Not so innocent little Paul...

By avocadorings

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You are Logan Paul's 17year old sister when u turned16 u had a choice to move we're ever u wanted but u choos... More

Finaly moving CH.1
Meeting the boiiis CH.2
I Dont Like Him😡CH.3
How should i have know'n CH.4
4 months later CH.5
Daniels P.O.V CH.6
Instagram Ch.10
The daye Ch.11
3 months later Ch.12
Moving day Ch.13
Ch21 instagram
Thank you
Im sorry
Im back
9 years later
8 years later
New book


889 8 1
By avocadorings

(Ik that What I am about to right or do for this chapter doesn't match the dates of when it actually happened but please just go with it thank you)

July 18,2017


@JackiePaul: Hi guys, I am Jackie Paul Yeah Ik sister of Logan and Jake Paul, you might hate me and you might not and I understand that and I know that Logan made a mistake by uploading that video to his YouTube Channel and Ik he shouldn't have done that, he is normal no one is perfect I'm not perfect you're not perfect no one is and because we are not perfect we make mistakes, mistakes that are really big and some that are small, what Logan did is not excitable in any sort of way and we all know that but because he made a mistake doesn't mean you treat him like shit because I can assure you all that he feels like shit. So many of you look up to my brother. I am extremely mad at him for what he did and it's fine that you all are because when I first seen the video and everything I thought it was a joke by the title I thought it was click bate but it wasn't and that made me cry I won't lie and at that moment I wanted to punch Logan but I didn't I stayed by his side like Ik he would for me but I was mad and no one knows this but when I was in 8th grade I got bullied to the point that I wanted to kill my self and I started to cut myself and when my mom walked in on me I was on the floor with blood all over me and i was in a comma for half of the school year to the end of summer after all of that i had gotten home schooled I knew that what I did was not the right thing to do but I did it because I felt worth less and I'm only telling you guys this because I want you to know that I will be hear for you guys just like I would for Logan. I'm also hear to tell you guys that I will be off of all social media for a little i don't know how though. I'm sorry that my brother Logan made that horrible mistake. I'm sorry... I'm sorry

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When I posted that I walked up to Logan and hugged him crying and he was also crying and that's something that not even I've seen all the boys where hear and Jake and Brendan

"You have to delete that video now" I said in between sobs

"Ik Brendan already did" Logan said

"I'm sorry I ruined you're lives" Logan said looking at all of us

"Hey you didn't it's was just a mistake you didn't ruin anything for anyone we all make mistakes and we learn from them no one is perfect you know I love you right" I said/asked

"Yeah" he said

"Than don't say that because you are a blessing to everyone's lives that you come into I'm proud of how far you've gotten in life and just because you make one mistake doesn't mean i hate you and i don't love you because i do you're my brother" I said he hugged me and Jake joined in the hug we stayed that way for 3 minutes

"Ok you need to make an apology video right know" Brendan said

"Yeah sure can I barrow a room to do it in" Logan asked me

"Yeah sure go ahead" I said

He walked away and in my head I was thinking what are we gonna do how will things get better and will they ever get better.

"Hey you ok babe" Daniel said

"Yeah i am" I said giving a week smile he reached his hand out for me to take and I did and he sat me in his lap wrapping his arms around my waist

After a few minutes of silence we heard a knock at the door

"I got it" i said about to get up

"No i got it you stay their" jack said getting up when he opened it we seen Erika when I seen her I ran up to her and hugged her and cried Erika was like the older sister that I've always wanted

"It's ok babygirl everything will be ok I'm hear for you and you're brothers ok?" She said

"Thank you" I said we walked back to the boys and she says down by Jake and hugged him and I did the same with Daniel

"Thank you" Daniel said

"For What" I asked

"For being in my life for being as strong as you possibly can right now for being alive" he said

"I should be thanking you and you seen my post" I said thinking about what he said by saying thank you for being alive

"Yeah why didn't you tell me" he asked

"I thought I was over it until I seen Logan's video it triggered my emotions and I had a little panic attack when I watched it but I'm fine thank you for being here for me right now" I said

"I will be here no matter what" he said and kissed my cheek after a while logan came out and said he posted it

"I wanna go back home" I said walking to Logan

"Ik and we are I'm booking a flight for tomorrow morning but we are doing it private so we don't have to deal with all the hate and stank faces you coming to jake" Logan asked I was hugging him and he was doing the same

"Yeah I'm coming" jake said

"Can we come" the boys said

"And me if it's possible" Erika said

"Yeah of course I'll buy the tickets and get the private jet" Logan said

"Ok and text me the time we are leaving" I said

"Ok but you wanna come with me instead to my house so you won't be alone" Logan asked

"What happened to you're photographer and the girl and babe" jake asked

"They are with family when I left I told Carlos he could go and I would call him when I needed him  and rose went to see her family" I said

"Oh ok so are you gonna come" Logan asked

"No I'm ok" I said

"Yeah I'll stay with her or she can come with us and we can all come here and leave together" Daniel suggested

"Yeah that would be great" I said (also Christina is coming to)

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