Fairy Tail - New World

By klondike15

5.2K 30 7

Nathan Briggs. Broken and abandoned by the people he called family. And to top it off he is no longer even in... More

Who are you?
First Job
Galuna job
Goodbye Island
The attack
A Phantom falls
Tower Part 1
Tower Part 2
The Job
Nathan's story
Battle Royal Part1
Battle Royal Part2
Someone finds out
Nirvana arc
Snake bite
Christina's Last Flight
The Beast falls
Trip Home
Fake Dragon's?
Wendy's job
The Dark Days
Road home
Edolas Arc
The Lucy's
The Capital
Adios Edolas
Telling Everyone
The date
S-Class announcement
New partner
Base Camp
Welcome home
Paying a debt
Game Preparation
Spirit King
Opening day
Not over yet
Bad Choices taste
It's over 9,000!
Not paying for you
Naval battle
Dragons fighting
Day before the finals
Two Front's
The Gate
Ha-ha..... Oh were fucked
I'm Sorry

Lucy's Special Mission

82 1 0
By klondike15

About halfway through the night I sat up and looked over to where Erza was and smiled. "Nathan? What's wrong?" She asked as she made a sword appear. "Nothing just woke up. Let's get back to sleep." I said laying back in the bed as Erza gave me a strange look but did the same. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I thought I said no funny business?" She said as she looked over her shoulder at me. "No funny business going on here just getting comfortable." I said as she chuckled at me as we went back to sleep.

When I woke up Erza had her arms wrapped around me while one of my arms was under her head. "Wake up sleeping beauty." I whispered as she slowly moved off my arm and rolled over to the other side of the bed. 'Alright I see I'm going to need to pull out my secret weapon.' I thought, a few minutes later I came back into the room with a tray. Erza slowly woke up and watched me set the tray next to her. "We need to wake up." I said as she took the piece of cake and started to eat while I grabbed a pair of black cargo pants and a green shirt. "It's Five. Why are we getting up this early?" She asked as she looked at the clock.

"Well, you wanted to make sure Lucy won't tell anyone about us." I said with a smirk as I kissed her on the cheek. "But no one is going to be at the Guild this early." She said with a blush on her face. "We're not going to the Guild. We'll go to Lucy's house and talk in private." I said as I walked out of the room and to get changed. I grabbed my pistol and sat on the couch as I waited for Erza. "Alright, let's go." Erza said as she came out of the room in her usual armor.

We walked to Lucy's house in relative silence. Once we got their I started to pick the lock to her house. "Where did you learn to do this?" Erza whispered in my ear as I slowly opened the door. "One of my old friends taught me." I said as we walked in, we went to the kitchen and I got started on my plan while Erza watched me. "What are you guys doing in my house?" We both turned and saw Lucy. "We need to talk." Erza said as she walked into Lucy's living room.

Lucy and Erza sat on the couch while I stood in the doorway. "Alright what do you guys want to talk about?" Lucy asked as she looked at the two of us. "Erza is just worried that you're going to tell everyone about us." I said as Erza glared at me while I raised my hands in surrender. Lucy then looked at Erza while she played with her thumbs. "Don't worry. I value living more than I do drama." She said as Erza breathed out. "Well, then I guess we won't need to use the bribe." I said as Lucy watched me walk into the kitchen and grab food for the three of us.

I gave Lucy a plate and sat next to Erza. We ate while Lucy looked at us funny. "Trust me its good." Erza said as she finished her plate and took some from my plate. Lucy slowly started to eat but after the first bite, she was destroying the whole plate. "Bribery works especially with cooking like this." She said as Erza laughed at her while we went to the kitchen. "See. I told you nothing to worry about." I said as Erza tried to shove me with her hip, I grabbed her arms and put my head on her shoulder. "You're going to have to try harder than that." I said as I smirked at her. "Well, then how about this." I looked at her as she smiled at me then kissed me on the lips. The next thing I knew I was looking at the ceiling with Erza on my chest. "That would do it." I said as she smirked at me. "If you guys would be so kind as too not bang in my kitchen that be great." We both turned and looked at Lucy as she brought her plate into the kitchen.

After that little incident, the three of us went to the Guild. "Lucy! It's time to get going!!" Natsu yelled as soon as we walked in. "Yeah, let's go." She said as we stopped and looked at her. "So what mission is it?" Happy asked as he floated to Natsu as he smiled like an idiot. "No idea." I facepalmed as Gray walked over to us. "Its this one. We're going to capture the escaped convict Velveno." He said showing us the job. We all started to talk about how to do the job when Lucy turned her attention to another conversation. "Come on Lucy we have a job to do." Natsu said as he started to punch the air.

"Sorry guys. There's something I have to do!" Lucy yelled as she stormed out of the Guild. "I'll see whats up you guys go do that job." I said as I ran after Lucy. I caught up with her as we got to the train station. "So where we headed?" I asked as she looked at the map on the wall. "I'm going to Acalypha." Lucy said as she left me behind as she walked to the ticket booth and grabbed a ticket. A few people got in front of me so I rushed and got my ticket. I watched Lucy get on the train. "Last call for Acalypha. Last call." I heard the conductor announce as the last people got on board. I jumped on just as the train started to pull away after the conductor checked my ticket I started to look for Lucy.

Once I found her I sat in the seat across from her. We both sat in silence as the train rolled down the tracks. "Why did you follow me?" Lucy asked as she looked at me. "You just decided not to go on a job with the team. So something in Acalypha caught your attention." I said as another train passed us. "My dad is going to join a Guild their. Some of the other members were talking about a Guild that got taken over by another Guild." Lucy said as we stopped at another train station. "So we're going to go make sure your dad is okay?" I asked as the train pulled out of the station. Lucy nodded as we went back to being quiet.

Once we got to Acalypha it wasn't very hard to find the Guild considering the fact it was surrounded by people with armor. "So the armor is the government? Or is this some local police?" I asked as we got to the edge of a crowd gathering around. They were asking about the people inside and how they were going to get them out. I turned around only to see Lucy getting grabbed by a few of the armored personnel. "Let me go! My dad's in their!" Lucy yelled as she was being escorted to away from the crowd. "Let her go." I Said as I got Lucy away from the two. "You two are interfering with a military matter. If you continue we will be forced to detain you." One of the guards said as the other walked back to try and control the crowd.

After the guards left us Lucy summoned one of her spirits. "What can I do for you princess?" I looked at the spirit then at Lucy. "Virgo, can you please get us inside?" Lucy asked as the light pink haired spirit started to dig a hole. "Did she call you 'Princess'?" I asked as Lucy looked at the surrounded Guild. "Yes. Virgo asked me what would be the name to call me by and that was it." Lucy said as Virgo came out of the ground a few minutes later. "I've finished the tunnel. But I feel like I should warn you that the building is full of mages." Virgo said as I climbed into the tunnel and turned the flashlight on my gun on. "Well, they won't be a problem." Lucy said as Virgo disappeared and she jumped into the hole.

We both crawled in through the tunnel till I could see a light at the end. I slowly got out and scanned the room and only found a few empty tables and a closed door. "Clear moving up." I whispered as I got out and moved to the door and slowly cracked it open. "What do you see?" Lucy asked as she looked into the main hall. "I'm counting ten maybe twenty people including the hostages." I said as we moved behind a counter in the main hall. "What type of Merchant Guild only has three thousand jewel?" One of the I guess terrorists said as they put the money into a bag. "Shut up. If you didn't take so long then we would have been out of her." The guy in charge said as he kept hitting a shotgun against his shoulder. The hostages started to make muffled noises which resulted in a shotgun blast going off. "Shut up! Or I'll shoot you!" He yelled as all the eyes turned to the hostages, I took this chance to slide over to a different table.

I sat behind this new table and turned my head. One of the hostages turned and looked directly at me, I put a finger to my lips then saw the guy with the shotgun pointing it at one of the hostages. "Open the gate of the golden bull: Taurus!" Lucy yelled as the gun went off and the bull blocked the pellets. "Where the hell did he come from!" One of the guys asked as Lucy stepped out into the open. "Gun make: 240 Bravo!" I yelled as the gun appeared in front of me on the table. "Shit they're from a legal Guild!" One of the henchmen yelled as they pulled out a knife. Before we could get a word out the guy with the shotgun fired towards me and hit just in front of me, peppering me with pellets and table.

I wiped the blood out of my eye as I opened fire hitting a few of the guys while Lucy summoned another one of her spirits. "And now I believe there is some ass that needs to be kicked!" I yelled pulling out my pistol and walking out of cover to kick some ass. I grabbed one guy as a few tried to hit me with magic and my new shield just took the blast. "Thanks, buddy." I said as I shot his friends and hit them in their arms. "Ahhh!" I turned just as another person went flying over my head. "Thank you, crazy horseman!" I yelled as I saw a person with a bow and arrow.

I looked around the room and saw the guy with the gun was the last one standing. "Lucy kick!" Everyone in the room deflated as she said that as she kicked the guy in the face. I started to cut the people loose as Lucy looked for her dad. "Thank you! Thank You!" They all started to say as the troops outside came running in. I watched as a few of the guys were arrested then saw Lucy still looking for her dad. "DAD WHERE ARE YOU!" She yelled as someone in a grungy cloak walked close to her. As they took off their hood we both saw Mr. Heartfilia's face.

I walked away as Lucy and her father had time to themselves. I sat off to the side as the rest of the team showed up and were asking questions. "So did Lucy finish what she needed?" Erza asked as she stopped next to me. "I guess. Did you guys finish the job?" I asked as we walked over to the rest of the group. "Nope, we had to cancel the job." Happy said as he floated by us. "Well, we'll just have to go home and pick out a new one." I said as we walked towards the train station.

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