An Unexpected Love

By JordanDanielleGiddin

142 2 0

Hermione is a first year at hogwarts, she is excited to finally meet the mysterious Harry Potter. She faces... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

An Unexpected Love

89 2 0
By JordanDanielleGiddin


Its my first year at hogwarts my heart is racing I'm so scared. i've heard stories of the slytherin kids and they sound mean. im hoping to become friends with Harry Potter he started last year and i know he will protect me. My mom was driving me to the trainstation i had all my stuff for the coming months at school. she looked sad and i didnt know what to say. She never wanted me to go to hogwarts, she thought it was different that i didnt have magical parents and she didnt want me to get picked on. I told her it would be fine and though she supports me she isnt happy.  We get to the station and because my mom isn't magical i have to go through the passage alone. I say my goodbyes and tell her i love her and to tell dad the same. I'm nervous, the very thought of running face first into a brick wall makes me cringe, but i have to do it. I run with my cart and my cat, fluffy, i dont even hesitate before i hit the wall. I smash right into it but to my surprise it didnt hurt. For about 5 seconds i just see a black darkness around me and nothing around me, then i come out the other side.  Every first is staring at me evaluating all that come through the passage.  I get on the train but i cant find a seat unt'il i get to a car with a small redheaded girl i open the door.  " Hello I'm Hermione Granger, may i sit here."

"Yes, better you than a malfoy." she replies and i sit down and fluffy curls up next to me and starts to purr.

"Thx, I've read of the Malfoy's and i dont blame you for not wanting them in here." i smiled lightly and petting fluffy.'

"I'm sorry i failed to introduce myself I'm Ginny Weasley."

"well, its nice to meet you." We rode most of the rest of the ride in silence, until i realized who she really was.

"your ron's sister aren't you?" i questioned.

"why yes i am and why does that matter."she asked.

" No reason i just know that he helped Harry Potter save hogwarts from 'he who shall not be named' with the sorcorers stone. I can wait to meet Harry im a huge fan."

"Don't mess with Harry he's mine i love him stay away from him!" and with that we rode the rest of the way in absolute silents.

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