TMNT Loud House Style

By ArtstyChick

766 5 2

This is just the Hamato brothers along with other characters in place of Lincoln, his sisters, and anyone els... More

Bathroom Break!
Space Invaders
Heavy Meddle
Cover Boys
Tattler's Tale
One of the Girls
Back in Black
11 Crowds a Leapin'

Sleuth or Consequences

48 0 0
By ArtstyChick

[At home]

April-Yeah Irma, I can't wait for the Thunder Scouts convention. I got on my uniform and sash.

Irma-Great! See you there.

(As April was about to go to the bathroom, toilet water came flooding out the door)


Leo-You should talk.


Leo-Come on! We all know you flooded the toilet. You always do it.

April-I did not do it this time!

CJ-DAD! April clogged the toilet again!


April-I didn't do it!

Dad-Alright. Until someone fesses up. You're all grounded!


Dad-You heard me.

[In April's room]

April-I've gotta find out who did it or I can't go to the Thunder Scouts convention. Okay, ten brothers, one suspect)

(Lists them by Thunder Scout)

April-Okay so we got the...

Storm: Leo

Electricity: Mark

Lightning Strike: Casey

Zapper: Duncan

Thunderclap: Raph

Blackout: Mikey

Lightning: DJ

Thunder: CJ

Spark: Donnie


Mikey-Hey April.

April-Ah! Oh, hey Mikey. What's up?

Mikey-I know you didn't do it.

April-You do?


April-That's great! Wanna team up?

Mikey-Sure, I got nothing else to do, besides spare the weight of the world on my shoulders.

April-...Okay. Crossing off the Blackout. Let's start with Raph.

[In the living room]

Raph-Oh please! Why would I do that?

April-All the meatball subs you had yesterday.

Raph-Uh, earth to April! It's bad luck to go to the bathroom before a big game.

Mikey-Your story checks out. I know how you believe in those sports superstitions.

Raph-Go check with Donnie. He has records of the family's bathroom habits. Little weirdo.

[Donnie and Luke's room]

Donnie-Sure you can check. It's in the third document from 1:00am to 4:00am.

April-(checks files) It's missing.

Mikey-I bet he took it out to cover his tracks.

Donnie-Oh please. I prefer using my custom Japanese toilet. (Points to high-tech toilet)

April-... How long have you had this?!

Donnie-That's for me to know and you hairless apes to never find out.

April-Maybe it was Luke.

Donnie-Why Luke?

April-He's always throwing his diapers down the toilet. And we will be able to tell because yesterday Luke went through ten diapers so if there are less diapers in this bin. Luke is guilty. (Knocks over bin)

Mikey-His story checks out. And gross.

[In the hallway]

April-Maybe it was Leo. He pointed the finger first. (Goes in his room and comes back with a wedgie) Okay, it's not Leo.

Mikey-This'll be harder than I thought. Let's just test each of their allibies and narrow it down to one.

April-Good idea.

[With Duncan]

Duncan-I was asleep that time.

April-Prove it.

Duncan-Alright. (Gets out video camera) I record myself in my sleep just in case I say something funny.

(On video camera) What do you call a hypnotic laundromat? A brain washer! Ha ha ha! snores

[With Mark]

Mark-Are we doing an interview?

April-No, it's an interrogation.

Mark-Is that French for interview?

[With DJ]

DJ-I've been trying to clog the toilet since I was potty trained. Besides, I'm fixing the problem.

[With CJ]

CJ-Why would I get up that early to interrupt my beauty sleep?

[With Casey]

Casey-I was at a rock concert dudes

Mikey-Prove it.

(Casey turns on the tv showing a rock concert)

Casey-Nickie! I just wanna smell your hair!

Mikey-... You, are a twisted guy.

Casey-Hey, I don't judge you for talking to ghosts.

DJ-(off screen) We got something!

[In the bathroom]

DJ-Okay, this is what I found. (Holds out a comic book)

April-Aha! A break in the case! A Rainbow Tale?

Mikey-There's only one person who would read this. CJ!

April-That little lying rat!

DJ-You guys do realize that was in the toilet right?


[CJ and DJ's room]

April-You lied to us! And to prove it. (Holds out comic)

CJ-A Rainbow Tale? Barf! I may be sweet and pink, but I would never read something so corney.

April-I think he's telling the truth.

Mikey-He's lying! (Dumps tea on CJ) You better tell the truth! If you don't confess, your heart will never be set free!

April-Whoa spooky! Just settle down.

[Knock at the door]

April-I'll get it. (Leaves)

CJ-... You better clean that.

[At the door]

April-Hey Irma.

Irma-Hey April, I was just on my way here but then this peice of paper flew right in my face and knocked me off my bike.

April-Wait, this is from A Rainbow Tale. "If you don't confess, your heart will never be set free" gasp! Mikey...

[Raph and Mikey's room]

April-You clogged the toilet?!

Mikey-No I didn't.

April-Oh really? (Looks over to the lamp and notices something) That's a weird shape. (Takes of the lampshade and sees a bathroom file) Care to explain?

Mikey-Ever heard of sleepwalking?

(Mikey's poster comes off showing 'A Rainbow Tale' poster behind it)

Mikey-... Dang it. Alright, it was me. This is something I've been trying to keep from everyone. I'm also the one who clogged the toilet.

April-But why do you read this. It's so pink and rainbow, and sparkly.

Mikey-Even I need a break from the dark side

April-How'd it end up in the toilet?

Mikey-When I was reading in the bathroom I heard someone coming so I panicked and dropped the comic in the toilet and hid in the shower. Then that's when you came in and flushed the toilet.

April-Well, you're coming with me and you're gonna confess, or your heart will never be set free.

Mikey-But if I tell them, they'll tease me more than they tease you.

April-Not my problem. Because of you I'm gonna miss the convention, either you tell them or I will.


[the living room]

April-Through thorough investigation we found this at the scene of the crime.

(Holds up comic)

Leo-A Rainbow Tale? Okay April, your story literally checks out. You may like rainbows and stuff, but you would never read that junk.

Casey-Yeah, whoever reads that would be the laughingstock of this house!


Donnie-That comic is so sweet I get a toothache just looking at it!

Mark-Can that like, happen?

Donnie-No, Mark, it's just an expression.

Raph-That's an embarrassment to comics everywhere!

Duncan-So, who's book is it?

(April looks at Mikey)

Mikey-"Sigh" it was-

April-Mine. I dropped it in the toilet and accidentally flushed it.

Raph-I knew it! Pay up Donnie!

April-I didn't wanna tell anyone it was mine because it's embarrassing.

Leo-Aww April... It's extremely embarrassing!! Ha!


April-I'm gonna tell dad what happe-

CJ-DAD! April did clog the toilet!

Dad-Alright boys, your ungrounded. April, you're--

April-I know, I'm grounded.

[The next day]

[In the living room]

Mikey-Hey April.

April-AH! Oh, hey Mikey, what's up?

Mikey-I just wanted to say thanks for taking the blame, and in return I made you this. (Holds out a patch)

April-Thanks Mikey.

Mikey-I know it's not an actual Thunder Scouts patch but it's the least I can do for what you did.

April-It's what sisters do.


Raph-Alright we won! Finally, I can go! (Goes in the bathroom)

DJ-Dad! We're gonna need Big Bertha again!

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