Wanted Housemates | BXB ❤ L...

By crypticfangirl

663K 29.1K 94K

[Completed] - Louis caught his boyfriend of five years cheating so he kicked him out, realizing only after th... More

Not a Chapter
[24] - Final Piece
Special Chapter
Thank you!
New Story Alert
Extra Chapter!


24.8K 1.1K 4.3K
By crypticfangirl

Hi everyone! I'm finally back and finally able to make a damn chapter. This chapter only took me a few hours and I should have started sooner but I have work.

Anyway, chapter is dedicated to :Larryshipperforever5 because she's a funny potato and I love heeeer.

Enjoy this chapteerr.



Chapter 7

Louis was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of food and hot half naked men feeding him when he was woken up by a loud crying sound coming from downstairs.

He didn't know what was going on and his mind was still groggy from sleep but he forced himself to roll over out of his bed and just managing to stay upright on his foot. He took the baseball bat from behind his door and slowly opened his door and carefully made his way downstairs.

He was gripping the bat nervously but ready to smash any home invaders face because he was having such a nice dream and they decides to rob his house, that was unacceptable, of all the days they can choose to invade his home.

He rounded the corner and took a long breath before jumping inside the living room and aiming his bat.

"-And then I said I'm uncomfortable and I ran!" a girl was sat on Louis' couch and she hasn't noticed Louis entering the room because she was sobbing hysterically and the floor was littered with used tissue.

Louis scrunched his nose in distaste because he was so not picking those up.

But his mind couldn't completely comprehend what was happening because there was a stranger inside his living room, crying and Harry was sitting on the opposite chair and writing something on a small notebook in his lap.

Louis didn't know what was happening this early in the morning.

"What the hell Harry." Louis grumbled as he set the bat down next to the couch and glared at his unwanted housemate.

Harry had been living in Louis house (yes this is Louis house and he would flip you off if you say otherwise) for almost a week and Louis did everything he could to avoid the curly exhibitionist because the sight of his pale naked bum is still engraved on his mind.

Niall had mentioned before that Harry had told him that he'll be working in the house and Louis didn't have a clue into what Harry's work entails and he hopes he didn't have to find out but right now, Louis is about to know because he needs a god damn explanation.

Harry paused from his writing and looked up to meet Louis gaze, he gave him a small grin and a wave.

"Good morning Louis!" Harry greeted enthusiastically.

Harry was too damn energetic in the morning, another thing Louis hates about him.

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot impatiently, he silently gestured to the girl sitting on his couch and crying her eyes out.

"This is Jasmine, she's my client. I told the others that I'll be using the living room for my sessions because you said no stranger is allowed in our room." Harry stated with a sigh and a knowing look directed at him.

Louis did in fact write that in the rule books.

"Sessions?" Louis asked in bewilderment.

"Oh right you didn't know, I'm a therapist." Harry finally nodded in understanding.

"Seriously?" Louis asked, not believing Harry one bit.

No way was this weirdo a licensed therapist. What has come to the world?

"Do you want to see my license?" Harry asked him a smirk and Louis felt his blood boil.

"No, enjoy your session or whatever." he snapped at him.

Jasmine was just watching them interact with a fascinated look.

Louis grumbled on his way to the kitchen to get something to eat because now he won't be getting back to sleep any time soon. He opened the fridge that wasn't containing Niall's pile of alcohol and surprised to see the amount of edible food stored on microwave-able containers. He should thank Liam for being such a good housemate and cooking food and not letting the others starve to death or be living off on cereals and take-aways.

He took some spaghetti and put it on the microwave and waited for it to heat, he didn't mean to overhear the conversation on the living room because the walls from the kitchen were thin.

"Listen, I know seeing your boyfriend in a dress might be a little uncomfortable but you have to let him explore it. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you." Harry explained to the girl and Louis suddenly got curious and stepped closer to get a better hearing range.

"The dress were okay, but he wanted me to wear a strap-on and fuck him and it's too much!"

Louis' mouth fell at the womans words.

"I understand completely what you're saying but it's not really a unique kink as a lot of men prefer to do it even if they're not gay."

What was going on.

"They do?" Louis heard her sniff but she sounds curious.

"Of course, i have a lot of patients ask me about it and a lot of women feel powerful when their men let them dominate them in bed."

'Oh my god', Louis thought to himself.

"I guess it does make sense." the girl finally replied.

Harry continued explaining.

"You should feel honored because your boyfriend trust you with something as important as this. Not a lot of man let their partner be in control of their pleasure."

"I didn't think of it that way."

"That's why I'm here, to help you and Mike explore your deepest desires and be comfortable with it." Harry answered and Louis can feel him grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you Dr. Styles." the girl said to Harry.

"It's no problem at all, you and Mike can start off simple and I have explained to him to not rush you and take it slowly, one step at a time."

"Thank you so much, you're the best. I will recommend you to my friends." She gushed at him.

"That's very kind of you. After a week, I'll give you and Mike a free session to try and understand how everything goes alright?" Harry said to her.

Louis was left frozen with his mouth hanging open at how this supposed session turned out to be, the microwave was signalling him the the spaghetti was already done heating but he couldn't make himself move from his spot.

He heard Harry and Jasmine talk some more on their way to the door and Harry was probably walking her out of the house.

Louis didn't move for a few more minutes and only snapped back to reality when Harry walked inside the kitchen and got himself some water.

He has his back turned to Louis and must not have noticed the gobsmacked look on Louis face.

"What the hell was that session about!?" Louis instantly exploded when he finally found his voice.

"Oh jesus!"  Harry jumped and almost dropped the water bottle.on his hand when he faced Louis.

"You scared me." Harry said as he stared at Louis in surprise.

"And I think you've scarred me for life." Louis replied with a squeak on his voice.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Strap ons, fucking, control over pleasures?" Louis knew his voice was getting higher but he couldn't help it, it was something to be freaked on about.

Realization dawned on Harry's face.

"Oh you meant my session earlier?" he questioned as he took a drink on his water. Louis was trying not to stare at how Harry was holding the water. It was too damn early for inappropriate thoughts.

"Of course that fucking session, what else is there!" Louis scolded as he took his food out of the microwave.

"Well no need to get over dramatic." Harry sighed at Louis.

"What kind of therapist are you even?" Louis couldn't help but ask because Louis thought he was physical therapist or even the one who handles people with disorders.

"I'm a sex therapist." Harry answered him instead and it was such. a surprise that Louis has to process it for a second.

He finally understood what Jasmine was talking about earlier but then he also understood what was about to be a normal occurrence on his house.

"And you're saying you'll be having those weird sessions in my house everyday!"

"I told you I need a private setting for my work." Harry stated to him with a knowing look.

Louis does remember Harry mentioning it but it was still a crazy thing.

"But those are supposed to be personal confessions where it should not be heard by other people. The walls are thin Harry!" Louis groaned because surely there was a law or something about things like that, privacy and all.

"I always ask them first if it's okay and they all agree." Harry explained to him as he raises an expectant eyebrow and waiting for Louis to make another over dramatic response.

"Oh my god, you're running a weird sex sessions on my house." Louis gasped in the awful realization.

"Still legally mine." Harry sing songs.

"Shut up." Louis snapped and took a forkfull of spaghetti.

He will not start an argument with Harry with an empty stomach.


Louis stared angrily at the doorway from where he, Biscuit and Niall was lounging on the stairs because the living room was off limits earlier.

How dare Harry from keeping Louis out of his living room.

"Are you seeing this Niall? The nerve of that guy." Louis grumbled as he watched Harry laugh with his client.

"I actually find it entertaining. I sometimes like to sit in and hear what people's kinks are." Niall replied as he continued typing on his laptop, he has a deadline tomorrow but he doesn't look all that bothered.

"What?" Louis turned to him and stared as if he said something stupid.

Which in Louis' opinion, he did.

"Do you know that there a lot of guys who are into that weird vampire drinking kink kind of thing." Niall said as he looked away from his laptop screen to share his thoughts.

Louis made a disgusted face.

"Oh my god, don't tell me that. It's gross." he snapped st him.

Niall didn't really care if Louis was getting uncomfortable because he continued.

"I sometimes wonder to myself if I have any unexplored kink. I actually signed up for a session with Harry next week." he stated with a shrug.

"Niall what the fuck?" Louis gasped at the blondes words.

"He's a really great sex therapist Louis." Niall explained to him.

"I don't want to know." Louis groaned and tried not to think about his friends problem with his sex life.

His mourning over Niall's confession was interrupted by Liam going down from upstairs where Louis though he was at work and not at home.

"Liam?" he asked in confusion at seeing his other housemate.

"Hi Louis." Liam smiled at him.

"What are you doing early? Is your shift already finished?" he asked because he was supposed not be at home at this time around.

Liam chuckled and tried fitting himself on the small gap that Louis and Niall left for people to go through. They were hogging the whole stairs to themselves.

"Oh no, I decided to take a day off. I signed a session with Harry." Liam finally explained once he successfully crossed Louis and Niall.

"You too!?" Louis couldn't help but raise his voice because not Liam, sweet innocent stripper Liam getting into this sex nonsense.

"What?" Liam asked in bewilderment.

"Can I sit in and listen Liam?" Niall excitedly asked as he lifted his eyes away from his laptop to stare at Liam expectantly.

"Uh sure Niall." Liam answered unsure.

Louis decided to stand up because he has heard enough as it is.

"Holy hell, I'm going out for a drink." he grunbled as he made his way upstairs to change.

He needs to go out and forget this conversation never happened.

"Why do you need to get out? I have loads of beer on the fridge." Niall said from where he was seated.

"I am so getting pissed drunk, goodbye." Louis grumbled and slammed his door shut


Louis decided to go to a bar and he was glad it wasn't as crowded as he expected. Well, why would it be crowded? It was a Sunday evening and any sensible person would not go drinking knowing they have work tomorrow which Louis has but does not care anymore.

He went inside after acknowledging the bouncer with a nod and went straight to the bar where he ordered some whiskey. The bartender quickly prepared his drink and gave it to him which Louis thanked him for, he drank it slowly as he roamed his eyes around the bar, trying to look if there is someone willing to ravish him tonight, or he'll do the ravishing, either way, Louis needed to get laid.

There was one particular bloke that caught Louis' gaze but all desire for fucking disappeared and the need to get drunk became more powerful. The urge to get hammered was caused by none other than Louis' ex-boyfriend, Kyle.

Kyle who was a douche bag and had a blonde boy on his lap, sucking each others tongue. Louis made a face of utter disgust at the lewd display but also a burning feeling on his chest because of course when they broke things off, Kyle wouldn't be feeling the same loneliness Louis feels because they guy can fuck anything that has a hole.

Such a serious jackass, Louis should award him a medal for it.

Louis immediately turned his gaze away from them and ordered a shot from the bartender. He didn't want to seem pathetic and spend his evening watching his ex-boyfriend fuck someone publicly.

The bartender hands him his drink and Louis was just about to drink it one go when a hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stopped him from getting the drink near his mouth.

Louis spluttered and turned to the owner of those evil big hands and ready to say a lot of colorful words but words didn't come when his eyes landed to a familiar curly headed man.

"You should not be drinking so heavily when it's a workday tomorrow." Harry apprehended him with a small scowl.

Louis just stared at him, not knowing what the hell was going on and where did Harry came from? When his brain has fully processed the events going on, he quickly shrugged Harry's hold from him and glared at him.

"What the fuck Styles, where did you come from and why are you here?" Louis hissed angrily.

He wanted to get pissed drunk and Harry does not have the right to stop him, but he was being stubborn and stopping Louis every time he tries to drink.

Louis was just about to fight Harry right there and now but then Niall, Liam and Zayn appeared behind him and Louis realized that oh, they were all here and not just Harry weirdly stalking him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Louis asked in confusion.

"You told me you wanted to get drunk and I should have supported you but chose to sit in on Liam explaining his sex life." Niall explained apologetically.

"Niall!" Liam screeched in embarrassment.

Zayn just looked at them curiously and Louis suspected that he doesn't know a thing that happened in their house and Louis is extremely jealous of him. He would like to not know what weird sex thing is going on in his house but he is not spared.

"You can guys do whatever you want but please let me drink in peace." Louis groaned and sent Harry an annoyed glare when he gave him a sweet smile after stopping Louis from consuming his alcohol.

"I am going to punch you Styles if you keep getting in the way." Louis threatened him.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and sat on the bar stool next to Louis.

He called the attention of the bartender and ordered a variety of weird sounding drinks. The other lads followed because they couldn't really stop Louis when he is on a mission, so might as well get drunk together.

"Even your drinks are fucking weird. Couldn't you just order a normal beverage."

"My life, my rules."

"Fucking hippie."

So the night went on like that with Louis drinking shots and Harry sipping his delicately and Louis wanted to roll his eyes but he's been doing it almost every time whenever Harry was trying to make a joke.

"Knock Knock Louis." Harry giggled next to him, he was already tipsy and Louis wasn't any better.

"Why are you so weird?" Louis sighed.

"You should say who's there." Harry pouted and Louis groaned because Harry was too old to be pouting.

"Who's fucking there Harry?" Louis grumbled after giving in.

"Impatient Cow." Harry answered with a grin, an expectant look all over his face.

"Impatient co-" Louis said but was rudely interrupted by Harry.

"MOOOO!" Harry shouted in excitement.

Louis just stared at him as if he'd grown another head.


"You didn't get it? It's an impatient cow and I didn't let you finish because it's impatient and-"

Louis raised his hand over Harry's face to cut him off.

"Shut up Harry."

Louis then decides to look for the others because they were just drinking there earlier and now they disappeared and Louis needs better companion than Harry.

He found Niall dancing with a girl on the dance floor so he's out of the list, he tried looking for Zayn because surely Zayn would take him.and spend some time with him. Louis did found him, but he was with Liam and of course he was with Liam. They were at the corner and having a conversation and giggling to themselves. Louis didn't have the heart to stop them and be a thirdwheel and so it seems he's stuck with Harry for the night.

"I need to take a pee."

"Then go Harry, you don't need to ask for permission."

Harry just giggled one more time before leaving his seat and going straight to the bathroom. Louis wasn't really that drunk, maybe he was abit tipsy but Harry always stops him from drinking too much and only letting him drink in small amounts.

It was not as he planned to spend his evening but Harry does have a point that he has work tomorrow and a hangover will surely hinder his productivity. Eleanor might also have his head because he already spent all his paid sick leave before, friends or not, she might get Louis fired.


Louis cursed inwardly and prayed that this was just his mind playing games and this was not happening right now but then Kyle appeared on his right with the same blonde he was exchanging tonsils with earlier next to him. Kyle had a smirk plastered all over his face and Louis was tempted to dump Harry's fruity cocktail all over his face.

"Fancy seeing you here, alone." He said the word alone slowly to try and make a point and Louis was fuming.

"I'd rather be alone than catch whatever disease he's having." Louis replied as he gestured to the blonde guy who looks out of it. Louis suspects that he was either drunk or high on whatever drugs he's had.

"Aw, are you jealous?" Kyle snickered.

Louis made a gagging face and turned his eyes away from him, he thought to just ignore him and pay him no mind because he does not deserve any of his attention.

"You can't really act all mighty when the truth that you probably never found anyone after me. Just say it, apologize and I will take you back." Kyle said after a moment, Louis spun his head towards him only to find him pushing the blonde away and letting him walk drunkenly around the room.

He got angry at how easily Kyle had discarded whomever that was, and Louis had an inkling memory of this vile animal doing the same thing to Louis before.

"Do you not have any kind of decency?" Louis fumed.

He was ready to just punch the guy in the face.

"Don't play hard to get babe, you know I'm the only one that can stand you."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"Let's be real, you wanted a family but you're an awful cook, you're lazy and self centered and over dramatic, not to mention the fact that you stopped working out and even trying. We used to be good in bed before but you became normal, typical and boring."

Louis didn't know where this was coming from, surely Kyle was just trying to rile him up and Louis would lie if his words did not have the stinging effect on him.

"Shut up." Louis hissed under his breath.

Kyle only laughed after Louis was left with no more witty remarks to reply because his words had gotten into his head. Louis wanted to get angry but he was suddenly engulfed with too much insecurity that he couldn't react well.

"Would you like to repeat those nonsense to me because I had a hard time understanding your bluffs." a gruff voice replied from behind Louis and Louis instantly recognized it.

"Harry." he said as he turns behind to see Harry staring at Kyle with a dark gaze.

"And who might you be?" Kyle finally found his voice after staring at Harry from head to toe.

Louis felt instantly angry at seeing Kyle's lusting reaction to Harry, Harry was wearing his typical Hawaiian polo which shows too much chest than necessary and Kyle might be ogling at them way too long to be appropriate.

Louis was furious but before he can angrily shout a Kyle, Harry was already beating him to it.

"I'm Louis' boyfriend."

Louis stared at Harry dumbly. His expression showing how unexpected that was.

"No you're not, Louis couldn't possibly ended up with someone as attractive as you." Kyle smirked and Louis then turns to send a hateful glare at him.

How fucking dare he.

"Well funny that considering you're the one left with nobody, probably best to run towards that blonde before he gets sober enough to look into your face, he might change his mind." Harry explained slowly, sounding serious but the tone was mocking. The glare on his face did not disappear as well and Louis was actually surprised that Harry has a different expression on his face besides his usual smiling one and the annoying smirk he always has.

The expression on his face could actually make Louis shiver unexpectedly.

Kyle didn't say another word before he stomped away and Louis was left speechless on his seat. He didn't know what the fuck has happened and if it was real that Harry had defended him just a while ago.

Harry took his usual seat and smiled at Louis, acting as if nothing was going on or that he just announced to his ex-boyfriend that he was in a relationship with Louis.

"Sorry i took so long, I got lost." he explained with an apologetic look.

Louis stared at him, unable to comprehend a single thing.

"So, knock knock?" Harry grinned after taking a small sip of his drinks.

"Who's there?" Louis asked automatically.

"Ho-Ho?" Harry grinned.

Louis' brow knitted in confusion.

"Ho-Ho who?"

"You know, your santa impression could use a little work." Harry replied seriously but then bursts into fits of laughter, he couldn't keep his straight face for so long.

"Oh my god you're a dork." Louis couldn't help but laugh.

All encounters with Kyle for tonight forgotten and was replaced with curly hair, green eyes and corny jokes.


Sooo, Kyle has returned and the biggest a hole as ever.

Harry should have punched him honestly but oh well.

What do you guys think? Knock knock jokes are the best.

Thank youuuu.

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