Dating The Bad Boy || j.hs +...

By calum_af

77.6K 3.2K 1.2K

Jeon Jungkook was the school's smartest kid. Everyone always asked him for help and he gladly tutored them in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

3.2K 146 39
By calum_af

Jungkook may have seen Hoseok's happy dance, but no one had to know. He giggled to himself as he went to Taehyung's room.

Upon arriving he heard yelling and knew it wasn't good. He quickly opened the door and saw Taehyung and his dad having a damn near screaming match.




And apparently that was the last straw. The big man slapped Taehyung hard across the face, causing the boy to almost fall off the bed. Jungkook has actually never seen Taehyung's dad hit him. He never knew it would cause him this much pain and anger.

"Hey!! Don't fucking touch him!!" Jungkook rushes over and punched the man in the nose. A crack was heard throughout the room and everyone was sure Jungkook just broke the man's nose.

Taehyung's dad stumbled back and tripped on a chair, falling to the floor. Jungkook quickly called in some doctors and explained what he saw. They took the man out and the room was quiet after that.

"Taetae... are you okay?" Jungkook asked quietly and got closer to his friend.

He didn't expect Taehyung to pull him into a tight hug and start bawling his eyes out. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and ran his fingers through his hair.

"K-kookie... y-you're such a-an idiot!" Taehyung looked up at his best friend with snot and tears dripping down his face.

Jungkook just smiled softly at him. "I know, but I did what I had to. I said I'd protect you, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I-I didn't think y-you'd punch him."

"I didn't either. I was just really pissed and next thing I know my hand is hurting." Jungkook chuckled as he looked at his right hand. There was a small cut on about two of his knuckles, but nothing serious.

Jungkook climbed onto the bed and immediately cuddled Taehyung.

"You broke dad's nose."

"I did."

"I've always wanted to."

"Well, haha I beat you."

"Whatever. That was first time I've heard you curse."

"And it'll be the last time."

"I love you, idiot."

"Love you too, Taetae."


When Jungkook had woken up, it was dark out. He slowly sat up and yawned, stretching his arms. He checked his phone and saw it was 7pm before checking his messages. Most of them were from Hoseok on Instagram.

hey kook


are u ok?

hope i'm not bothering u. just letting u know if u need a ride home i'll come pick u up

Jungkook smiles at the messages. Hoseok actually cared about him. Jungkook felt something sting in his chest as his heart rate picked up a bit. He doesn't know if he liked this feeling or not. So, for now he would just ignore it.

Taehyung was still asleep and probably won't wake up if Jungkook tried. Instead, he got off the bed carefully and kissed Taehyung's forehead.

"See you tomorrow, Taetae. Love you." Jungkook gathered his things and left the hospital room.

On his way to the exit he texted Hoseok back.
hey i'm sorry for the late reply. i fell asleep, but if you're willing i'd like to take you up on that ride. i just don't like riding the bus at night...

He received an immediate response.

don't move

Jungkook did as told and waited on a bench in front of the hospital. He had about ten minutes to think. Jungkook liked thinking. His mind came up with odd scenarios that entertained him or something about the wonders of the universe.

Not once did his mind ever come up with a scenario of him and Hoseok together. Until now, that is.

"Ah! Hyung stop!" Jungkook yelled as he giggled and ran from Hoseok. The older chased him around the car they were supposed to be washing with the water hose.

Hoseok sprayed his boyfriend again with the cold water, laughing as he jumped from it. He soon ditched the hose, in favor for just picking Jungkook up by his waist and spinning him around.

"Hyung, put me down!"


Hoseok did stop spinning, but held Jungkook off the ground a few centimeters. They stared at each other, like always. They often found themselves in this position.

"I'm not on the ground." Jungkook lightly kicked his feet.

"I don't wanna put you down." Hoseok made quick work with his hands and had the younger's thighs wrapped around him.

Jungkook was holding on tight to his shirt, scared that he'd get dropped, despite knowing Hoseok wouldn't let him fall.

Hoseok rested his boyfriend's back against the already-drying car. Jungkook's fingers made its way to the hairs on Hoseok's nape and messed with it.

"You're so beautiful." Hoseok whispered as he pressed his face into the younger's neck.

Jungkook giggles quietly, "You told me an hour ago. You've been telling me that since we got together, actually."

"A whole three years?"


Hoseok lifted his head and caressed Jungkook's wet cheek. He leaned in a little, his lips ghosting over Jungkook's.

"I love you, Jungkook."

"I love you, Hoseok."

Hoseok finally let their lips touch and-

Jungkook jumped about two feet in the air when he heard a loud sound of a revving motorcycle. He saw Hoseok's magenta bike in the fluorescent hospital lights. The older took off his helmet and smiled at Jungkook.

Now, Jungkook doesn't know much about the beauty (more rather the history) of art. However, he knew that what he was witnessing was true art.

The sun is gone, but the sky is a light purple mixed in with shades of blues and clouds low on the horizon. A gust of wind went by and a few strands of the older's black hair flew with it.

Jungkook suddenly couldn't breathe.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Hoseok asked in concern at Jungkook, for he was just sitting there, staring.

Jungkook blinked slowly and nodded. His heart was beating too fast, his breathing was staggered, but he was completely fine. Jungkook stood from the bench and slowly approached the bike as his legs felt unstable.

"Okay, well, have you eaten since you been here?" Hoseok asked as he passed Jungkook a helmet.

Jungkook didn't trust his voice, so he shook his head. His mouth felt a bit dry too from the lack of water.

Hoseok tried not to pay too much attention to his lack of words. Although, he wanted to hear the younger's voice.

"Alright, lets get you some food, then."

Jungkook didn't process what he said until he was on the motorcycle and hugging Hoseok's waist.

"W-wait, hy-hyung-" Jungkook stuttered out, but the sound of the bike's engine roared loudly, and they were off.

"You didn't have to feed me, hyung. I have food at home."

"I know, but this place was closer."

"No it isn't. This is way past my house."

"I know."

They were sitting in a booth at Denny's with drinks in front of them. Hoseok with coffee and Jungkook with orange juice.

Jungkook was a bit upset that Hoseok is spending money on him, but at the same time he didn't mind. It was nice being treated every once in awhile.

The scenario kept replaying in Jungkook's empty mind. He felt the emotions, the vividness of it. He was so close to him. He felt the puffs of breath on his lips, the hand on his cheek. He felt him.

And Jungkook wished it to be real.

"You're pretty quiet tonight. You okay? You know you can tell me anything." Hoseok sipped his coffee and made a sour face, then grabbed a sugar packet or two.

Jungkook sighed. "I'm fine, just a bit tired. We slept the whole time I was there."

"And you're tired?"

"Believe it or not." Jungkook chuckled and sipped his juice.

Hoseok smiles at him as he does so. He found himself smiling a lot at the younger whenever he was around. Just the thought of Jungkook made a smile creep onto Hoseok's face.

Their food soon came and they began eating. Jungkook just ordered the all you can eat pancakes while Hoseok has the grand slam sandwich.

They had small talk here and there. About their dates (neither still couldn't believe they were going on two dates. Two), and family, and Taehyung. Jungkook didn't talk about the incident that happened. It saddened him.

They were soon done eating and Hoseok paid with Jungkook paying the tip.

("Hyung, let me pay."

"No, I got it. It's fine, just relax your pretty little head."


Hoseok sighed. "Fine. You can pay the tip."

Jungkook was okay with that.)

Once they were at Jungkook's house, Hoseok walked him to the door again. Jungkook checked the windows to make sure his mom or dad wasn't peeking.

"Thanks again, hyung. For picking me up and dinner." Jungkook said with a small smile.

"No problem, any time. See you later?"

"Definitely. Bye, hyung."

"Bye, Kook."

Jungkook went inside and sighed, leaning against the door. He never used to think much of it, but now that nickname made his stomach churn and twist. In a good way, though.

He went upstairs to his room and changed into pajamas. It was only about 9, but Jungkook was tired and full from the food. He laid in bed and texted Taehyung. The doctors finally let him have his phone.

hey taetae. are you awake? i'm sorry i left you.

anyway anything new with you and Hoseok? ;)

umm no? the same as usual?

mhm sure
i heard his motorcycle
he picked you up?

yes, he texted me while we were sleep and said he could pick me up. so i asked him

yoU ASKED???

yes, weirdo. you know i don't like taking the bus at night

yea i know
and then what happened????

he took me to denny's
i didn't want to go but he insisted 🙄


Jungkook sighed at his best friend and questioned their friendship yet again.

goodnight taetae
love you

ok night night ily~

Jungkook set his phone down to charge. He snuggled further into the covers and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.

The charging phone buzzed a few minutes later.

sleep well, kook :)

a/n: i would've done the texts on either side of the page but something messed up and i was like ok whatever i'll just do it like tHIS anyway hope you liked this chapter :)

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