Dating Prince Alexander Light...

By FandomWoman_626

260K 7.5K 539

Here's my fanfic you guys! ??????? More

Chapter One: Izzy's POV
Chapter Two: Jace's POV
Chapter Three: Magnus' POV
Chapter Four: Izzy's POV
Chapter Five: Magnus' POV
Chapter 6: Alec's POV
Chapter 7: Magnus' POV
Chapter 8: Alec's POV
Chapter 9: Magnus' POV
Chapter 10: Alec's POV
Chapter 11: Alec's POV
Chapter 12: Jace's POV
Chapter 13: Izzy's POV
Chapter 14: Izzy's POV (Again)
Chapter 15: Clary's POV
Chapter 16: Alec's POV
Chapter 17: Izzy's POV
Chapter 18: Jace's POV
Chapter 19: Alec's POV
Chapter 20: Magnus' POV
Chapter 21: Alec's POV
Chapter 22: Clary's POV
Chapter 23: Simon's POV
Chapter 24: Izzy's POV
Chapter 25: Magnus' POV
Chapter 26: Alec's POV
(Still) Chapter 27: Alec's POV
Chapter 28: Izzy's POV
Chapter 29: Magnus' POV
Chapter 30: Jaces' POV
Chapter 31: Izzy's POV
Chapter 32: Simon's POV
Chapter 33: Clary's POV
Chapter 34: Magnus' POV
Chapter 35: Izzy's POV
Chapter 36: Magnus' POV
Chapter 37: Alec's POV
Chapter 38: Magnus' POV
Chapter 39: Izzy's POV
Chapter 40: Clary's POV
Chapter 41: Izzy's POV
Chapter 42: Magnus' POV
Chapter 43: Alec's POV
Chapter 44: Magnus' POV
Chapter 45: Alec's POV
Chapter 46: Izzy's POV
Chapter 47: Clary's POV
Chapter 48: Jaces' POV
Chapter 49: Alec's POV
Chapter 50: Robert's POV
Chapter 52: Clary's POV
Chapter 53: Magnus' POV
Chapter 54: Izzy's POV
Chapter 55: Alec's POV
Chapter 56: Jace's POV
Chapter 57: Clary's POV
Chapter 58: Magnus' POV
Chapter 59: Alec's POV
Chapter 60: Alec's POV
Chapter 61: Izzy's POV
Chapter 62: Tessa's POV
Chapter 63: Hodge's POV
Chapter 64: Magnus' POV
Chapter 65: Tessa's POV
Chapter 66: Jaces' POV
Chapter 67: Alec's POV
Chapter 68: Magnus' POV
Chapter 69: Simon's POV
Chapter 70: Clary's POV
Chapter 71: Clary's POV
Chapter 72: Alec's POV
Chapter 73: Izzy's POV
Chapter 74: Magnus' POV
Chapter 75: Alec's POV
Chapter 76: Jaces' POV
Chapter 77: Magnus' POV
Chapter 78: Tessa's POV
Chapter 79: Izzy's POV
Chapter 80: Simon's POV
Chapter 81: Izzy's POV
Chapter 82: Alec's POV
Chapter 83: Magnus' POV
Chapter 84: Izzy's POV
Chapter 85: Alec's POV
Chapter 86: Izzy's POV
Chapter 87: Clary's POV
Chapter 88: Izzy's POV
Chapter 89: Magnus' POV
Chapter 90: TPV (Third Person View)
Chapter 91: Alec's POV
Chapter 92: Clary's POV
Chapter 93: Simon's POV
Chapter 94: Luke's POV
Chapter 95: Magnus' POV
Chapter 96: Clary's POV
Chapter 97: Alec's POV
Chapter 98: Magnus' POV
Chapter 99: Clary's POV
Chapter 100: Epilogue

Chapter 51: Magnus' POV

1.8K 54 1
By FandomWoman_626

Sadly we have to go back to school, and we had arrived seeing some old friends that we missed over our small break. I was in fashion, and I was chatting away with Izzy when I saw that she wasn't feeling okay.

Magnus: What's wrong, Iz?

Izzy: Nothing.

Magnus: Izzy?

Izzy: I'm serious.

Magnus: Izzy?

Izzy: Really.

Magnus: Uh huh, sure.

Izzy: Could I meet you in the bathroom before lunch?

Magnus: Sure.

Later throughout the day, I met up in the restroom where Izzy would be. From what I saw, I saw a crying Tessa and a comforting Izzy.

Magnus: What happened?

Tessa: Magnus?

Izzy: It's okay, Tessa, he'll be able to help you.

Magnus: What's going on?

Tessa: You promise you won't say anything?

Magnus: Yes, what is it?

Tessa: I'm pregnant, and Will is the father.

Magnus: Oh god...

Tessa: My baby bump is starting to show.

Magnus: Have your tried anything to make it less revealing?

Tessa: Yes, but none of it is working.

Magnus: Don't worry, there will be something up. Just try to calm down, okay?

Tessa kept wiping tears I got down, and I started to comfort her.

Tessa: I haven't told...

Izzy: You still haven't told him, yet?

Tessa: I can't, the minute I say those two words it's over.

Izzy: You're going to get through this.

Magnus: Tessa, when you're baby is born, it can stay at The Convent. You can visit whenever you need to.

Tessa: Thanks...

Dear Readers,

I know I haven't really been uploading a lot, but the reason why is because I have so much schoolwork to do. Christmas is rolling around, and I have been busy with decorating and all of this other crazy stuff. I apologize for all of these late uploads, but Christmas break is coming close so hopefully I'll be able to do more chapters. I just really hope that you guys will continue liking this, and I hope I get to continues this because Malec fan and all. I just hope I can continue this, so yeah.

Anyways, I love you all and I hope you all have a great night/ morning.


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