jade comes to poor Park Jihoon's defense.

"Just as I am just old, not dirty!" Hyeob pats imaginary dirt off his suede coat.

"Why are you two leaving, anyway?" Jinyoung pouts, not being able to think of anything more that he can say to defend his wrong side.

"I have to settle some documents and papers," Jade informs him. "And since I have no idea how to proceed with all of that legal stuff, Mr. Hyeob is gonna help me out."

"For free?"

"Yes, for free." Hyeob nods. "I work for the government, son. It's my job."

"Ah." Jinyoung nods gently. "Okay."

"And I consider you Crestwood kids my own kids now." Hyeob exhales as he leans back on the couch. "It's a nice feeling, you know, taking care of a bunch of kids."

"Have you never had firsthand experience in taking care of kids, Mr. Hyeob?" Jinyoung asks, genuinely curious. As far as he was concerned, he knew absolutely nothing about the nice old man's personal life.

Hyeob sighs deeply as he shakes his head. "I've never had the chance to marry, nonetheless date. I was so focused on law school, and on helping people out. I've fostered a few kids back then, but I was only able to take care of them during Christmas seasons. Then they'd have to go back to the orphanage."

"Did you try to adopt?" Jade assumed it was her turn to ask some questions.

"Yes, and it may sound absurd, but I've been repeatedly rejected by the very government I work for." Hyeob shakes his head sadly. "Adoptions here take at least a year to process, and they keep rejecting me because I am not a married man, and they say my schedule occupies most of my time. The fifth time I got told that 'I should just stick to making myself successful', that's exactly what I did."

"Too bad." Jade pouts. "The world is so unfair in so many ways."

"That's true, that's true," Hyeob nods. "Although I regret nothing in my life. I'm able to take care of you guys, and also some people in the past."

Jinyoung sits up with a perplexed expression on his face. "You said that you weren't able to date before?"

"I'm not saying I've taken care of a significant other before, although I wish that was the case." Hyeob giggles. "I just remember taking care of someone, back when I was a teen myself in Crestwood Valley. Too bad I can't remember his name anymore."

"Is that the boy in the girls building you always speak of?" Jade asks again. "I remember you always talking about that nameless guy."

"Yes, it is him." Hyeob lifts his gaze up to the closed door, which can be seen from the indoor balcony in the 2nd floor. "And for some reason, that kid you guys took in reminds me a hell lot of him."

Forestier Hotel.

September 2, 2017. 3:00P.M.

Guanlin looks around, not obviously in awe.

"This place is great!" Woojin exclaims, placing his heavy hand on Guanlin's shoulder. "Isn't it?"

"Not really," Guanlin mutters silently.

"Dude, don't kill my vibe!" Woojin pushes Guanlin aside to lead the way, slightly annoyed at the lack of enthusiasm his friend's been showing since they got down from the plane. "By the way, we're staying at the 30th floor, out of 32 floors."

"Nice!" Seongwu, another one of Woojin and Guanlin's roommates, exclaims, excited by the view that's about to greet him. "What room did you get?"

"I said that my parents got me the executive room, right?" Woojin sucks air through clenched teeth.

"Awesomeeeee." Seongwu nods in approval, a sly grin on his face. "So how many of us are there in total?"

"There's you and me, and then there's Guanlin, and Daniel, and Sungwoon."

"Look, I only came here because you said--" Guanlin is instantly cut off by Woojin.

"Shh." the side of Woojin's lips rise. "We all know we have projects due next week."

Guanlin blinks in disbelief. "Did you only say that to bait me here--"

"No, Guanlin. You know I never lie. Now let's go and drop that mood, grandpa."

Guanlin raises an eyebrow. "Grandpa? Seriously?"

Woojin only smiles at him before turning his back, leading the rest of their clueless roommates (and one who isn't) to the elevator.

Guanlin is left behind by the four boys. He's wondering what Woojin meant by calling him grandpa.

He walks slowly, unaware that his friends have already closed the elevator door. 

It's impossible. There's no way he knows about it.

He can't know about it. That's something only Reaps and I know.

Springlake Main Road.

September 2, 2017.

Jihoon lays his head on the side, watching everything pass by rapidly as Jinyoung drives at the speed of light.

"Has everything been this beautiful ever since?" Jihoon asks, waiting for anyone in the car to answer his question.

"Yeah, pretty much." Jade, from the shotgun seat, answers. "Everything's been like this since I was born. Just very few improvements were made."

Jihoon's question prompts Jinyoung to throw one at him. "Why? Haven't you ever been to the city?"

Jihoon shakes his head, even though he was aware Jinyoung would not see him from where they were both seated. "No. This is my first time in the city."

Lies. It was his first time in the city, in 40 years. He'd been a rich man's son, after all. He was bound to spend some time in the city.

"I see. Have you always been living in Oakland Hills?"

"You know, to be honest, I think I've been living in a rehabilitation center," Jihoon jokes. "Because I have no idea where I have been for the past 18 years."

Jinyoung and Jade crack up, both unaware of the gravity of the joke Jihoon had just dropped.

"So you're 18 years old." Hyeob suddenly speaks, his voice failing to silence Jinyoung and Jade.

Jihoon looks to his right, where the friend he once had sits. He nods in response to his statement. "Yes, sir, I'm 18."

"Same age as the time I lost my best friend." Hyeob nods. "Take care of your life, okay? Don't let anyone take it from you."

"Mr. Hyeob!" Jade exclaims as she hears what Hyeob has just told Jihoon. "Don't traumatize him!"

Hyeob, however, hadn't been paying any attention. He continues to eye Jihoon straight in the eye, just as Jihoon wasn't taking his gaze off Hyeob.

Suddenly, Hyeob shows Jihoon his big smile. "Ah, ignore me. That's just my old self believing in things that died centuries ago. You know, like reincarnation."

Jihoon giggles, aware that Hyeob doesn't know what he's in front of. "It's nice to stick to your beliefs, sir." With that, Jihoon returns his gaze to the environment that has changed so much since the last time he was there.

It was time for them to drive up the skyway, which sits just beside the situated train tracks. It would be good for Jihoon to see what a train looks like now.

Just as Jinyoung drives by a car, a train passes by, someone inside catching Jihoon's attention.

The moment Jihoon and a boy in the train make eye contact, their eyes lock, and it was as if time had slowed down. That brief moment felt like a good six seconds of eye contact. 

Jihoon had never felt his heart beat so fast in only six fake seconds.

Having slightly been elevated by his excitement, Jihoon sits back down, facing Jade, Jinyoung, and Hyeob like a puppy whose name was called.

"Miss Jade," Jihoon does not fail to address Jade properly. "Do you know a certain Ahn Hyungseob?"

Jade faces Jihoon with a perplexed expression on her face. "Who's that?"

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