Hangman » Yoongi✓

By jinsinner

94.1K 4.2K 1.4K

BTS ASSASSIN X OC "Just because you're intimidating doesn't make you better than me." I snapped. His eyes... More

PT9 : A
PT28: Finish !


2.4K 105 47
By jinsinner


My heels had clicked elegantly against the tiled floor of the business company, and although I looked like a professional assistant, I had no clue on how to actually work the 2100's new addition technology...like at all.

Passing rich and modernised people, few had white and intimidating lab coats on, others wore the elegance of a pencil skirt or a suit with blank black ties.

Although this world was evolutionary, most people now a days only wore the simple and straight forward of clothes, only what people called 'misfit' or rather 'crackpots' wore anything different, and were abused and assaulted daily for the looks they received.

Yes, i was one of few who was called out for the way I dressed, but never had I changed my ways to suit them, that wasn't me and I'm positive in a million years it would never be.

"Turn left." A voice in my intercom had spoke, the feminized tone of my blonde sister immediately soothed my nerves and mind from reminding itself- This could be my last mission.

Because, to be fairly honest, this was probably the most threatening mission on my life, having to walk through the building and agency that wanted you use me to their advantage? If they get their hands on me, I'm sure I'll be a goner, along with my memories.

Turning left, I continued on with my journey to Bangtan's of yore boss, someone who at the moment not only I despised, but Namjoon, Seeing as he had taken our long lost best friend and sister away from us.

"You're nearly there, Just take the elevator at the end of the hall, he'll be on the 182nd floor." E had advised in a raspy and anxious demeanor, I sighed under my breath knowing something was amiss with her.

"What's wrong?" I had swiftly hushed, after just missing a mans shoulder as it was coming for my face, I rapidly moved before it could collide.

"I- How'd you know?" She had tried to change the subject along with her persona as her voice desperately tried to lighten, I had then heard sounds muffled on the other side, now knowing the others were with her.

I had then scoffed. "Although I can't see you Esme Cho, I can tell by the tone of your voice and the way it's faltering that you're either uncomfortable or afraid." Although this job was complicating, at least I could openly talk to my ear piece, lots of people were doing it anyway.


"Is anyone with you?" I had interrupted her either rant or long babble ready to come, I had then heard shuffling. Stepping into the elevator, I pressed upwards. This'll take forever.

"Yes...Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon."

"Okay...Good, Just... give Jin the head set please."

Ruffling vigorously had gone through my right ear, not too disruptive or painful, just enough for me to hear.


"Fucking hug her you bastard. She's anxious about the mission and I just need you to distract her while namjoon works the ear piece." I had whispered out harshly, till as expected the elevator doors reopened. A female clad of white walked through, her face nearly entirely covered.

I harshly whispered lower then I even thought I could go. Anticipating she wouldn't ask or question anything.

"I'll give you a hint Seokjin. Stroking and petting, she's soothed efficiently if you do so." I barked an unofficial order, before Seokjin had groaned dishearteningly.

"Does she really need that?"

"Yes. I've had to do that to her every night, till she turned 18. Fucking do it you sloth."

I then heard the impatient sound of ruffling, clearing he had taken the headset off and paired it to Namjoon. I'm sure he was blushing scarlet red.

Positively Namjoon had only let an an audible 'here' before resuming the silence and obviously starting to work the halls, but that didn't stop me from herring the faint cussing in the other side, guessing it was Suga, I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me?" A voice had delicately spoken up through the sudden thickness of silence, cocking my head the females way. I raised a brow, an evident scowl on my fair complexion as I wasn't too happy she actually wanted to talk with me.

"You...Um." She stuttered, and her voice was faltered by the white mask on her face, her amber eyes blinked multiple times as her eye lashes fluttered. Her dark beige hair was pulled back into a bun and she was extremely lanky with a soaring height of two heads above me.

"You look like someone... Are you new?"

"Yes, actually. I'm the bosses new assistant." I had meekly replied, before simply turning my head away and looking over my own outfit to ignore the familiar aura she gave out.

Wearing a simple blouse tucked in behind a pencil skirt and simple black heels, my ebony hair tied back in a low bun, two strands distastefully poking out in first of my face and circular glasses covering my cocoa coloured eyes.

"I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable, but the boss can be very...." She sighed over dramatically, and although I couldn't see her face well,need eyes creased wrinkles as if she was cringing. "Vile, I'd watch out."

I nodded, before hastily turning away, although my brain was continuously telling me to  look towards the woman beside me, I kept the want inside and held my tongue.

"He's done so many bad things ma'am, I've seen with my eyes, don't drink his water or alcohol, and don't sit too close. That's my vital warning."

I took her words in, although uh I did feel a heat of suspicious over the deep Amber eyes that kept trailing down my persona, and the sudden crack of her voice as she spoke, she had clearly to me, experienced something noxious.

Not only a minute later, we were on the 154th floor, guessing where her departure was she descended the now open elevator and gave off a sympathetic aura, pulling down her mask.

My breath left my throat.

"It was nice meeting you sis." She had grinned, expressing her desire to go hug and hold her little sister tight, she instead held her hand to her heart in a respective manner.

"Please, get out of here while you still can."

Like that. My sister had disappeared.

If only I had realised earlier, those eyes were nearly as identical as mine, along with knowing her prior personality, she was still the same Grace Piper as before.

A sudden agony hit my chest, and I was holding in the salty tears as I took in intent  breaths as I heard my hand to my heart, looking down and away from anything that could see me.

Why was she so terrified?

"That was her, wasn't it?"

I sighed in utter perplexity and disorientation, heart hammering inside my chest I choked down the burning in my nose and rib cage. "Yeah...it was her."

"Is she...still the same?"

The question made me feel queasy, did I even know if she was still the same Grace as before? Was I sure she wasn't brain washed, forced to trick my brain and destroy the mission?

How did I even know?

"To be honest Namjoon. I can't be conclusively positive." I rubbed my temple in deep realisation. "The last time I would've seen her was... So long ago. More then a decade from now, all I could remember of her..."

"Was her eyes? That's what I always saw in her.

"Precisely. She those those gorgeous amber eyes, along with those long eyelashes and fair skin, all was different but those, her hairs more pastel brown, she's tall, probably nearly as tall as you Namjoon."

"she must have eyes like you then?"

A husky and distinct voice fell into my right ear, and my lips curled up forcefully in a grin, little dimples falling beside my lips I chuckled under my breath.

"Yoongi why are you up? You should be sleeping."

"No. I'm not sleeping when you're on a mission." His words were clear and blunt, but I had subconsciously rolled my chocolate coloured eyes. "You actually expect me to sleep when you girlfriends on a mission?"

"Yoongi we haven't even cleared it up yet, we aren't dating."

"Oh yes we are."

"No we aren't."

"Tell that to my d—" Namjoon, had clearly stopped the foul words that were about to emit from the black haired mans lips. "Be quiet Yoongi Hyung, or I'll kick you out."

"Fucken hell. What ever."

I had opened my mouth to speak, how swift and easy it was for the man to distract me from the horror and anxiousness of my sister and the upcoming issues, I was grateful for him.

I was surpassingly grateful for Min Yoongi.

Till the elevator stopped at the top story.

And the mic had gone silent.

"Holy Shit..."

The top story was covered in glass that overlooked possibly the whole of Seoul, I bit my lip to suppress the need to run the other direction when I looked towards the floors below me in astonishment.

The floors were incrusted rose gold, the curtains against the windows of the walls were silver. There was a bar on the side rich and full of alcohol, in the middle of the room, sitting on a desk which held glass of wine and multiple piles of paper work–.

Was the boss of bighit.

One of the widest and most wealthy assassination companies in nearly the whole of the world, he simpered when his eyes landed on my figure.

"We have a newbie."


How is everyone ?

My other book has just been published (wings), so please check it out lovelies :) xx

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