Among the Shadows

By roaringasylum

5.4K 95 33

Chad Gable watches her as she walks by flipping her long blonde hair with pink tips. She sees him staring and... More

1• Her Shining Blue Eyes
2•She's So Beautiful
3•Everything Was Silent
4•I'm-I'm in Love with her
5•Something Funny
6•My Chance is Lost
7•What's Going On
8•25% Chance
9•Do You Got A Second
10•To Bad its Gonna End.
11•Thats Not What I Meant
12•Please Dont Go
13•Barely Able to Move.
14• Never
15•Go Away
16•You Dont Have to Lie to Me
17• Can I Help?
20•I'm not Gonna Hurt You
21•I Will Never Need You
23•Its Worth It.
25•Go. Run.
26• Doorway
27• WWE
28• Wink
29• I Just Wanted To Be Happy
30• More Like What Isn't
31• This Could Get Interesting
32• You Haven't Tried Hard Enough
33• Stop It.
34• Pills & Wiskey
35• Stop Her
36• You Shouldn't Be Here
37• Why Did You Do It
38• Just Friends.?
39• God I Hate Hospitals

19•My Life is Better With You

127 3 3
By roaringasylum

Gables POV:

We laugh as I push her around the tree as she hangs the lights. It only takes about 4 times around before it's out of her reach.

She hands them to me and smiles.

"What? You to short?" I mess up her hair.

"Go Get my crutches." She giggles but I take her seriously and run out to the car to get them.

Alexa's POV:

I watch as he walks out the door and I slowly lift myself up, hobbling on one leg. I use the wall for support.

I walk along trying to use all my weight onto my leg and the stable wall. I bend down onto the floor, grabbing the green wire for attached to the Christmas lights.

I plug it into the wall and watch as they light up the room.

Gables POV:

Ring. Ring. Ring. I hear my phone in my pocket.

I quickly put the crutches against the car and take out my phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello Gable. I know it may be too early but we need you to come back to work soon." Shane says over the phone.

"What?" I wonder.

"It's just the crowd loves you and Alexa." He chuckles. "We can make her your manager, so y'all can stay on TV together." He sounds evil.

"I don't know. Can I get back to you?"

"Yes, of course." He says then hangs up the phone.

I grab the crutches off the car and walk slowly and confused back inside.

I see her just sitting there against the wall. "Alexa? You okay?" I ask bending down in front of her. She looks dazed as the lights sparkle in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." She smiles. "Its just so pretty." She whispers slowly closing her eyes. "Just so pretty."

"Alexa." I shake her.

"What?" She quickly jolts.

"Are you tired?" I ask her.

"No. I don't think so." She says as her eyes settle to a blank stare.

"Let me go get your meds." I pat her leg getting up. I quickly grab the prescription and a Bottle of water from the counter. By the time I get back to her, her eyelashes have settled back onto her rosy cheeks. 

"Alexa, take these." I say putting them towards her.

She slowly puts her hand out and takes them back without even opening her eyes. She had at least 10 in her hand and they were gone within a matter of seconds

I watch as she settles herself, lying on the ground, watching the lights.

"Hey Gable." She whispers. "Why do you even like me?" She asks so lightly I can barely hear.

"Your beautiful and funny and I've watched for years and your smile always seemed to make my day better." I smile looking over at her.

She was asleep. Peacefully.


It's around 7pm before Alexa yells for me again. I had our her in her bed so she would feel more comfortable then the hardwood floors.

"Gable..." She yells.

"I'm coming." I say smashing the two pieces of bread with a little bit of peanut butter together and grabbing a Dr Pepper.

I walk into her room to find her eyes are bloodshot.

"I don't feel so-." Her voice stops as she pukes on the floor. She quickly wipes her mouth. "I'm so sorry." She cries.

"Alexa it's okay. It's probably cause you took the pills on an empty stomach." I say quickly laying the plate on the side table.

"I don't wanna eat in here." She sounds like she's trying not to throw up.

"Well I figured." I try to laugh off that just threw up.

I pick her up and carry her to the living room. I set her gently on the couch and pulling the coffee table towards her. I softly lift up her leg and put it on a pillow that sits on the table.

I kiss her on her forehead and start to walk away when she suddenly grabs my arm.

"I'm so sorry." She whispers.

"It's okay baby girl." I say kissing her head again. I run my hand on the back of her silky blond hair and walk to clean up the mess.

Alexa's POV:

He rubs his hand through my hair and walks away.

I watch TV as he cleans up my mess. I feel so bad for him. I'm trouble and he doesn't deserve this. I can't let him ruin his life, his career, his future taking care of me.

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath.

I stare on at the TV, there's only infomercials on this late at night. They are advertising some stupid knives. I feel thoughts running through my head, making me dizzy.

"Alexa?" Gable stands in front of the TV.

"Huh?" I say looking up at his eyes.

"Are you good? I gotta go get some groceries."

"Yeah...I'm fine." I nod my head. "Push my Wheelchair over her?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything just pushes it over and kisses my hair.


I slowly pull myself into the wheelchair and roll to the kitchen. It's be about 40 minutes since he left and I'm kinda hungry again.

I see a package of bread laying on the counter and some peanut butter next to it and put it into my lap. I roll over to the drawer filled with utensils.

I look on as a shiny sharp looking knife catches my eye. I was stuck as I watched it, not able to take my eyes off it.

I feel my hand wrap around the base of it. I don't know what I'm doing. I lay the blade on my wrist. I push on it just enough to see a thin stripe of blood gushing out.

I feel hands wrap around my hand and yank the knife from my grasps.

"What are you Doing?!" He screams at me.

Tears stream down my face as my eyes meet his.

"Alexa." He slings the knife across the kitchen and grasps my wrist holding it so tight it cuts of my circulation.

"Let me..." I whisper.

Gables POV:

"Let me...." She whispers and I can feel her hopes are completely gone.

"No." I let go of her wrist quickly grabbing a dishtowel and wrapping around her cut.

"Your Life would be better off without me." She mumbles.

"Alexa." I whisper as she looks into my eyes. "My life is better with you." I smile.

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