The One (viners)

By brightasthestars

838K 19.7K 19.2K

Who really is The One? More

The One (magcon)
1: school
2: Amanda Mackenzie
3: broken
4: him
5: football practice
6: some shit about plants
7: idk what to call this chapter
8: say something
9: secrets
10: a new best friend
12: Matthew the dickhead
13: asdfghjkl
14: college boys
Character Answers
15: get the gang back together
16: whales & black clothing
17: proximity
18: talk to me
19: Cameron Dallas
20: fruit loops
21: babe
22: a new start
23: Anna
24: your lips
25: mattlyn throwback
26: make your best mistakes
27: under the mistletoe
28: netflix
30: madilyn's birthday pt. 2
31: detention
need a new character!
32: relationships
33: thunderstorms
34: Orlando
35: shawn's younow
36: the fountain
37: last mattlyn moment
38: boys and girls
39: hi
40: the ending
the actual ending ok

11: chinese food

20.9K 443 729
By brightasthestars







Madilyn answer me



I'm sorry

Please answer my calls



I didn't mean what I said I promise

I love you. I never wanted to hurt you

I've sent Madilyn forty text messages in the last hour... but only because she wasn't answering my calls. Finally my messages stopped delivering which I took as a sign that she turned her phone off. I can't believe I said that to her. It's not like I meant it. I didn't mean a word I said.

I groaned in frustration, going to Twitter to see if she's tweeted anything about me yet. Yes, I want to know. I go to her twitter and she hasn't tweeted anything about me. If she would have tweeted something about me I would have at least felt a little but better. But she didn't. Her last tweet was one minute ago. The last thing she tweeted was:

i want chinese food really bad help

I smiled a little and clicked on the tweet. My smile went away when I saw that Taylor had tweeted back to her, saying: me too I'm coming to get you so we can go get some together okay? ;)

She tweeted back to him: YAY THANK YOU TAY

This made me mad, but it was also a good thing because I knew where I could find her. I couldn't go to her house because Nash would probably kill me. That is if she told him about what I said to her...

I stood up and put on my Vans. I glanced in the mirror, almost cringing at my reflection. I look like crap. Zero sleep is what I got last night, and I'm still wearing the same sweatpants and hoodie as yesterday. It was Sunday, and I knew if I didn't talk to Madilyn today that I wouldn't be able to drag myself to school tomorrow. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly. Then, I splashed some cold water on my face and dried it with a towel.

Getting her for the first time was almost impossible. How the hell am I going to get her for the second?

M A D I L Y N ' S P O V

Taylor was becoming an even better best friend than Matt has ever been. I don't mean to diss on him or anything- wait, yeah I do. He was such a dick to me yesterday... I'm still confused on whether or not that was a break up. He did tell me that I should go back to Omaha, which sounded pretty much like a break up to me.

"Do you realize you only go to three different places: school, home, and the Chinese restaurant." Taylor says, laughing, as he drives me to get my favorite type of food.

"Well, it used to be four because I was at Matt's all the time," I frown because he's always on my mind in whatever conversation I'm having. Maybe he really is The One and that fight was just stupid. "I really need to stop talking about him in every single conversation I'm holding with you."

He gives me a small smile, squeezing my hand lightly. "It's okay Madilyn, I understand. You loved him after all, so you're obviously still going to have feelings for him."

I return the smile to the best of my ability, nodding my head because I didn't have anything to say anymore. I turned Taylor's radio on and noticed that he was listening to SoMo. Then I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes, waiting until we got there to say anything.

When we got there and walked in, I was surprised to see Cameron and Nash sitting down eating at a table with Amanda and Alexa... ew.

"Hey look! It's the bitch that ruined your relationship." Taylor said loudly with a smile and I started laughing. Even though I don't like her anymore, (Ariel was right, who knew?) I still didn't want to be a rude person.

"What are you talking about?" She asked innocently, giving Taylor a look that maybe was supposed to be cute but it wasn't.

"He's talking about the fact you made me and my boyfriend break up." I roll my eyes and grab Taylor's arm, pulling him forward.

"You and Matt broke up?" Cameron asks, raising his eyebrow suspiciously. I roll my eyes again. I do not feel like dealing with Cameron and his flirty self right now. I feel bad for Haylee. She has to like someone who flirts with every girl around. "Do you want to sit with us?"

"Nope!" I smile a sarcastic smile and pull Taylor with me up to the counter, where freaking Shawn was standing and waiting for his food. "Why is everyone eating Chinese tonight?!" I groan.

"Nice to see you, too..." Shawn laughs. His laugh makes me feel a little better.

"Madilyn!" The bell rings on the door when it's opened, and Matt's voice fills the small place. Are you kidding me? What kind of reunion is this?

I turn around just as he gets up to me and he forcefully puts his lips on mine. I pull back and glare at him. "What the hell dude you can't just walk in here and kiss me."

"I didn't know what else to do." He croaks. Obviously, he's been crying. I'm a terrible person for being happy that he was, but maybe it's just because it shows he cares about not being with me... what does it mean that I haven't shed a single tear over him?

"Get away from her." Taylor says to Matt, pulling me to his side.

"What happened?" Shawn asks from next to us. I keep forgetting that nobody really knows what went down between Matt and I except Taylor.

"Don't act like you don't know! I got a picture of you guys kissing." Matt spits at Shawn. Shawn looks to me with wide eyes and I bite on my bottom lip, getting closer to Taylor.

"There's no reason for you to be mad at her," Shawn says. "I kissed her, and she even pushed me away. It was all me."

Matthew looks angry and like he doesn't know what to do. "So you're the one who ruined our relationship?"

"Hey, you're the one who ruined it Matt. You could have let us talk about it instead of screaming at me and telling me to leave the state." I speak up. I guess I kind of stood up for Shawn there but it was true.

"You said that to her?" Shawn's expression changes, and just like Matt, he looks angry too. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me sir, your food." The Chinese man says from behind the counter and everyone ignores him. He pointed that to Shawn so I assumed it was his food. He held it out to Shawn but he didn't pay any attention to him, so I grabbed the food for him.

"It's not even your business." Matt said to Shawn as I sat down at the table next to them. Taylor sat down too and I took out Shawn's food from the bag. If he isn't going to eat it then I guess we will. "She's my girlfriend, not yours."

"No, I was your girlfriend. That means no more." I said with chicken in my mouth, repeating what Matthew had said when Taylor showed up at my house that one time. Taylor must have remembered because he snickered to himself.

"Matt, you don't have to be so mean..." I try to tell him softly, "He is your best friend, you know."

"No, he was my best friend. That means no more."

Matthew looks hurt after I say that, but I don't care because he's the one who ruined everything between us. Can it be fixed? I don't know yet. I don't even know if I want it to be fixed.

"You guys are blocking the line." The man behind the counter spoke up to the two of them. Matt looks defeated, and he turns around to walk out of the place.

"Please call me later, Madilyn." He whispers before exiting the place. I realize that the few people here are staring at us, including Amanda who has a satisfied smirk on her lips.

Shawn sighs, looking at me and Taylor. "Hey... are you guys eating my food?!"

"Yeah," I answer, "Did you want some?"

He laughs, sitting down beside me so I scoot over. "Are you okay?" he asks. I knew someone would be able to tell that I'm secretly wanting to burst into tears but on the outside I'm smiling and acting like everything is okay.

I nod, "Yeah. I'm fine, don't worry. Taylor and I should go." I give Taylor a look, trying to tell him that I want to leave and he nods in understanding. Shawn lets me out of the booth and Taylor stands too. "I'll talk to you later I guess."

I wave at Nash, then give Amanda a dirty look before I walk out with Taylor. We didn't even buy food, but that's okay because I lost my appetite and I ate a little of Shawn's anyway.

It's getting darker as we walk outside and I know I have to be home soon because we have school tomorrow. Hopefully I will actually be able to sleep. Before we get into Taylor's car, I say something to him. "Taylor... I think I need to cry."

He looks at me, smiling sadly. "It's okay, Madilyn. Come on..." he says softly as he opens the door to the backseat of his car. He sits back there with me and I fall into his arms as tears slips from my eyes.



comment who you guys really think "The One" should be?

Don't forget to vote and also if you want go read my new storryyyy. Or my cash fanfic that I posted the last chapter for a few days agoo.


My kik is nashxcam

Bye ily

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