Eclipse - l.h. (COMPLETED) [E...

By byhoechlin

2.3K 171 76

in which the eclipse made everything worse than before (cover by @Watisuppplz) - you guys, this was written a... More

Luke's Note


68 5 1
By byhoechlin

Eclipse's third main song: Goodbye To You on the side bar! ->


It was already 2:15 p.m. and we're still discussing the comparative advantage theory on Economics class. Sigh, this is not my thing. Not thinking, I positioned my pen in my fingers and began to doddle abstract little f***s.

Wonder what Luke's doing in library right now. Hm.

He's reviewing of course. Said my little subconcious. Yep, he must probably burying his head in books there, not that he's a total nerd. Just thinking.

He just has missed an exam from economics last Monday because he's still resting on their home from what happened to him, the convulsion incident, so now, he's very lucky that he doesn't need to attend this s***ty class and can just sleep in the library whenever he wants to.

Another sigh, I doodled him on my notebook, drew him on a chair, in front of a table, and taking a nap, maybe; and also with Ms. Balahaja, with her glasses on her nose arranging stack of different kinds of papers in the under dock of her table.

"Ms. Gates, I'm calling to you twice. Looks like there's something else more important thing to do on your notepad than my subject, huh? Mind sharing it?" Ma'am says and I bolt up my head at her, turning the pad upside down so she wouldn't see what's in there.

"Um, I'm sorry, ma'am. What's your question?" 

"My question is what's something else bugging you in that paper?"

"Nothing." I quickly respond and sit on a stari9ght position on my chair once more.

"Okay, my real question." She says as she flipped through the pages of her book and looked back at me, raising an eyebrow. "Who developed the theory of comparative advantage?" She says as I smirked on my own, I knew his thing.

I stood up in my feet and answered, "It is first developed by 19th-century English economist David Ricardo, that attributed the cause and benefits of international trade to the differences among countries in the relative opportunity costs of producing the same commodities." I said as I sat down again, the whole calss looked at me like I've grown three heads. I just answered her more than she needed to. Ha!

She nods her head, completely amazed by my answer while she discussed more. Finals is near, therefore I need to study harder and listen to lectures. Seriously, this time.

"In a simplified example involving two countries and two goods, if country A must give up three units of good x for every unit of good y produced, and country B must give up only two units of good x for every unit of good y, both countries would benefit if country B specialized in the production of y and country A specialized in the production of x." She resumes and I jot down simplified forms of it on my economics notebook and lists them into my mind.

I raised my left hand and she gazed over me, nodding, I asked, "So it means, that, B could then exchange one unit of y for between two and three units of x, then?"

"Yes. and A could receive between one-third and one-half unit of y for every unit of x." She finishes off and lifted a smile for me. I tug my mouth a little to return it to her but she didn't noticed it, as I saw.

"The theory of comparative advantage provides a strong argument in favour of free trade and specialization among countries." I wrote in my pad just when the door shot open by two officers catching their breathe. Ow.

"Ma'am, can we excuse all of the Art, Interact, Music and Dance Club members? Supervised by Mrs. Sweigel." One of them says and the called ones walked outside the classroom to them.

"Okay, what for?" She strictly remarks at the two and the other one spoke up, "For the graduation ceremony preparation, Ma'am."

"Sure, go on." She bids and I, the last one who walked out closed the door and followed the two to the gymnasium, my bag slunged over my shoulder.

"Where's the art club director?" Mrs. Sweigel asks once we got inside the gym and I raised my hand saying, "Me." and walked up to her.

"Go there, with Mabelle, the Music and Dance director and start to pair and plan up." She instructs as I remembered who Mabelle is. Yeah, the one on the other volleyball team at PE class who cheered by her boyfriend, oh.

She greeted me with a h***o and i said the same as I sat down on a stool across to her.

"Monitor!" Ma'am search for the allover monitor then she showed up infront of her.

"No absentees Ma'am, besides of Luke." I overheard. Mabelle started choosing the club representatives for the opening show as Mrs. Sweigel announces,

"All complete?"

"The Interact director's not still here, Ma'am." Mabelle shouts as that clicked in. Luke is the Interact club director? Whoa.

"It's Mr. Hemmings, right? Is he really absent today?" Ma'am asks and I stand up then says to her,

"He's on the library."

"Oh, why?"

"He missed an exam on economics and ma'am told him to go review there, he's got an exam to take later." I explained as others started to grin, why the h***?

"Call him." She commands

"Me? Um, he's got an exam later Mrs. Swei-"

"I don't care, your graduation is already next month and we need to start planning it out now, today, right now."

I didn't hesitate to answer back to her so I just nodded and before I left the gym, someone said, "Why does she know so much about him?"

Another one said, "She even argued with Mrs. Sweigel!"

"Maybe they-"

"Maybe we are what?!" I snapped at the then looked behind them, to Mrs. Sweigel and I mentally thanked God she didn't heard me or else I would be in detention and they'll call my stuck up parents. Sigh.

The three of them silenced as I squinted my eyes at them, ugh. I resumed walking up the library, which is just beside the gym.

School's architects made a wrong place of the library, why would they put it beside the loud gym lol.

Everything happens for a reason. I remembered and quickly dismissed it. Walking up the stairs, I searched for Luke. Once I found him, I took a deep breathe.

Today is Friday and I haven't talked to him in three days well…because of what happened back in the hospital.

We nearly kissed. What the h***, I felt goosebumps rise my body and I shook it away. Wew. That is very awkward.

Then he took a notice of my presence there, standing in merely minutes and I opened my mouth to speak up but no voice leave it. I then closed it back and he ran up to me as I turn my heel away.

"Laine, wait!" He says and grips on my left arm, I swat his hand away as I felt as sting on it.

When I looked at what it is, I found my newly cut reddening. Huffing, I turn to face him snapping a 'what?' at him.

"Why are you avoiding me these past few days?" He asks and I answered him nothing but silence.

He sighs. "Interact, Art and Music and Dance club members and officers are all in the gym for the graduation ceremony's preparation. You need to be there too." I told him as I resume going back to the gym.

"If that has something to do with what happened last time, I'm sorry okay. It was nothing." He says and my stomach flinched for a reason I have no idea of.

"Come on, please. I can't stand being without you." He tells and quickly adds, "You're one of my friends." in a mono tone voice.

Sighing, I still didn't answered him and Mabelle greeted him once we're on the director's table.

"H***o." Luke answered lazily and take the seat beside me, I didn't nade a thing about it and Mrs  Sweigel starts to talk about God knows what.

"Okay." Mabelle breathes and starts to pin point our tasks. "Luke, Interact Director, you're responsible for the cleanliness and the all over outcome of the plan."

I never knew he was the interact director. One of the well known huge clubs in NSW, because of the influence of our school. He must've handling a huge task.

"Laine, Art director, you're the one to plan out the whole scenery of the event. The stage attachments, bleachers, ground, designs, the equipments we'll use." She says and my eyes grew wide.

The whole event scenery? Maybe not just Luke who's handling a big task, maybe me too.

"And for me, the musics, numbers, shows, performances. That things. All done?"

"But, doesn't the school hires crew for all of it?" Luke protests.

"We'll change that, starting this year." She told us as Ma'am went up to us and asked,

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said and She nodded after saying a 'great' towards us.

"What now?" Luke asks just when Mabelle said, "Song for the opening number."

"Are all of us required to dance like crazy in front of the stage?" He slurs.

"No, the opening dance is for students who wants to."

"Okay then, w-"

"We can use Imagine by John Lennon." He conquers.

John Lennon, huh? I think I've heard that name once before but could barely recall it.

"Imagine? Nah, that's a very sad song, what we need is a mellow tune." She argues.

"That's it! That's a sad song. What we actually need is a sad song because we won't see each other again after this senior year, right?"

"No you're wrong. I mean, why would we not be able to see each other after graduation, we still have reunions and you could still contact your friends? Duh." I argued back, this won't be ending right ugh.

"I have one!" Mab excitedly remarks while getting her iPod, what I assume is, from her sling bag and scrolled through different sections of musics.

"Here! It's called See You Again by Carrie Underwood!" She says and played the music, I reassuringly agreed with her because I also have it on mine and it's a very great song.

"What do you think?"

"So girly." Luke remarks and I shot him a look. A look that only he could understand what it is.

"Okay then it's settled, I'm the one responsible for it  I'm gonna take care of that. Next is…"

"The Senior Students Number." I answered for her and she nod.

"That number, all of the seniors are required to, Luke. It's not really a dance  It's just like a goodbye to each other." She tries to explain to this obnoxious boy.

"Yeah yeah. Sure thing, go on." Luke splutters.

"What do we need for it?" I asked, I already have a song for it. :)

"It could not be mellow but not rock, of course." She says, just what I'm expecting from her.

"Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch." I grinned at the two and I added, "I know that song sounds like someone just died because of the word 'Goodbye' itself." I told em as I

Luke suddenly shifted on his seat beside me and I gave him a questioning look. He shook his head after it and I just nod my head once at him.

"Yeah. That would be very easy to make dance steps for. And also suits what we're looking for. Good job, Laine." She gave me a thumbs up and I just smiled to return the gesture to her.

"How ab-"

"The outfits? I'll take care of it. I've already planned it on my head earlier." Mabelle winks at me eh.

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