By dragoneeley

120 2 26

hello and welcome thing, where I might do things but probably not. This will never be noticed anywhere so I c... More

it continues
Considering things

so this is a thing now

56 1 15
By dragoneeley

why did I create this you probably aren't asking? The answer: sheer fucking boredom. Boredom makes you do things, things that you normally wouldn't do. I have no idea what I would be doing here but this is a thing and its staying. I might do more things someday but that day will not be today! I might actually make my bio decent BUT NOT TODAY! I might actually get decent grammar BUT NOT TODAY! I might actually become a decent person but, wait no..that'll never happen, sorry! Anywho, its 2 AM and im not sleeping, but i've run out of useless garbage to put here. Enjoy the idiocy that may or may not start soon, FAREWELL PROBABLY FOREVER

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☆ - Whatever tf happens in my life. Save so you never miss an update !! ☆ - None of the art I repost are never mine , lmaoo !!