Bullet flag

By Iodon53

365 12 31

The Banana Bus Squad have all come to a forest resort, to take a break from YouTube and see each other in per... More

Landing (Mini Ladd)
Games (Marcel)
Something's not right (Brock)
Rules, Rules, Rules (Tyler)
Strats (Sean)
Let the game begin (Luke)
This can't be happening... (Gorrila)
New resolve (Felix)
Sorry about this (athor's note)

Worries and feelin' (Daithi De Nogla)

40 1 3
By Iodon53

It was night time, around one in the mornin', and I was sure I was the only one awake. Although, ya never know, especially in this weird group of people. The problem is though, ever since Jon said yes to the Capture the Flag game yesterday, I've had this really bad naggin' feelin' in my stomach, and it's definitely not a nice feelin'.

Being in the middle of summer, and me being very closest to the door at the front of the room, I started to get hot with the add nervousness. So I got up out of my hammock and walked the other end of the cabin, overlookin' the water, to see if I could cool down.

As I was sittin' with my feet danglin' in the water, I heard slight movement from the front of the room, and then footsteps comin' towards me. A small figure sat down beside me, knowin' that it was Lui.

"Nogla?" Lui whispered quietly, as to not disturb the others.

"Yeah Lui?" I replied.

"Just... Don't shrug this off with a laugh ok... I'm really worried about later today, like, I feel as if something bad is going to happen... But I feel as if I'm the only one feeling that way. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I'm actually scared, David," Lui admits, shiverin' slightly throughout his sentence.

"Your not alone Lui," I say as I pull him into hug," I honestly feel it to, and I think Marcel's getting it as well. And quote me if I'm not correct, Mark questioned Jon yesterday for a reason," I softly whisper back, now rockin' him back and forth.

"David, you think we're going to be ok?" He whimpered.

"I honestly don't know Lui, I honestly don't know," I admit.

About an hour had past of just Lui and I holdin' each other, bracin' ourselves for the unknown that we feel comin'. But knowin' that the majority of our group are lookin' forward to later, we really couldn't change their minds just by a 'feelin', so we had to go anyway. We're not leavin' our friends behind, we already talked about that.

Unfortunately, sunrise eventually came. As the Sun grow over the horizon, so did the feelin's in our guts, and slowly the eyes in the room became overcome with consensus.

"David? Lui? How long have you been awake?" Tyler questioned out of the blue.

"Don't know, awhile maybe," I sighed in response.

"W-why d-id you d-do tha-at?" Arlan stressed in his infamous stutter voice.

"Simple, couldn't sleep," replied Lui as he got up from where he was sittin' and over to his belongin's at his hammock.

Lui and I certainly worn't the only ones who had a lack of sleep. Luke, Mark and Marcel were all definitely sporting the sleepless night look to. The only difference is, their better at hidin' it.

It was around seven at the moment, so that gave us an hour to get ready. Then the drive will take at least an hour, so then we'd be at the arena about an hour early, simple as that (To many hours... 😑).

For the drive to the arena we had to split up into different cars, because there were so many of us.

"ALRIGHT!!! Who's going in which car?" Evan questioned.

Luke at that moment piped up, "I'll take Mark and Marcel, if that's alright with you guys?" No one argued while Mark and Marcel nodded in agreement.

They were up to somethin', and I think I know what.

"If it's alright with you three, can Lui and myself catch a ride with you?" The three of them glanced at one another for a little while before Marcel nodded. He knew I was just as unsure about today just as much as they are, thankfully.

We all filled into the separate cars in groups. Jon, Evan, Craig, Tyler and Arlan. Brian, Brock, Ryan, Bryce and Smitty, and then Scotty and Anthony, being best friends, both court a ride together, then there was my group.

We had been in the car for five minutes now, and the tension was thick. But luckily Marcel was able to break the ice.

"How do you guys feel about today's activity?" he carefully questioned.

"Like somethin's about to go wrong," I reply unwaveringly.

"Same as all us then, good, that means we can let you guys in on this to," Luke said in a leader like courage. "There's only a small percentage of us in our group who feel as if something wrong is going to happen today, and that's the five of us sitting in this car. We are out numbered by the others, so we can't convince them otherwise about today. So, being the guy that I am, I always carry guns with me. I snuck them into the boot while no one was looking. We each take one, just in case.

"Don't you think that's a little extreme, I mean, it's a game with fake guns, who would bring live ammunition to that?" Mark questioned hesitantly.

"I you think about it, it's not extreme at all. It's there for self defence IF, something were to happen, other then that they won't be used," Lui pipes in (with a devilish grin 😈).

"But why guns? What's the worst the could happen that would lead to havin' to use guns?" I say confusingly.

"Wild animals?" Marcel suggests.

"That could be a possibility, we don't know how secure the arena it's just yet" Luke reasons.

Before our conversation could continue, we had and incomin' call from the car leadin' us to the arena.

"Hey guys, ya there?" Brock spoke over the line.

"Yeah Brock, we here, what is it?" Marcel answered.

"We only have about fifteen minutes left for the drive, so I suggest you guys get your selves ready. Oh, and one more thing, the last ten minutes of the drive will be on dirt road. This will be a bush land game, so we will be running around in the middle of nowhere," he informed us.

"Meaning?" Luke cautiously asked.

"One, their will be no phone connection, and two, we need to organise our own supplies before we head into the arena, such as food, water and paint ball ammo." Brock answered calmly.

"Alright, thanks for that Brock, see you in ten minutes," Mark bided Brock goodbye, as Brock hang up.

"We're going to have to stick closer together then we thought," Lui piped up once more, just as the dirt road came into view.


Hey guys, updates will be able to be published easier now. I finally got a new IPad, one that isn't smashed and constantly glitching out on me and deleting every piece of progress I made with this story😣. It did it to me twice on the second chapter😩. So I told my Oma (Grandmother) that all I wanted was an IPad for Christmas. Little did I know, she would end up getting me a new one the day after I said I wanted one 😅. Gotta love her.

Anywho, thanks for reading, and as always, I hope ya enjoyed.

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