Interesting (AfterDeath)

By thatsveryinteresting

93.7K 5.1K 7K

Geno works as a security guard for a prison. He's a cop. He works in a prison full to the brim with horny p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 24

1.2K 72 121
By thatsveryinteresting


Geno P.O.V

The rest of the day passed without me seeing Reaper. It... hurt, to be honest. It was painful not being able to see him. I felt as if I could go insane without him.

I'd grown so attached to him in only a matter of weeks. Any other day, I would never have thought it possible, falling in love so quickly - but it isn't any other day.

It was as if I couldn't survive without him, as if I couldn't breathe. It felt as is I was being slowly crushed from all sides, as if I was suffocating.

It was as if Ink had taken away my reason to live.

That only made me all the more determined to break Reaper out of prison and run away with him, then laugh in Ink's fucking face.


~Time Skip~

The night passed as my nights usually do; something small for dinner, cut, three hours of sleep, early start in the morning with an energy drink for 'breakfast', then walking back to work early.


Life goals.

I sighed quietly, trudging into the cafeteria. There was only one other person there, and that was Blue, who always arrived absurdly early. His brother, Stretch, was often the last to arrive, ironically.

Sometimes I wondered if Blue slept at the prison. It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest, seeing as Red was a prisoner here.

Blue brightened when he saw me, and immediately rushed over to my side.

"Geno!" He greeted, grinning his usual too-big-for-his-face grin.

"Heya Blue," I said dejectedly, sighing quietly, mustering my fake smile.

Blue smirked slightly, obviously not noticing how fake my smile was.

Nobody ever did. Notice, I mean. Kudos to my acting skills, I guess - or to the ignorance of people.

"So what's going on with you and Reaper, huh?~"

I tensed at Reaper's name, immediately looking away, clutching at my arm, fingers digging into the cuts hidden by layers of clothing.

"Nothing's going on, Blue. There was just a misunderstanding," I said softly, tears pricking at my eyes. I sighed quietly, blinking them away, keeping my gaze away from Blue.

"Are you serious?" Blue exclaimed, practically blowing a fuse, obviously not noticing my tears. "He kissed you! That's not nothing!"

I tried a smile, still looking away from Blue.

"It didn't mean anything. To either of us," I lied quietly, sighing softly, averting my eyes.

"Bullshit!" Blue exclaimed, throwing his hands up, then pointing at me accusingly.

"You are madly in love with him, there is no question about that! You blush each time he talks to you- and he's madly in love with you too! He even calls you his sweetheart! How can you not see that?" Blue ranted, smirking triumphantly, but I only sighed quietly.

"It's called hate flirting, Blue. I'm a cop, as in, one of the people that imprisoned him. He's not in love with me, he's just taunting me," I said, rolling my eyes, false annoyance lacing my voice.

I hoped that all of what I was saying was false, and that Reaper wasn't just hate flirting, that he wasn't just taunting me, that he wasn't just using me, using me to get out of prison, because I needed him. More than anything.

"Just admit it, Geno~ You love him~" he teased, while I scowled at him.

"There's nothing to admit," I denied, crossing my arms over my chest, looking away, his teasing making me feel like I could cry, mostly because all of what he was saying was true, but I couldn't show that it was.  Because of Ink.

"Just admit it, then I'll shut up about it!  Promise!"


I stayed silent, my gaze fixed on the ground stubbornly.  Blue, of course, kept teasing me until I broke, unable to take it anymore. 

Everyone has a limit.

I guess I know that best of all.

Blue jumped slightly when I whipped my head around to glare at him, tears framing my eyes.

"Fine!" I shouted, barely holding back my tears. "I fucking love him, okay? I love him, but I'm not allowed to! I'm a fucking cop - I can't love a criminal! It goes against all of the damn rules! I don't think I could fucking live without him, but I have to, all because of Ink! Do you know how much that hurts? Do you? Ink was like my brother, he was always there, and now, now I don't even know who he is! He's a fucking traitor, he betrayed me - he blackmailed me - I-" I cut myself off, freezing when I saw Ink standing a ways behind Blue, a shocked, guilty expression on his face.

"G-Geno?" Ink breathed, his expression turning more and more guilty by the second.  There was a long silence, then...

"Geno... I-I'm sorry," he said quietly, walking towards me cautiously, tears framing his eye sockets. "I'm so, s-so sorry..."

Time seemed to slow down as I internally debated whether or not to run to him, to forgive him.

He was practically my brother. He was there for me when I needed him, when I couldn't go to Error, for fear of him getting too angry and murdering everything, or to Fresh, because he was still very fragile from a deadly virus that he had somehow survived through, despite near hopeless odds.

Ink was the person I went to when Classic had started hitting me. I hadn't told him about what Classic had done - Ink had worked that out by himself - but he had always offered sanctuary whenever I needed it; whenever I was too scared to return home.

He was my brother, nothing less.

But then again, brothers don't blaickmail each other.

And so, I just shook my head, turning and running away from Ink, tears falling down my cheekbones silently as I skidded around corners, needing Reaper more than ever, not caring about the consequences anymore, not caring if I would regret my decision in the future, only wanting Reaper.

I finally reached his cell, flinging open the barred door.

Reaper was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. He jerked slightly at my entrance, his eyes brightening when he saw me, a flirtatious smile curving his lips, only for his expression to turn concerned when he saw my tears.

"Sweetheart? What's wro-" I cut him off when I tackled him in a hug, clinging to him tightly, tears still falling down my cheeks. He returned the hug almost immediately, holding me close to his chest, stroking my back calmingly after a moment.

"Sweetheart..." Reaper murmured after my tears had ceased, still holding me close comfortingly. "What happe-" I cut him off for a second time when I pressed my lips to his gently, pulling back after a moment, smiling softly when I saw his flushed face, then taking a deep breath, and speaking.

"We're leaving."



That moment when you realise school starts tomorrow-



Sorry for not updating, guys, I've been enjoying my days of freedom while I can-

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