The Age Difference

By loyal_mia

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Ariana is 16. She has the perfect teenage life. her Mom is an Anesthesiologist at the Hospital. she gets Basi... More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2 , The weekend
Capter 3 , Weekend
Chapter 4 , OMG
Chapter 5 , Long Nights , Early Mornings?
Chapter 5 , Continued.....
Chapter 6 , Unbelievable
Chapter 7 , Departure
Chapter 9 , Turnt
Chapter 10 , The Kickback
Chapter 10 , Continued....
Chapter 11, Changing
Chapter 12, Unraveling
.Chapter 13, Mistakes
Chapter 13 Continued.
Chapter 14 , Reckless
Chapter 15 Loved

Chapter 8 , Drama

489 21 20
By loyal_mia

Ariana POV

     I still couldn't believe what I had just seen. Taylor and Brian having sex in school. Who does that? She just lost so much respect from me. And for her to have the dignity to try to hook me and Brian up. She was completely Crazy.  I always knew it was something wrong with her.

     I walked back to first period trying to clear the thoughts from my head. I closed my eyes and took three deep breaths. I walked back into class and took a seat. This boy David came over trying to make small talk "Can you get out my face? Im not in the mood" I said with the most blank expression.  He looked surprised "What's wrong?" he said. I just ignored him.  I took my phone out looked at the time and put it back into my pocket. Taylor walked in the classroom sitting at a desk two seats over from me. I really wanted to knock her head off her shoulders.  She better not even look at me wrong , I thought staring straight ahead.  Just then I heard Taylor talking to somebody "Girl , people don't understand loyalty no more" she said laughing. "Nigga you got some nerve. The word loyal is not even in yo dictionary.  You the most disrespectful trick I ever met.  I advise yo ass to not ever speak to me again unless you want me to dislocate yo face. I despise your appearance Taylor. How could you be so disgusting?" I said tears streaming from my face. Talking about the situation was making me emotional.  "What the hell are you talking about?" she slight yelled. "Don't play stupid , you and Brian." I screamed. "I'm sorry , I was going to tell you Ari , I'm just looking out for you" she said. The teacher yelled "You two sit down now." "You're supposed to be my Bestfriend. Dismiss yourself from my life." I said calmy and turned back around. she looked sorry and shocked.  I could care less. I finished my work and ended the rest of that day staying low-key and chilling.

     I went home got in the shower and threw on my gown (Night dress). and slept the rest of the day. I did no homework , mainly because I was tired.  The next day I woke up to a call from my mom. I looked at my clock it was 5:12. "Hello?" i said in a sleepy voice.  "Hey baby , I woke you up?"  she said with a perky voice. "Yeah ma , its still 5. I don't think I'm going to school today" I said beyond tired. "You better not get used to missing days girl" she said kinda yelling.  "K" I said ready to go back to sleep. "My house don't look a mess do it?" she said questioning me. "No mom" I said annoyed. "Alright baby get some sleep , I'll call you to tonight" she said and hung up. I layed back down and my phone started ringing again. I declined the call and texted Alissa to let her know I wouldn't need a ride. Then just like that I went back to my deep sleep.

     I woke up at 9am to a knock on my house door. "Who could this be?" I mumbled not wanting to answer the door. I walked down stairs and looked out the peep hole and saw Dallas. "OMG" I said being happy but suprised he was here on a week day morning. I Opened the door and he practically busted threw the door picking me up in his arms. "Good Morning to you too" I said laughing.  "Wassup Ma?" he said smiling and putting me down. "What are you doing here so early and on a weekday?" I said holding onto his hands. "All my classes got cancelled till Thursday. And I wanted to come chill with you and check up on yo lil ass" he said with this devilish smirk. "Yeah Okay" I said locking the door. "You Ain't threw a lil party yet?" he said walking behind me to my room. "I'm thinking bout having one Saturday.  But the lady across the street is watching me like a hawk. I'll let my mom know though so she won't kill me" I said sitting on my bed. "Aw mommy's little Angel" he said sitting beside me. "Shut up" I said pushing him. "You want to go get some breakfast" he said smiling.  "Let me hop in the shower , you can go sit on the couch and watch tv if you want" I said trying to convince him to leave my room. "I like your bed better , that way I can watch you walk out in a towel" he said winking. "You're annoying and nasty" I said walking to my closet. He just laughed. "I like your shoes" I said looking back at him. He had on some black sweat pants and  a white t shirt with some all black Foams. "Thanks" he said turning the tv on. I grabbed my panties bra and towel and hopped in the shower. It lasted for bout 10 minutes , I also brushed my teeth in the shower and I got out. I wrapped my towel around me and dried off. I put on some lotion and put my under wear on. I wrapped the towel back around and walked into my room. "Looking good" Dallas said smiling.  "Stop perv" I said laughing and stepping inside my walk in closet. I grabbed my Blue blouse and threw on some Tan shorts. I grabbed my Blue Gucci Shoes that matched the shirt and  put them on too. I looked in my jewelry box and put on my gold rolex and unwrapped my hair. I walked back out the closet and Dallas was just staring at me. "See something you like?" I said teasing him. "Yeah , you look cute" he said smiling.  "I know" I said flipping my hair. "Alright ma , you ready?" he asked getting off the bed. "Yeah where we going?" I said grabbing my phone and keys. "iHop or Dennys?" he asked walking out the room. "iHop" I said walking behind him. We got in his car and the ride was smooth.  I mean we didn't talk about nothing but what school I went to and how my grades were. "Your smart , what you want to be?" he asked me. "Police Officer or Lawyer" I said intertwining my hand with the one he wasn't using to drive. "You'll look good in a cop uniform ma, and my dad is a lawyer" he said holding my hand firmly.  He kept his eyes on the road. We pulled into iHop and we kept talking. "Really? how does he like it?" I said becoming excited. "He loves that job" he said and we got out the car. We were walked to a table and soon after served our drinks and breakfast.  I had some Strawberry Signature French toast with eggs and sausage.  He had Some Blueberry Pancakes with grits , eggs and bacon. I was sipping on my Sprite when he said "What happened between you and Taylor the other day?" I turned red getting annoyed from her name. "Taylor who?" I said acting as if I didnt know what a Taylor was. "Oh It's like that with y'all?" he said suprised.  "Just know she's irrelevant to my life" I said taking a bit of my sausage.  "Damn , ma you just be cutting people off" he said laughing then taking a sip of his Cola. "Something like that" I said. "What you doing this month while mom dukes gone?" he said clearly trying to get me in some trouble.  "The same thing I would do if she was here" I said. He got my drift so he dropped the conversation. We talked for like 30 more minutes then he payed and we left. "Let me make a quick stop at the mall" he said pulling out the parking lot of iHop. "Ok" I said scrolling down my phone. When we got to the mall I just sat in the car. "You gone get out child?" he said opening my door. "Oh yeah" I said hopping out the car. He put his hand around my waist and walked directly behind me. We went straight to foot locker. "Aye yall got some Pink running Nike's in a 8?" he asked the man. "Yeah I'll be right back." the salesman said. "Let me get those Low top Concords too , same size" he said and pulled me closer to him.  He payed for the shoes and we walked back out the mall. We drove back to my house and I got out and unlocked my door. He followed me and sat at the couch. Moments later Alissa texted me. "Wyd" she texted me. "Nothing sitting here with Dallas I replied". Just then Dallas started being nosey.  "Who's that?" he asked. "Mind ya business" I said back to him. "Who you think---" just then he climbed over me and pinched me everywhere.  "Stoooop" I whined while fake crying. It really did hurt. "Stop getting smart ma" he said and bit my cheek. I jumped up and he got off me. "It was Alissa ugly" I said standing up now. "Mhmmmm" he said pulling my legs closer to his body.  She texted back "Alright , dont do nothing I wouldn't". I sat down next to Dallas and he layed across my legs. "I swear you the only girl I then met , who doesn't annoy me every single day. Like girls I'm use to dating. I swear I lowered my standards for them" he said. "When was the last time you were in a relationship?" I asked. "Bout 4 months ago , she was crazy though" he said. I began laughing.  "Well glad you upgraded" I said looking at him. "Well we can go to the movies or something if you don't want to stay here all day" he said while sitting up. "I'd rather sleep, but hey tonight my friend Jasmine is throwing a little party. I know it's lame to have it on a Tuesday but her dad will be at work tonight so yeah" I said smiling at him. "Oh you do have some bad girl in you" he said touching my cheek. "Whatever" I said laughing.

      Later that night we decided to go to the party and Dallas invited some friends. As we walked in I noticed a lot of people were sitting on the floor in the living room. It was about 40 kids sitting there. I looked closer and noticed they were playing spin the bottle. "Heyyyy" Jas said running up to me and hugging me. I was holding Dallas hand. Jasmine looked at Dallas and smiled. "Jas this is Dallas, Dallas this is Jas". I said. Jas waved and Dallas just said "Sup". "Wanna join we're playing spin the bottle".  I looked at Dallas who was standing next to his friends. They all agreed so we sat down. I sat next to Jas and Dallas sat across from me. Bout three people went and then it was Dallas turn. He spent the bottle and landed on a girl named Lauren.  "Not boutta happen , Im gone spin again. Not my type shawty". I laughed and it landed on me. "I dare you to Kiss Ariana" some boy said. "That's easy Bruh" he said and came over planting a soft kiss on my lips. I leaned in some more and deepened the kiss then pulled back. He smiled and stood near a wall. "Alright I'm gone go" I said to Jas. As I was walking out the door Brian was walking in the door. "Got a new nigga?". he said. "Been had em" I said pushing Dallas ahead of me. "You move fast , you must be a freak" he said smirking. "Bruh say something like that again and we gone have yo homeboys setting yo funeral arrangements. Stop talking to her." Dallas said pulling me tighter.  "And who are you?" Brian said becoming pissed. "It's alright , come on Dallas" I said trying to push him out the door. "It dont matter who I am" Dallas said and we walked away. It was a nice party,  just not my type of atmosphere.  He pulled up to my house and the lady across the street was sitting on the porch lurking . "Alright ma, I'm boutta go take these shoes to my OG and come back" he said . I said k and he pulled off. The old lady across the street was sitting on the porch "Sweetie who's that boy?" she asked. "Name is Dallas" I said turning back around.  "He's not no knucklehead is he?" she asked being too concerned for me. "No, Mrs.Bush" I said. "How old is Dallas?" she asked. "19" I replied nervous. "Whew , yo mama know you talk to a grown man." she said annoying me. "Something like that" I said an walked in the house. Why was everyonevso concerned about his age, like seriously.  I layed across my bed and called Alissa to tell her bout this animal Taylor. "Hello?" she said on the first ring. "Man let me tell you girl" I said getting straight to the point.  "Whaaaaat?" she said getting hype. "Taylor" I spat out like venom. "Oh hell no, what she do?" she said becoming anxious.b"She had sex with Brian , and she supposed to be a virgin. This rat gave it up to A Lame ass nigga" I said becoming heated. "Let her open them legs for whoever. She ain't got no sense , and how the hell she sleep with somebody she was just trying to put you on" Alissa said confused.  "Exaaaaactly, I can't even roll with somebody with such a disgusting  personality" I said annoyed. " She gone get hers and I hope you be the one to hand it to her" she said. "I'm not gone fight her, she don't wanna to die this soon. That's like walking into death for her" I Said being serious. "Girl , well call me later. I'm boutta do homework." she said. "Me too, Ok"  I said and she hung up. I did my Trigonometry , World History and Anatomy homework ,  then threw on my pajamas when tmy door bell rang. I went downstairs to see Dallas and I opened the door.  He leaned in for a kiss and I kissed him. "You getting ready to go to sleep?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. "Well alright ma , im boutta go back to my moms house just came to make sure you was straight" he said walking back out the door.  "Alright uglyyyy" I said pulling him into my arms. "Text me when you get outta school , and why the lady across the street questioning me?" he asked.  "She thinks your too old for me" I said sighing.  "Damn , knew somebody was going to think that , well Good Night". he said getting in his car and pulling off. "He's too old" Mrs.Bush yelled across the street.  I slammed the door and locked it. Why was she in my business?





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