I slowly walked away from Trip, who was having trouble moving with a six-foot scythe in his stomach.
Nice use of the grape, Hades said, with a hint of respect. I was glad he approved especially since I could tell what his tones meant.
We were in a way better place than before. Almost in sync actually. His, our, power was fully flowing now as we trudged with a lot of pace towards the farm building in the back.
Soon I escaped the grapes (which I was still eating) and came upon three buildings. One was a barn that probably held equipment and etc. The other two were completely different: one a Victorian style house and the other a fairly modern house. My senses told me that they were in the Victorian house.
I went through my checklist; clean clothes, check. Nice smelling breath (grape flavored, of course) check. Godly powers incase mother tries to kill me, check.
I'm ready.
Zoe's P. O. V
It was easy to find out where Jake was going once we knew about Demeter. I mean obviously if you're looking for a goddess of agriculture the farm is an answer. Gods think they're so smart but really they're stupid.
From there Luke used The Remnants resources to find out the farm that was making the most income which happened to be in Stellenbosh. The others pointed out that she wouldn't be there because it's a grape farm but Psyche seemed to think that made it perfect.
We drove, not wanting to carry all the swords and armor through security at the airport. The Velosters rumbled down the N1. I sat in the car with Andrew, Toni and Bradlin. Andrew was the driver. Toni being my best friend hopped in with and she chose Bradlin. I guess she knew that besides the others, she needed to keep Psyche away from me.
"Are you ready to see Jake?" Bradlin asked enthusiastically but her tone said she was holding back for my sake.
I shrugged, not really knowing the answer. "A part of me is excited to see Death but..."
I didn't need to answer, they knew my feelings towards-
"Well, I for one can't wait to fight gods. Too bad Death is there." Andrew added and I looked at him.
"And why would that fact be bad?"
"It's simple because you know Jake will get rid of them." Andrew said in a fangirl-ing tone.
I rolled my eyes. An hour left and then it begins.
Death's P. O. V
I knocked on the door. No one answered, not even a mumble. I opened the door. Silence. I walked in and closed the door. I glided over the floor. The kitchen, living room and upstairs were silent. I expected the wooden boards to creak from their footsteps. Outside, that's where they'd be.
I walked out on the steps. Two women sat around a stone table in a cliché, beautiful garden. One woman was clearly in her thirties laughing with... Caitlyn.
The world seemed to revolve around her. They were sipping tea. Well, her mother was while she was sipping coke.
I'll admit I was being a bit stalker-ish, just standing and watching them. Hades didn't mind being in the presence of his wife and like me focused on her. But it was interrupted when Hades took over, catching a golden moon-like blade from impaling my face.
Demeter was looking at me as if she knew I was there all along but Caitlyn stared at me, noticing me for the first time.
I grinned (Hades still in control). "Fighting like a dimachaerus, Demeter? Just like your daughters."
She sneered, standing up from her tea. Caitlyn stood up too.
"Jake, you finally found me." she said, glancing at her mother as if she kept her prisoner. Hades and I were thinking she did.
"Trying to take my daughter away again? I can see this Jake fellow is a lot braver than you are, facing me unlike back then." Demeter said, taunting me but Hades faded into my mind. I guess we were one again but I didn't mind.
"Well, Hades and I have something in common. We both have an obsession with the goddess of springtime." I held the golden blade tight in my hand. Demeter held the other matching one.
I tilted my head to my partner. Now I don't want to seem like a cliché guy because I've seen Caitlyn fight yet in this moment she seemed reluctant to join my side.
Kill the mother-in-law, capture the girl later, Hades suggested. Worked the last time.
Good advice, considering that last time Hades had a chariot and a big hole in the ground. Also the Helm of Hades. I decided that this was not the worst idea Hades had spat out today.
I stepped towards Demeter and she mirrored my action until we were full out running at each other to see who would kill who first and in that moment I knew who was going to lose.
Thank you for 500 reads people. I hope to leave you off with a great ending. CLIMAX ZONE!