Lovely Pain

By NiraElice

1M 52.2K 4.5K

{Originally Lovely Tears Of Blood} I walked into my bedroom after a long day at school, Martha had cut my hai... More

Copyright Warning
Chapter 1 {Edited}
Chapter 2 {Edited}
Chapter 3 {Edited}
Chapter 4 {Edited}
Chapter 5 {Edited}
Chapter 6 {Edited}
Chapter 7 {Edited}
Chapter 8 {Edited}
Chapter 9 {Edited}
Chapter 10 {Edited}
Chapter 11 {Edited}
Chapter 12 {Edited}
Chapter 13 {Edited}
Chapter 14 {Edited}
Chapter 15 {Edited}
Chapter 16 {Edited}
Chapter 17 {Edited}
Chapter 18 {Edited}
Chapter 19 {Edited}
Chapter 20 {Edited}
Chapter 21 {Edited}
Chapter 22 {Edited}
Chapter 23 {Edited}
Chapter 24 {Edited}
Chapter 25 {Edited}
Chapter 26 {Edited}
Chapter 27 {Edited}
Chapter 28 {Edited}
Chapter 29 {Edited}
Chapter 30 {Edited}
Chapter 31 {Edited}
Chapter 32 {Edited}
Chapter 33 {Edited}
Chapter 34{Edited}
Chapter 35{Edited}
Chapter 36{Edited}
Chapter 37{Edited}
Chapter 38{Edited}
Chapter 39{Edited}
Chapter 40{Edited}
Chapter 41{Edited}
Chapter 42{Edited}
Chapter 43 {Edited}
Chapter 44 {Edited}
Chapter 45 {Edited}
Chapter 46 {Edited}
Chapter 48 {Edited}
Chapter 48 (The Last Mark) {Edited}
Chapter 49 {Edited}
Chapter 50 {Edited}
Chapter 51 {Edited}
Chapter 52 {Edited}
Epilogue (Saebriels POV)
Sequel and More?!

Chapter 47 {Edited}

13.9K 810 70
By NiraElice

Of course I was always wrong, I didn’t hear the door open all I felt was the cold air tickle along my back. Very slowly I looked over my shoulder at the man in question standing in the doorway with wide surprised eyes, in his arms were a few quartered logs for the fire. Damn I should have grabbed my clothes and scurried back to the bathroom. I watched as his face went pink and he kept trying to look away, was he embarrassed? He was embarrassed!


“I forgot to bring a change in with me.” I said glancing down at the large black shirt I had in my hands, it was about three sizes too big for me and hung down around mid-thigh so I always wore it as a winter bedtime shirt. It had an Akhenaten on the front (the T with an o on top of it).


As if he realized then that he was staring he cursed under his breath and tore his eyes away from me instead staring at the floor. He stepped into the cabin closing the door behind him, with hurried steps he made his way to the fireplace at the foot of the bed and set the wood down beside the stone hearth. I pulled the shirt over my head and shifted awkwardly, the air in the cabin grew tense as the silence dragged out.


“What happened to the Saebriel that said he would win and take what every girl held precious?” The thought came out of my mouth without any warning.


He glanced at me finding me dressed better now, a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he stoked the fire. I made my way over towards him crouching down beside him tucking the large shirt underneath me treating it like a dress.


“That was poor arrogance, and it was rude. I regret ever saying those things to you now.” He looked over at me and sighed.


“Do you think I’m attractive?” I asked reached forward and catching a flying spark in my hand, when I unfurled my fingers it was gone.


“Why are you asking?” he went back to gently shifting the crumbling logs around trying to make room for more.

It was my turn to smirk, “I can see it when you look at me, there’s a hesitation before you relax. Just now to you kept looking away.” An ember fell from the fireplace onto the stone floor that was only in front of the fire, I watched it burn and then fizzle out.


“I kept looking back at you didn’t I?” he muttered setting the poker down, “I find you aggravatingly attractive Aderyn.”


“Why is it I’m always aggravating with you?” I hissed narrowing my eyes at him.


“Because you are aggravating to me. You’re beautiful, and fragile. I could break you in the worst of ways if I’m not careful, so I have to keep myself in check. Its aggravating because of things like this where your there and it’s like your tempting me, trying to push me past my limit.”


“I don’t mean to.” I grumbled crossing my arms and resting my chin on top of them, leaning forward so I was curled into a little ball balancing on my toes.


“I know you don’t. You never do, it’s the bliss of being human. It’s hard for me to even kiss you now because you don’t fight back.”

Rolling my eyes I snorted a laugh, “Sorry, next time you kiss me I’ll be sure to punch you in the gut.”


“You know that’s not what I meant,” He snapped glaring over at me, “It’s harder to stop with just kissing you now. I fight the urge to bite you, to take you, the dark need to have you in every way. If you had said no earlier I would have had to walk away from you, it wouldn’t have been safe for me to be near you any longer without gaining something.”


My eyes went wide, what would he have done or tried to gain from me if I had said no and he couldn’t walk away? A small prick of fear burned in my stomach making me a little nauseous. I felt bad for him in a way though, I had really acted in my own interests ignoring the fact that he might have felt the same for me.

Especially after the whole thing with Ekaterina and the letter, I had tried to use him without thinking of how he would feel about it. Swallowing some of my own pride feeling my face heat with embarrassment already I took a deep breath, might as well make things really awkward.


“Well your aggravatingly attractive too, so don’t think this is a one way street.” I said shifting onto my knees.


“What?” Saebriel sounded genuinely surprised.

Turning to face him I struggled to keep eye contact, “It’s unfair, physically there is no flaw. And it’s just as frustrating being a teenage girl with my hormones already out of whack being near you, adding the fact that you are probably the only person who genuinely wanted to be near me I lose control.I get a little carried away and forget that you aren’t human and could hurt me if you aren’t careful.” I took another deep breath and turned towards Saebriel, “Even if you did hurt me, it wouldn’t change anything I’m still your fiancée, I’m still going to be your Bride and no matter what I’ll always love you.”


His arms tightened and he turned moving faster than I could follow pushing me onto the floor his hands pressed on either side of my head, my wet hair lay overtop of his fingers which tangled themselves.


“Say it again.” He demanded.

I didn’t even have to ask what he wanted me to say I knew now, “I love you Saebriel Cashel.”


He gave a deep rattling growl before crushing his mouth to mine, his fangs pricked my lips as we kissed filling both our mouths with the tangy penny taste of blood. There was a raw hunger in his kiss this time, but also something cold and distant. I couldn’t tell what the hunger was for, whether it was for blood or for something carnal but it was intoxicating to feel.


Saebriels hands slid from my hair with ease, leaving me to keep a hold on him snaking my fingers through his soft hair. I felt his fingers tickling the sides of my thighs at the shirt hem, instantly my heart leapt as they slid underneath traveling up along my hips gliding along my sides, pulling the shirt up as well. He broke away from the kiss and smiled as I gasped for air forgetting that I needed to breathe. The shirt came up over my head and he tossed up onto the bed, then he knelt infront of me just looking down at me.


“So goddamn beautiful.” He rasped leaning over me again, he looked more predator than I was used to.


“I know you are but what am I?” I smiled at him watching his eyebrows furrow.

He didn’t chuckle instead I watched as his fangs peeked out from between his lips, “Aggravating.” He smiled after saying it his eyes lightening up a little more.


“You really want to be stuck with me for the rest of your eternal life?” I suddenly felt very small, my voice echoed that feeling but sounding soft and weak.


“I don’t see my life anyway else, you are going to be my wife Aderyn. I have no doubt in my mind that this is what I want and hope that it is what you want.” A watery smile trembled along my lips as more tears came to my eyes making his image blurry again.


“I love you Saebriel.” I whispered running my hands up through his hair again and pulling him down to kiss me.


His handsresumed their travels across my stomach sliding upwards and tickling under my bra wire, threatening quietly to not stop. His lips broke from mine leaving me to drag in a ragged breath watching him as his eyes slowly traced a path from my lips along my neck down my collar bone over my chest and down to my tummy.

Saebriel lowered his mouth to the side of my neck and kissed my pulse, his cool lips lingering over it making me shudder beneath him, then he trailed kisses along the path he had scouted with his eyes, over the collar bone, but he hovered over my breasts and that’s when my face went bright red andinstinctually I wanted to sit up and swat him off like a fly.


“I’m going to bite you.” He rumbled looking up at me through his hair that tumbled down over his face.


Sucking in a deep breath I nodded weakly unsure of what else I was supposed to do, a warm smile, one that he gave me very rarely brightened his ashen face giving him the illusion of being human. I expected him to move back up to my neck or collar bone but he lowered his lips to the part of my breast that was exposed, brushing his warm lips over my skin dragging a whimper from between my lips.


He wasn’t seriously going to try and bite me there was he? I gasped and jumped as his tongue gently grazed over the warm flesh, he continued to watch me waiting most likely for me to tell him to stop to get away from me. What he forgot was I had let him get this far, besides he was the one with issues surrounding me, my body and my blood.


I was more-so indifferent when it came to Saebriel, he very rarely actually demanded impossible things from me, he just asked things that were reasonable most of the time. At least he wasn’t acting all guilt ridden about biting me this time, looking into his eyes I could see the restraint but I could also see how quickly it was slipping away. The first prick of his fangs breaking through my flesh made me cry out in pain and try and pull my body away. His arms wrapped tightly around my back, one hand held the back of my neck keeping me immobile as he began to feed.


Warmth filled my body and my ears were swarmed with ringing, I could feel his body growing warmer and warmer with every passing second. The pain was gone in nearly an instant and then I was left with this sensation of euphoria, my fingers glided back through his soft smoky hair grabbing fistfuls of it tugging gently as I began to fidget my legs shifted around as if I were trying to push away from him but there was no force to it.

To my great and utter embarrassment a low husky moan found its way from my lips, he reacted by biting harder drawing more blood up into his mouth. Loving a Vampire wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, he didn’t sparkle (bonus), he was moody(who isn’t), he cared for me with all his being, and he loved to make me food (minus bacon, but after a few years I’ll break him of that).


The moment was glorious, it was the first moment of intimacy that we had really had. And I wasn’t ruining it! Go me! The fire snapped and crackled on my right sending out waves of dry heat and dancing orange light with dark misty shadows that stretched up the log walls of the cabin. Wind moaned past the windows whistling inbetween the tree’s branches and tossing around large drifts of snow completely blank making it feel as though we were in our own little world secluded from Kaden and Terry, school work, and teachers, family and friends. I was utterly alone with Saebriel.


With a loud crash the front door flew open with a gust f bitter cold wind and tiny sparkling particles of snow. Saebriel pulled away from me quickly before I jumped and screamed, which all happened in a matter of seconds. Sabrinna, Simon, and Mercury came through the door in a fight ready stance looking around the cabin room slowly finding their way to Saebriel and I on the floor in a very compromising position.


Mercury turned on his heel and stared back out the door, his shoulders rigid as if he had walked in on his mother changing. Simon averted his eyes to the ceiling and very slowly followed Mercury in turning around, Sabrinna was the only one who didn’t look away.


“Well then…” she murmured her eyes catching the blood on my chest, “You two were getting rather busy weren’t you?” she asked in a hushed tone.

I shut my eyes, god Damnit.

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