My Book of Randomness 3

By princessluna16

5K 876 3.8K

Oh my, the random life of Nikki and Katy just keep coming. There is never a way to stop it. This story will... More

Welcome Once Again
Book Covers
Drawing contest entry
*Insert creative title here*
My Brother's B-day Party
Attention All Drawing Contest Contestants
b l e s s
Coco Keys & Reminder
Im Such a Child
Bad News
What the hell is wrong with my fish????
Thats done
How the.....????
Birthday Presents Part 1
Birthday Presents Part 2
Contest Winners and Stuff like that
What has my life become???
Im sueing Dunkin Donuts
I feel attacked
So here we go again~
Shadow and Trixx drawing
Miraculous Ladybug OC Rant
Quick Announcement (Please read!!)
Internet Friend Day!!
Lol just kill me
Marie's drawing contest
My Gym Teacher
Drawing for arandomfandomgirl
Legit 50,000 tags that i have to do (part 1)
Kyo VS Yuki: Epic Rap Battle
Field Trip
Which Character are you quizzes?
Drawing Contest mcThing
Lol another drawing contest
Profile Pic Edit
Tags (Part 2)
Too Much Freedom
Winx Club Season 6
Surprise me, I guess
Drawing Contest thing + Tag thingy
Oh lord, another question tag
Book Cover for Harriet!!
Art that im actually proud of :))))
Drawing + Fish Update
Please Help Meeeeeee
My new best friend
Teen Titans
High School
Um hi?
Im not ready
Yeah we're doing this again
Writing Contest
c r i s i s
Fan Expo Experience w/ Jeremy Shada and Josh Keaton aka the spicy chapter
g a s p

Oh god christmas

73 14 72
By princessluna16

Yeah so I'm actually not dead, just letting you all know. I don't think anyone would care though lmao

Let's just talk about Christmas for a bit

Honestly I'm somewhat excited to see what I get. But it's mainly gonna be a bunch of clothes. I don't need clothes though.

Maybe some more black leggings but if there's jeans, burn them please. I don't like jeans at all. They make me feel uncomfortable.

But what I'm really excited for is that I might be getting a 3DS because I neeeeeeed one. I'm done with this 2ds crap. It's stupid. doesn't even bend. Like I get that it's supposed to look...2D but that's impossible. I only wanted it because I thought with the 3DS I might accidentally turn on the 3D mode because I'm always flickering with buttons (also I didn't know it wasn't able to bend at the time. Thanks 5th grade me. Blind as ever)

But enough talking about what I want for Christmas because that's not important at all. Hahaha

I got a couple people presents for Christmas. Honestly, it's been really busy this year and the days that I was planning on going to the mall and buying stuff for just got delayed. Just a bit.

So typical be is doing stuff last minute.

Can I get an applause for that?

Thank you

Unfortunately, I've also been procrastinating on wrapping presents...well bagging them. I can't wrap presents :/

And I call myself an artist1!1!!1!-!-


But let's be real for a minute.

I've been procrastinating for multiple reasons. Sometimes I'll just sit there and debate whether or not if I should give some people presents. Sometimes people can be complete jerks towards me and that'll change my mind

But in the end, I'm giving everyone a present. Something very special that speaks to them.

I'm just to good-hearted. I hate leaving people feeling excluded. It's not a good feeling at all and to see everyone else suffer then...that makes me guilty.

But honestly I doubt people will ever respect my presents. They'll just be like "thank you!" then go home and either throw it away or just keep it in the back of their closets or somewhere out of sight so they don't think about me because I'm a fucking asshole

Oops sorry...language

You know what....I don't care anymore

Freedom of speech

Excuse my language though....

I'm also writing everyone little cards

And in those cards will basically say "oh thanks for being my friend and all"

Aaaaannndddd boom I'll write how I truly feel about them

And no matter how bad someone treated me, or hurt me, or made me want to end my life...

I'm still going to say something thoughtful and caring.

I'll tell them how much I appreciate them for being my friend

For staying with me no matter how much bullshit I might throw at them because I'm just an asshole sometimes.

Some people I want to say something more.

I want to take it a step beyond


I can't

That's something I'm not eligible to do

I suck at expressing my inner feelings.

I suck at apologizing sometimes

Most of the time I'll mutter, which shows how sorry I am.

Other times I'll just immediately apologize like Tohru

Ew I know right??

Like the other day I stepped on some kid's foot and I just screamed in class "AHHH IM SO SORRY!!!!"

Like wtf nicoletta. You're in class. It's not like you broke someone's toenail by stepping on their foot before.








*sigh* sometimes...I just sit there and wonder "hmm do people talk about me behind my back?"

Oh boy the answer is yes!1!1!1!

Well...I don't have any evidence, but I just know. I just have a strong feeling about it. I mean...who wouldn't?? I'm a fucking asshole who always fucking messes up with everyone.

I end up hurting people

I make them upset

And I can tell that by their atmosphere around me

People will be so happy around their friends and when I come, they look...depressed???

I don't know how to describe it but let's just say everyone hates me matter what I do

You know what....

Just tell me my flaws. Just tell me if I upset you throughout the day

It's not gonna bother me

I don't care if you have to swear and list everything about me that pisses you off. Just go ahead. I don't care.

Not saying anything to me is worse than saying something. It's best to face your problems, not keep them bottled up inside.  It's not good. That's why some people might be moody all the time. There's something deep down inside that's bothering them and they're too afraid to admit it.

Just say the truth

That's always the right approach

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Kwanza

Happy anything

I'll probably talk to you all next year.

Thank you everyone for a much better year.


Also AnimeQueenJess , use this pic as your background. Sorry that it's been over 2 weeks. I've been busy every day and I haven't been on wattpad for a bit

My internet friend made it. I wish she had a wattpad though

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