Jonathan's P.O.V.
I woke up in my hospital bed, with Matty beside me, good thing they let us sleep on the same bed, my mom and Matty's mom seemed to get along fine, but our dads haven't met yet, it's weird that Matty's mom didn't asked what my mom's last name was, nor did my mom tell Matty's mom her last name.
I pulled Matty closer to me, his head on my chest, I can slightly feel his hot breath going through the thin cloth of the hospital gown, though I would pretty much prefer me being shirtless. We were both avoiding any contact on our left wrists as we both still got those needle things in them connecting to the water supply bags thing and we wouldn't want them breaking while it's inside us.
"You awake?" He whispered. I stroked his head lightly, confirming his answer.
"Are you keeping something from me? if so, is it big? or it's nothing to worry about?" I stopped caressing his head as the words left his mouth.
I processed his words carefully and muttered, "I don't know, I think it's the latter"
He sighed. "Okay" Then nuzzled his head back on my chest and slept. I don't know what secret is he talking about. But I do have some things that I haven't told him yet, but like I said, it's not really a big deal, nor it's something to worry about. At least I think it doesn't.
"I love you" He whispered, making me smile.
I pulled him even closer, the warm fuzzy feeling came back in my stomach. "I love you too my bunny" I said. I like this feeling though, I can't get enough of it, is this love? I guess this is love, I hope it's love.
I heard him giggle. Ahh, I really love this moment right here. I heard the door opened, my back was facing the door so I couldn't see who it was, I guess it's Matty's brother or mom since my mom agreed that Pattie can watch over us.
"Are you guys awake?" A guy's voice whispered. Must be Matty's brother.
I raised my hand up then wrapped it back around Matty. It's also a good thing that his family is okay with what's going on with us, I really like them.
"You guys ready to go?" Martin whispered in my ear.
"Yeah" I whispered as well. I shook Matty gently.
"Bunny? Wake up, it's time to check out" I said. He groaned and rubbed his eyelids and stared right at my eyes for a few seconds before he smiled revealing that dimple of his. I kissed his forehead, I remembered that his brother was still in the room.
"Let's go?" I asked. He nodded. We both got out of bed and right on time the nurse came and pulled out the needles on our wrists and covered them up then we got dressed, his brother got us Matty's clothes since I forgot to tell my mom to bring me some, then we went out of the hospital, his brother drove us back to their house, he sat at the driver's seat of course, while the two of us were at the back. Matty leaning his head on my shoulder.
"We're here" His brother said, I looked at Matty, his eyes were closed, and I hate to wake him up for the second time today. Martin opened the door for us and I carried Matty bridal style, I think he's awake though, by the way he 'automatically' wrapped his arms around my neck.
I smiled as I carried him upstairs and into his bed, I laid him down there and tried to get his arms off of me, but instead he pulled me down making me fall on top of him, he groaned.
"Sleep over" he said.
"Sleep tight you guys, I'll head on home" Martin said closing the door, smirking. Looks like I'm sleeping over then.
I sighed. "Fine" I said as I rolled down beside him, man, all we do is sleep all day today, it was just past noon, but I feel tired, maybe we do need the rest.
I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, and kissed his head as he tightened his grip on me.
"Goodnight bunny" I said, even though it's past noon.
He chuckled. "Goodnight J" he said nuzzling his head at the crook of my neck, the way I love it, and let the sleep take over.
"Boys, breakfast is ready" I heard Pattie called as I was staring at Matty. I just woke up a few minutes ago.
I guess it is safe to say that he's mine now, sorta. I do love the guy though, so much, I can't explain it, I just do, and I love the feeling it gives me.
I tightened my grip around him, his arms were folded on his chest as I pressed his body closer to me. I kissed his forehead once he was within my reach.
I felt him moving, telling me I woke him up, he flutter his eyelids open and his bluish orbs were now in my sights, I gave him a genuine smile.
"Morning bunny" I said running my fingers around his back.
He smiled back. "Morning" He says with his adorable croaky morning voice. I pecked his lips as I felt his heartbeat that was pressed against my chest go faster. His eyes were opened wide and I just chuckled at his weirdness. Is he not used to this yet? I have to do something about that.
"Your mom called out for breakfast" I said slowly. He just stared at me for a few seconds then he ducks his head and leaned it on my chest telling me he doesn't want to get up yet, I smiled to myself as I rubbed his back. I think it's a weekday, I'm not entirely sure, but I think we'll skip school for today seeing as it's already 9 on his alarm clock.
I can't believe we slept for 20 hours or so, we must've been pretty tired to not wake up for lunch nor dinner. Wow, this must be a new record even for me.
I can't help but to feel guilty though on what happened a few weeks ago, I couldn't handle it if something more horrible happened to Matty, and not seeing him the night I woke up from my coma was also unnerving for me. My parents didn't let me out, also they were too strong for me so I couldn't see nor check up on him.
Its just a mixture of happiness and sadness. The things I feel right now. It's difficult to explain, it's just how it is.
But I know better than to put myself down on what happened to us, so I won't dwell on that much. I'm just so thankful that I have him back on my arms again, to be able to touch the life out of him, I don't know why, hormones I guess, I am a teenager after all. But I don't know if he feels the same though, but I doubt that he doesn't, by the way he looks at me, the way he smiles, how he occasionally brushes his hair with his hand, I think he feels the same way too, I'm just not 100 percent sure.
I stood up and left him at his bed and went downstairs knowing that I haven't eating anything in more than 24 hours, which was yesterday's breakfast. He immediately got up and ran towards me and jumped on my back for a piggy back ride making me chuckle, he was too old for these but I let it slide, I almost fell down the stairs if I wasn't that strong, we went in the dining area and bent down so Matty can get off.
The funny thing about this breakfast is how Matty murdered the mango juice, I swear he could've drank the whole pitcher and still want more. I always hold my chuckle at his every glass and refill, it's just funny to me, and cute, I can't help it, I really do love the guy, but the longer he drinks, the longer I had to wait for us to get some privacy, I tapped my foot impatiently under the table, silently of course.
When Pattie got up I took my plates as well but she stopped me.
"Oh no dear, gimme your plate I'll do it" She says, doesn't she have work or something? It's already pretty late to go to work though, but still, work is work, and also I want her out of here.
"But don't you have work today?" I asked giving her my plate as Matty was still drinking.
"I do, I'm just a little late today that's all" She says as she took my plate and went to the sink. I went over there as well to protest. I sneaked a glance at Matty who was refilling his, I think was his 4th glass, he really loves his mango juice.
"None sense Mrs. Wagner, I can handle this you go on ahead to work, every minute counts you know" I said as she took a huge breath and sighed. She smiled at me.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" Ha! Got her! Of course I don't, it's the least I could do after all.
I let out a chuckle. "I'm sure, you go on ahead, I'll finish up things here" I said as she nodded and squeezed my shoulder then went upstairs. I started to wash the dishes, I've done this a couple of times back home, hey, just because we're rich and can afford maids, doesn't mean I don't know how to do chores. Well I don't know how to vacuum though, but whatever.
I heard a chair moving, telling me Matty got up, he stood beside me and gave me his dishes, smiling.
"No one ever asked mom to wash the dishes for her or do anything for her, ever, even when I brought people here before. She told me.." He stopped and I looked at him. He was playing with his fingers, something I have known he does when he's either nervous or embarrassed.
I bumped my hips against his and chuckled. "Told you what?"
"Uh, sh-she said that y-you were a keeper" I chuckled and looked at Matty who's head was down and cheeks were going red. I smiled and leveled my head down, his eyes were closed as I kissed his cheek. He flutters them open and touched his cheek where I left the kiss and chuckled to myself as I finished washing the dishes.
"I'm going now boys, don't have too much fun" I heard Pattie yelled, well actually, sung, from the living room. I'm still not used on calling Matty's mom by her first name.
I finished the dishes and put them back and turned to Matty who was still playing with his fingers, I'm feeling extremely horny right now. I grabbed paper towels to wipe my wet hands and threw them in the trash. I turned my body to face him, I took his chin and raised it up so he's looking at me. I can still see a few scratches on his face making me slightly frown, but he was still beautiful to me. My wound was already healed thanks to my wonderful genes I guess, while his was almost healed completely. I leaned in and kissed his forehead.
I needed to exercise, says the voice in my head.
Yeah, I haven't exercised for a while. I took Matty's hand and dragged him upstairs to change.
"Do you have no sleeve shirts and shorts?" I asked, but I already found them in his closet before he could respond. I found a plain white shirt, and a purple and yellow basketball shorts, Lakers? I don't know.
"Found them" I said taking off my t-shirt and pants and shoes to put on what I took from his closet.
"You can join me if you want" I said as I put on the shorts, then some rubber shoes.
"I-I I uhh" I chuckled. Why is he so nervous? Oh what I'd do just to get inside his head. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, I sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Is everything alright?" I asked trying to look at his eyes as he was looking down. He nodded. I kissed his head.
"I can do this tomorrow if you want" I said. He shot his head up and looked at me.
"No, let's go" He said shaking his head. I smiled and got up. He took off his pants and got in some shorts as well. I took his hand and entwined our fingers as he finished, then dragged him outside for a few rounds around the neighborhood. I didn't go on full blast seeing as Matty struggled to keep up when we had gym.
The neighborhood was big, a few neighbors were out and giving us smiles, and we did the same. It was a big neighborhood to be honest, so we just did two rounds around his block and did the rest of our exercises at his front yard. Same routine as always, jumping jacks, bla bla bla, whatever moves I could pull off, I don't want to bore you anymore than I already am. Then, last but not the least, crunches, by the time I did this I was already shirtless.
I can tell he had a good time even though he hardly spoke due to the heavy exercises he insisted on doing with me, even though I told him not to do it nor overdo it if he doesn't want to. He now kneeled on my feet to keep me grounded as I do my crunches.
I just stared at him as I counted in my head, he just kept smiling like he won a lottery or something, and it makes me feel all good inside.
34.. 35.. I counted. He was now biting his lip, and I couldn't help it, he looked sexy. I did my last crunch as I take my hands to cup his cheeks, opened my legs wide for an entrance and pulled him in for a kiss, a kiss I have been dying to give him since his mom left, I pulled him down the grassy lawn which I didn't mind because it was cool as an iced coffee on my back. I now wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer, not minding if the neighbors saw us. His arms made it's way around my neck and the hard on in his shorts was evident, I think soon, mine will be too.
There was something different about this kiss though, its like, it's more powerful that the previous ones, if that's even possible. I really really REALLY wanted more of it, but seeing as we are humans and in need of the stupid oxygen, we both pulled away breathing heavily. He pressed his forehead against mine as I gave him another kiss and pulled away before it even started.
He got up and took my hand pulling me up as well, he dragged me inside his house and pushed me down the sofa, hard. Woah, I'm liking this side of him, this bold, brave, horny side of him. I remember telling him to "never ask" when we were in the gym showers, so it's kind of my fault if I ever made him this way, but this was much more fun.
I smirked as he locked the front door. He just kept his smile plastered on his face.
"Remember what you said to me in the gym showers?" Yeah, I do, in fact I was just thinking that. I nodded.
"So I guess you don't mind then?" He said, well it was more of a statement than a question, so I'll let it slide. He sat on my lap, legs between my torso, his arms around my neck, and his hard on was pressing on my stomach. He was now a few inches taller than me seeing as he was sitting on my lap. I kissed him looking up which was a bit hard but I still managed and wrapped my arms around him. I was now getting a hard on as well, making him smile in the kiss as he felt it.
He started kissing downwards like he did before, feeling me up with his hands as well, especially my abs, I don't know why, but he loved those, that's why I've been working out, so I could keep it that way.
He was playing with the hem of my shorts, getting ready to pull them off of me, but we heard a sound that stopped us from what we're doing, Matty got off of me, both of us breathing heavily-the doorbell rang again. He groaned and I laughed at him. I am a bit upset as well but more amused. I pulled him for a short kiss as he went to the door to see who it is and I slipped on the shirt I wore a while ago as he opened the door.
"Uncle Matty" I heard a little girl's voice yelled. Uncle? I thought Martin doesn't have a child, nor is married.
I stood up and saw Matty picking up a cute little girl probably aged 4 or 5, with a pony tailed hair, pink dress and sneakers with a Dora the explorer bag.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm your cousin not your uncle" He said tapping her nose as they both giggled. I got up and walked towards them.
"Bye aunt May" Matty said and closed the door.
"Oh, yeah" He said right after he saw me. He turned around so that I was both facing Matty and the cute little girl.
"Maggie, this is J, say hi Maggie" Matty cooed at the little girl. So she is the famous Maggie Matty told me about, she's so adorable that I could just eat her up, not literally.
"Hi, J, why is your name just J?" She asked tilting her head like a dog would. I swear, she's overloading with cuteness. I chuckled as Matty put her down to run towards me asking for a lift. I happily carried her up.
"That's just my nickname, my full name is Jonathan" I said smiling at her. She gave me a confused look but it was soon replaced by a smile and laughter, she then nodded, this girl catches on fast.
She leans in closer to my ear so I lifted her up a little more for her to reach it and whispered. "Are you uncle Matty's prince charming?" She said giggling, making me laugh even harder.
"What? What'd she say" Ignoring Matty, I nodded at the little girl who seemed to be contented with the answer and leans in again at my ear. This time Matty walked towards us in an attempt to listen to our conversation, but I walked away smirking at him as he gave me death glares. I then rolled my eyes at him as I took both of us to the kitchen, leaving Matty cross armed in the living room.
"Do you like each other like the prince in barbie?" I chuckled at her weird comparison of our relationship, but I'll take it. I nodded and a cute smile escapes from her lips, I kissed her cheek. Isn't she too young for these kinds of things?
"So what do you want to do today princess Maggie?" I said as I put her down and her holding my two fingers with her hand.
She laughs. "I'm not a princess silly, I want to watch more barbie" She says running back to the living room dragging me along with her.
"Had fun?" Matty asked with an eyebrow raised and some kind of anger or jealousy radiated from his tone. Like those mean girls in movies that asks their boyfriends if they "had fun" screwing some other chick and turns out that they found something to blackmail their boyfriends with, or something along those lines.
I'm gonna take this as jealousy. His arms were still crossed and his foot was tapping impatiently. Maggie kept running all over the place and when she was out of sight I opened my arms as I walked towards Matty. I never took him for the jealous type, but he looks so damn hot when he is. I was smirking but he was frowning. I engulfed him into a hug and kissed his forehead and pulled away.
"No need to be jealous bunny, you're just my one and only. Wow that rhymed" I said as he chuckled, he finally laughed or well chuckled, and smiled but I can see through his fake smile, making my grin turn into a small frown, but I try not to show it. I now know that there's something bothering him and I intend to find out what.
"Uncle J, let's watch this" Maggie said flashing on her other hand a DVD tugging on my loose shorts that almost made me bottom half naked. I took the DVD and put in the CD into the player, I sat down on the couch, Maggie sitting on my lap obediently, and Matty beside me.
I don't know why she called me uncle, maybe it's how she really calls older guys. It's cute though. She fell asleep on my lap halfway through the barbie movie, her head resting on my chest, I can feel Matty's stare burning on my side as he kept shifting positions. I really do get his signs, though I don't want to wake the adorable girl up. I lifted her up carefully, bridal style.
"Where can I put her?" I whispered at Matty and showed me the way to what I think was their guest bedroom. I laid her there carefully and tucked her in while Matty waited out the door. I kissed her forehead and left, closing the door behind me. Matty was about to say something but I ignored him as I hurriedly went downstairs back to the comfy sofa.
I'm now stinky as a garbage bag, and it baffles me how Maggie slept so easily on my lap. The way Matty stomped his feet going down the stairs, aura full of frustration means that my plan has worked, and it's so damn hot. As he approached me, I stood up and took off my shirt grinning at him, making his grouchy looking face turn into confused one.
He started backing away. Gotcha!
I walked closer to him as he kept backing away, when his back pressed against the front door he tensed up and I took the opportunity to leap across and am now in front of him, looming over the gap between us I leaned in closer and he closes his eyes in a way I was not expecting to see. Fear. That moment I had to know what was going on, I kissed his forehead, but I couldn't resist him so I pecked his lips and walked towards the stairs.
"I'm going to take a shower, you can come if you want to" I said as I looked at him, still standing at the front door, frozen. I frowned a bit and made a run to the bathroom upstairs. I took off my shorts and turned on the shower and got in.
I heard footsteps from the wooden flooring outside the shower telling me someone's coming.
"I-I got you s-some clothes" Matty said behind the shower curtains. I popped my head out and looked at him and smiled but his lips were in a thin line. I took the clothes and threw them on the dry sink.
I pulled him inside the showers and stared at him, but he just kept looking up like the ceiling was more interesting than me. I took off his shirt, he obliged but he still wouldn't look at me. Is there something wrong with me that he can't even look at me in the eyes? Does he not like the way I look now? I feel the insecurities hitting me like a freight train.
I put my hand at the back of his head to lean him down so that he was looking at my eyes.
"Everything alright bunny?" I asked, worry and concern all over my voice and my face, he was slightly shaking.
His eyes were full of sadness and hurt. "Everything that's happened to me, to us, so far is like, it's unreal, I couldn't even imagine being that happy even if I try, it's like everything is one big dream and that I'll wake up later in my bed, with nothing to look forward to for the rest of my everydays" He said as he kept blinking, probably to prevent tears streaming down his face.
"I'm so afraid, that all of this, will go away because it's not even real, and it scares the hell out of me so much, it's all just too good to be true" Now he closed his eyes. I took him to sit at the toilet. I put on the shorts I came in here with, thinking that my nakedness will be inappropriate in this situation, I kneeled in between his legs and wrapped an arm around his back and rubbed it gently, and the other hand on his leg, rubbing circles to try and calm him down.
"Hey, hey, shh" I said in a low volume tone, he was sobbing lightly.
"Everything that has happened between us is real okay? 100% real, and I don't want you to doubt every single thing you see, hear or feel because it's all real, and this" I put his hand on my heart, cheesy as it may seem, I still did it. "Right here, is very real, and loves you very much" I said.
He calms down now and opened his eyes, a few tears escaped but I wiped them away with my thumb. "And if you ever need me to pinch you just for you to believe that you are not dreaming, don't hesitate to ask" I said earning a chuckle from him.
I hugged him even though it was a little bit awkward seeing as my head was at his upper stomach, but he still hugged me nonetheless, well, my head at least. After a few more seconds of hugging, we both pulled away and stood up, I took his hand and got us into the showers again. I gave him the soap knowing that he likes to "clean" me up, which earns me a smile from him showing that familiar dimple which I love very much.
After he cleaned me up I tried to take away the soap but he refused, instead he put it back wherever it is I found in and grabs a hold of my neck, his hands wrapping around them and kisses me, I was taken by surprise but soon I gave in and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss while the water kept dripping on us from the running shower.
This is it, it's him. The term they call "The one". I am saying this with full confidence that Matty is truly the one for me. I have never been this sure in declaring someone "The one" in like, ever, even with my relationships in the past, never in my mind, it came across that they could potentially be "The one".
You can only get "The one" only once, because, for starters, it's "The one", you couldn't possibly find another "The one", then that would be "They're the ones" already, which is plain silly, and also because, once you find "The one" then that's it, you wouldn't find anyone else like him/her. On that note, yeah, I know in my heart, that Matty, is truly "The one".
My only one.
Just to be safe, if you're thinking this is the end, its NOT!
Wait for the next chapters, a lot more things need to happen.
How is it so far?
Good or Bad? or Inbetween?