Happily after Ever { SLOW EDI...

By Snowflake_Rose

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He was deprived of his Father's love since childhood,and he had seen his parents going through worst relation... More

Chapter 1~ Her charms
Chapter 2~ She is irresistible
Chapter 3~ A movie scene
Chapter 4~ Doubts & Dreams
Chapter 5~ Monster Encounter
Chapter 6~ Wounded claustrophobic
Chapter 7~ Abduction
Chapter 8~ She'll be my death angel
Chapter 9~ Hidden Lies
Chapter 10~ Lookalike
Chapter 11~ I can't lose her!
Chapter 12~ A daydream
Chapter 13~ Negotiations
Chapter 14~ Names and Fun
Chapter 15~ Bitter past
Chapter 16~ A blast from the past
Chapter 17~ The Nikkah
Chapter 18~ Revelation
Chapter 19~ Nostalgia & Longings
Chapter 20~ More Revelation
Chapter 21~ Heartbroken
Chapter 22~ Good times & Bad times
Chapter 23~ Troubled love
Chapter 24~ The pawn
Chapter 25
Chapter 26~ Playfulness
Chapter 27~ Together in sunshine and rain
Chapter 28~ A tragedy
Chapter 29~ Harshness of life

Chapter 30~ A twist in time

304 28 17
By Snowflake_Rose

" I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. "

* Marilyn Monroe *

5 years later

The mirror displayed smudged lipstick,
Messy hair,
A loose gown revealing her exotic features to the eyes of the beholder.
Hands engulfing the delicate frame of her velvety waist, bare , the gown was slowly untied to let it fall.
Nuzzling his head to a deeper access of her collarbone, he caressed the area with his tongue and then places soft kisses, intends to bite but then gives up his desire only not to hurt his beloved.
Picking her up in a bridal style, he glues his eyes into her intoxicating ones, demanding him to shower his love for her tonight.The eyes holding a tincture of hope, shyness, mischief and an indefinite unmeasurable love.

The crescent star was shining brightly than ever, without blinking it's orbs focusing exclusively on the pulchritude of revival of two long lost lovers, who belonged only to themselves.


Ever since that day, our love grew more firmer and our enemies were forced to bend down on their knees seeking their humble apologies.The level of eeman had increased to an extent I never thought, my situations would raise it to.Together we were seeking Allah and together we had found Him.

All night, a man called “Allah”
Until his lips got bleeding.
Then the Devil said, “Hey! Mr Gullible!
How comes you’ve been calling all night
And never once heard Allah say, “Here, I am”?
You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I’ll tell you what. Nothing!”

The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.
Depressed, he threw himself on the ground
And fell into a deep sleep.
In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked,
“Why are you regretting praising Allah?”

The man said, “I called and called
But Allah never replied, “Here I am.”
Abraham explained, “Allah has said,
“Your calling my name is My reply.
Your longing for Me is My message to you.
All your attempts to reach Me
Are in reality My attempts to reach you.
Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.
In the silence surrounding every call of “Allah”
Waits a thousand replies of “Here I am.”

After narrating this to our kid Zidan, I kissed his forehead and patted him to sleep. Zidan was now a grown up toddler, 5 years old.

Azfar still couldn't forget the treacherous behavior of his so called father, which he came to know somehow, and when he escaped the place he was tied and kept, he returned back only to find his mother's throat cut open and the blood dry and Abhan going missing, which of course meant he was with Farhaan.That left him devastated , broken beyond repair, firstly because he had lost his mother and second because he loved Abhan extremely.

Time was very cruel, it didn't have any power to heal any ailments or wounds, but sometimes it was the power of a human mind who made it work that way. To pass too quickly or too slowly.
It depends on the human brain.
Living with Azfar for more than 5 years, it seemed every single attribute of ours had synchronized. We were almost an example of a perfect couple, Alhamdulillah.(All Praise Be To Allah)

Though we lived with an everlasting grief holding to the apex of our hearts, we tried to love Zidan as much as we would love Abhan. My husband never took them to be someone else's child. I was blessed or maybe a word beyond blessed to have a husband like this in this world. I wished and prayed in every prayer of my heart and my tongue, for Allah to bestow me with Azfar in the life after this world, in the life in heaven.Never did he taunt me for not being able to bare kids anymore. I felt disheartened too that I couldn't give him the happiness every man wishes to have from his wife.

I prayed, for the longing of a mother's heart to unite me with my son Abhan if not in this world then in the hereafter.

Pouring my contents out onto the diary, I closed it and kept on the drawer.It was my habit, a long and a dear one.

Taking a quick glance at the clock, I scurried downstairs to check on the doors and all the windows as Azfar was not here, he had departured two hours ago for a business tour to Singapore. Azfar wanted us safe, so he had secured our abode in another place of Pakistan namely Gilgit, Baltistan.

It was a cold January night, with flakes of snow occasionally sprinkling on the town with spells of shivering wind,passing through even the slightest place possible for entering in the habitant's houses.Zidan had cried missing his father holding onto the frame of his now nonexistent brother, it pained me seeing him like that. We couldn't find Abhan however hard we tried. Karachi is a big city, though we still rummaged through streets of Lyari,Defense,Gulshan and Nazimabad all the largely populated areas where he could have escaped but to no avail. We used all the power and might Azfar could excess , but none knew about Farhaan and some even taunted and mocked on declaiming that Farhaan was a lookalike of Azfar while some claimed us to be unworthy of being parents.

Azfar was tired, had lost hopes in meeting him again, he was depressed to forego the truth of the reality of his existence, that he was a walking swear , a curse. But since that day, I had to make myself stronger despite the loss I had gone through to live and raise a happy family.Like the way he never made me realize my lacking, that I couldn't conceive, likely I never made him feel that he was an illegitimate .

I had made him trust on Allah, when he began to doubt on his faith. That's what a good spouse should do. They should not leave their husband/wife no matter whatever happens in their life, they should remember that having each other's sides and understanding and trusting each other can help both overcome whatever befalls.Like the way Azfar restored my patience and shattering beliefs in Allah, when my baba died, when Farhan tried to strangle me and acid attack my face. If not Azfar I would have lost all hopes in living, when I didn't even stand a sight to look into the mirror.I had lost locks of my hair near the left ear and somewhat the skin there was also burned.He always kissed me there, telling me that I was the most beautiful.

Farhaan had besieged over his property, The Rehan mansion, and had been trying his filthy intentions on grabbing The Atlas as well. Thankfully to Allah, Azfar had found on time that the one stabbing behind his back was none other than Sameer whom he trusted as his own brother, more likely than a friend or assistant.

5 years, and then we came closer to each other, closing the gaps between us. It was a tiring destiny, but I am glad we made it this far.It's not necessary to be intimate in a relationship, but what matters is the understanding and the love which blooms out of affirmation to the partner's esteem and his flaws, to be there all .

Azfar was not only a successful businessman but also a good human at heart. He defined the qualities of a gentleman to his woman, a loving father to his child ( which was not actually his ) and to me he was truly a gem.

Intellectually he had tackled the situation between letting go of his mansion or the industry he had put all his blood and sweat into, worth in fortune of billions. Farhaan however might have become a millionaire, but our cries of wretched heart may have not allowed to live him peacefully.

Finally I drifted off to sleep, hugging Zidan closer to my bossom.Sniffing his usual johnsons scent, made me feel peaceful and euphoric.

These were my usual days filled with witnessing his small pleasurable laughters, his strong and tiny steps, his intellectual attempts to solve the puzzles I asked him to, his silly demands to let him learn of trying his hands in making new foods, he wanted to be a culinary expert. He loved watching Master chef episodes, loved seeing me trying new stuff and all the while we had Azfar on video call with us.Azfar used to be away, back in Karachi mostly.For our safety, he had transferred us here.

Azfar was here since past few weeks, for enjoying the winter with us as Karachi rarely experienced any such weather except the less often chills.


The next morning I recieved a letter, which was squeezed past the door mat.It had no labels,and no address.

" I never thought I'd lose like this. I'm sorry Zahra Tabassum, I'm really sorry. I know you won't believe my words, so I have asked the details about how is Abhan and where is he so that I can hand him over to you. But sadly, Sameer informed me that he was adopted by a Balochi family, 5 months ago and that they're responsible and a loving family to be grown up in. I know that doesn't make any difference to you, but still... I love you...

May be it was my punishment from Allah for hating Azfar, for envying your sweet family which I still do... I was a dumb idiot to fall for someone else when I had you... Everything was so perfect...

But it feels like I've a lost piece inside me... I don't know why God did this to us... To my father... Maybe for his mistake... For his sin... But he could have asked for forgiveness, isn't so? He forgives all who asks for His mercy. He is merciful.

I just played the same role my father played snatching from your husband the rights he equally deserved.I ... I lost Zidan... I missed Abhan... I couldn't be a good father, as my father couldn't... I see the karma working here... But don't you think it's a little unfair, taking all wrath out on me?

I know you won't forgive me, but I can do the least for you is leave your Mansion back to you. Give this message to Azfar. I know he doesn't accept me as his brother. But I'd love to hug him back, for once atleast.

Destiny is really cruel, I must say Soniye. Sorry, I have lost the rights to call yolater,et names. Zahra..

The girl I married just left me shattered... She ditched me for someone else, like the way I treated you. I guess I got paid back. She even took my daughter with her & now I felt how it must have been for you being separated from your children. I can't imagine the intensity of suffocation you went through, all the while deadly pain shooting through your heart.

She was just glittering, while you were the real gold. I know you loved my pickup lines, but now you might even puke over it.

Attached to this letter is the papers which declare that I've handed over The Rehaan Mansion back to Azfar. It's his, it's yours. I don't deserve any of the happiness. I'm leaving this city forever so that if you return, some time later to Karachi, you don't have to remind yourself about me. I won't tell where am I going, but I hope we never meet or cross paths. I don't know if I'll be able to accept the consequences or not.

Take care, give my love to Zidan. And ask him his father is sorry. I know sorry is a small word, but I hope he'll understand. He might be a smart boy, right?

Your No one
Farhaan "

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried?”

( AL-QURAN 29:2 )

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