Life Abuse | Book 1ใ€Gene X Re...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 ]
[ Chapter 2 ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
[ Chapter 5 ]
[ Chapter 6 ]
[ Chapter 7 ]
[ Chapter 8 ]
[ Chapter 10 ]
[ Chapter 11 ]
[ Chapter 12 ]
[ Chapter 13 ]
[ Chapter 14 ]
[ Chapter 15 ]
[ Chapter 16 ]
[ Chapter 17 ]
[ Chapter 18 ]
[ Sequel ]
[ Sequel Out ]

[ Chapter 9 ]

1.9K 49 60
By Mariko_Akiyama

* play song *

Y/N's pov

It was a rough day, Dante just drop Aph, Ein and i at the house. I kind off depressed of what Michi just said, and i have to use a wheelchair for 4 month even to school.

Ein helped me to get to my room. Aph just went to her bed and slept. Ein slept on my rocking chair. I was laying on my bed trying to sleep. Minutes later i heard a knock on my window. I sat up on my bed and look at a the window. There was a black figure, it opened up the window and went in. I don't want to wake Ein up from his beauty sleep.

I look around to find anything sharp. I grabbed my phone and put on the flashlight to reveal who it is.

" hey, would you make the brightness dimmer! " he whined.

" Gene? " i said as i turned of my phone's flashlight.

" what are you doing here? " i whispered.

" i came to see you " he said.

" me, why? " i whispered asking

" cause what Michi did to you today was really-- " he said but i cut him off.

" Gene i told you, you don't have to worry about me " i said.

" how is that supposed to help? " he said sitting on my bedside.

" whatever, at least you're still alive " he said.

" yeah but i have to use a wheelchair for 4 month " i complained.

" 4 months! " he yelled while whispering.

" shhhhh!! " i whisper and put a finger on my lips.

" oh, sorry, just shocked " he said i just sighed.

" who's that? " he asked.

" oh, Ein i found him in the middle of the road " i explained.

" what was he doing there? " he asked.

" he ran away from his father that....abused him " i said looking down.

" hey " he said and hook my chin up.

" you'll get through this " he said.

" you're always there when i needed you " i said as i hugged him, he hugged back.

" always and forever " he whispered into my ear.

We pulled apart and just gaze into each other eyes.

" why are you wearing a tube instead of a mask " he asked.

" why? " i asked looking at him confused.

" because so i can do this " he said as he kiss me, i kissed back.

He put his right hand on the back of my neck and the other on the back of my head. I just sit there and do nothing except kiss back.

" what was that for? " i asked and smile.

" cause i love you " he said.

" is that the only answer you going for everytime i ask? " i asked him.

" yup " he said and we laughed a bit.

" well i gotta go " he said.

" bye " i said.

He peck a kiss on my cheek and went out the window. I watch him went out an wave at me, i waved back. After that i dozed off.

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up with my alarm going off, by alarm i mean Ein shaking me. I got up and walk to my bathroom and showered. I then sat on my wheelchair as Ein wheel me to school. We walk together with the others.

When we arrived at school, many students were looking at me. Some of them whispered to each other. I just ignore it and Ein wheel me to my locker. I change my book and went to class since i have the same schedual with Ein.

Today i had piano lesson, but i didn't play. All my teacher were already informed about me, so they just let me watch and rest in the meantime the others play.

" okay class, i have an anouncment for you, in the end of the month, the school have a singing contest, so be ready and make it shine " he inform us.

* Bell rings *

As the bell rang Ein help me to my locker and get my food and we went to the cafeteria. Ein wheel me to the table with the others.

" hey Y/N " Katelyn greeted me.

" hi " i said.

" so, how's piano? " Travis asked Ein.

" it was fine i guess " he answered.

" hey, did the teacher tell you guys about the singing contest? " Aphmau asked us, we nodded.

" so are you guys in? " Dante asked.

" yes " all of us answered.

" um Y/N, what are you going to sing? " Laurance asked.

" well it's a secret " i said.

" is it another song about your life again? " Aaron asked.

" no, well close enough " i said suspiciously.

After that, we ate our lunch, Aph's mom made me and Ein some taco's, and while she had pancakes. Ein kind of complain about it more often now.

" hey Lucinda, what about the youtube channel that you were going to make? " Vylad asked breaking the silent.

" oh that, i'm still working on the channel name, the profile picture and banner will have to be the picture of us " she explained.

" what about the house that were going to live together? " Garroth asked.

" i'm still looking for the house for our studio and stuff " Laurance answered.

" Revelet " Ein said and we were confused.

" Reve- what? " Zane asked.

" Revelet for our youtube name " Ein answered.

" i think it's purfect " Kawaii~Chan said along with a pun.

" ugh puns " Zane said rolling his eyes, Kawaii~Chan just giggled.

" oh, i ran out of water " i said looking at my empty water bottle.

" i'll refill it for you " Ein said refilling it and came back.

" here " Ein gave me the bottle.

" thanks " i said thanking him.

" no prob " he said.

I was about to drink it, but someone squeezed the bottle and the water splash on my face. Some of the water went into my nose and through my throat.

" ....what the...what the heck!! " i complained while coughing looking at my soaked clothes.

" aww~, looks like you got somethimg on your shirt " said Sasha as she left.

" i'll get you clean " Aph said and wheel me to the girl's restroom.

Aph took out a small portable fan from her bag, she switch it on and dry my clothes, few minutes later she was done and the bell ring in time.

She wheel me to my locker and let Ein take over. I had guitar lesson with Dante again, but with Ein this time.

At class the teacher wasn't there the entire lesson, me Ein and Dante were just chatting about random stuff. The bell rang for us to go home and Ein wheel me to my locker, i've put my book in my locker, i was about to put my last book but someone pull my wheelchair.

" wait Ein i need to put one more book " i said.

" who are you calling Ein? " a girl voice said to me.

I turned and just look at Sasha holding the handle of my wheelchair. She push my wheelchair to the wall. I close my eyes with my hand, waiting for the impact, nothing happened.

I peeked between my two fingers, seeing me inches away from the wall. I turned around to see who save me, Ein.

" thanks " i said, he just smiled.

Ein wheel me back to my locker and i put my last book. The others walk me home and went back to their houses.

Ein just sat next to me with Aph, Ein was changing the channel until someone knock on th door.

" i'll get it " Ein said getting up.

Ein went to the door, he opened it, he frozed a second and said something.

" ....father....!? " he said, he backed away a bit.

I got to my wheelchair and Aph getting up.

" hello and i got buisness to do at home " he said in a low voice.

" sir, you have to-- " i said but i froze for a second to see a person i never expected to see.

" ....father....!? " i said, me and Ein were shock.

" it's really nice to see my son and daughter together as brother and sister " he said smirking.

" brother? " i said in confused.

" sister? " Ein said in confused.

We looked at each other in shock. Aph just stood there shock.

" yes you heard me, son and daughter together " he said as he laughed maniacly.

" but how? " i said in confused.

" well you see, when i married his mother she gave birth to him and died, i then married to another one and she died because of me. " he explain.

Ein and i were confused. Father didn't saw Aph, she hid behind the kitchen table and pull out her phone, i caught a glimps of the phone number, Aaron's phone number.

I saw Aaron pick up the phone, and i began to talk.

" father what are you doing here? " i asked and act at the same time. Ein knew what i was doing, he joined in.

" father weren't you in jail " Ein said.

" i was, but i escaped with an easy trick of mine " he explained.

" i see you're on a wheelchair and wearing an oxygen tube, means you have breathing problem " he said smirking.

" how did you? " i said in shock.

I then saw Aph's phone that Aaron hung up. Father then came towards me but Ein stopped him. He punched Ein an he fell to the ground, i got up and help him. I heard something, as i turned i saw father holding a handgun. He pulled the trigger and shoot.

After that i felt pain on my left chest, on my heart.

Hi guys i know cliffhangers, and papa's back! Wait for it......YAAAAAAY NEW CHAPTER IS OUT!!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, the next chapter will be out soo.



~ Mariko

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