
By alone1_wolf

2K 122 21

What if you lose everything? Family, friends, lover? How do you feel? Is it sadness that's inside you or ange... More

Part 1: Who Are You?
Part 2: We Can't Trust Him
Part 3: Nice To Meet You
Part 4: The Earth Swore To Heaven..
Part 5: Can You Keep A Secret?
Part 6: A Plan
Part 7: She Didn't See Anything
Part 8: I Can't Find Answers, Just More Questions
Part 9: Company For Walking
Part 10: Old Friend
Part 11: Fears Are Getting Real
Part 12: Our Confession
Part 13: Waiting For Death
Part 14: Time To Wake Up
Part 15: Who Helped Us
Part 16: Sound Of Heart Breaking
Part 17: Five Years Are Long Enough
Part 18: You Still Love Me
Part 19: A Warning
Part 21: Cages For Monsters
Part 22: Stories For Goodnight
Part 23: Never Spoken Words
Part 24: She Saved You
Part 25: Soon
Part 26: Terrific Screams
Part 27: Someone
Part 28: The Biggest Mistake
Part 29: A Surprise
Part 30: Promise Me
Part 31: Destiny Will Find You
Part 32: Because Of Us

Part 20: Best Option

37 2 0
By alone1_wolf

Next day while I was walking through the village I heard Jayden and Corinne talking. He is leaving for five days to get some equipment. That's all I heard because I kept walking. If I stoped and continued to listen them I'd be suspicious. I definitely don't need it right now. Snotlout came to me. "So Hayden, how does it feels when someone steals something you like?" I rolled my eyes, he always wants to argue "I don't have time to argue with you, Snotlout" he kept following me "Why? Doesn't looks like you're busy" Gods how that guy can go on my nerves.

"Believe me or not, but I am. So I'd appreciate if you'd leave me alone" when he heard it he stopped on his tracks and went on another direction. I continued walking to the Great Hall, Hiccup said he has business for me. When I entered I realized I'm not the only one there. Astrid, Willow and Corinne are standing next to Hiccup and looking at some kind of a map. "Hayden we were waiting for you" Astrid was the first who saw me, then the other three looked at me too. I nodded "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting"

Hiccup shook his head "Don't apologize, come here" I walked towards a table where was a map. "What did you find?" a map was huge, islands and seas were everywhere. "An island, it is right here" he pointed very far away from Berk. "Fishlegs thinks there could be new spices of dragons and we want to check it, but we have a problem", "I'm listening" I could feel Corinne's gaze on me. It burned through my skull, but I kept looking at a map. "We can't go that far, nobody knows what's there" I looked at him "That's actually two problems"

"Hayden we need to find out what's on that island" Hiccup said looking at me, seriousness written on his face. I couldn't do nothing but nod. "Fine. I'll go.." Astrid smiled "Thanks..." I smiled back, but it was more a forced than real smile. "Of course you won't go alone. For a case that something happens" she continued talking. I rised an eyebrow "Who's going with me?", "We will" Willow spoke for the first time since I came. My eyes went towards her"We?", "Corinne and I" the same moment I looked at Corinne "Her? You must be kidding" I looked at Hiccup. "Hayden that's the best option"

"Really? The best option is that my best friend and my ex-girlfriend go with me Gods knows where while her husband is on a trip. Sounds like a great plan! What if he returns before us? What are you going to tell him? That his wife left with his enemy who's accidentally her ex-boyfriend? Yep that's definitely the best option ever!" all four were looking at me. Then Corinne spoke "We'll be back before him and he won't find out", "You two should talk alone and tell us what you decided" Hiccup said then he and Astrid left. Before Willow left she gave me a worried look. I looked at Corinne "From all vikings on this island why you?" she returned the gaze. "Because I want to help"

I couldn't help but laugh "Yeah right..." her face was serious "What's so funny?", "You actually wanting to help" her expression was blank "Believe me or not, but I do" I just nodded. "I don't care, just move from my way" with that I left. I went to Hiccup and talked about everything. "So when are we going?", "Tomorrow" I nodded "Tomorrow...wait, tomorrow?!" he nodded "Yes. Why that tone?", "Why tomorrow?", "If you go soon, sooner you'll come back" I paused for a moment. Why did I get myself into this?

"When will Jayden come back?", "Um he won't come back at least seven days", "So we have seven days to go there, see if there is any new dragon and come back. Nothing easier." he nodded "Yeah, good luck" I nodded "Thanks. I'll need it, a lot" I went to my house. It was the night when I heard knocks on the door. "Who is it?", "It's me" Willow's voice was on the other side. "It's open" she came inside and closed the door behind her. She opened her mouth to say something but I was faster "I know what you're going to say. And no I'm not alright with it" she sighed. "It wasn't my idea", "I know. It's late and we're going tomorrow morning. You should rest" I don't know what to say to her. She warned me about Corinne and now she's going with us far away from here. She just nodded "You're right. You should rest too. See you tomorrow", "Goodnight" What the hell is wrong with me?! I have to calm down. Everything will be alright. Look at it from a positive side. Is there any positive side about this?! Maybe there is.. This is my chance to find more about Jayden and Corinne and why Willow said what she said. I just need to be patient and wait for them to tell me.

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