Precious Memories ~Amourshipp...

By ririapple

192K 2.5K 4.1K

Serena has been in Hoenn for about half a year now. It's summer so she decides to visit Alola. The best plac... More

Before we begin.....
Can't stop
Who's that?
Day One
Its a tag
What is it called?
Day Two
Day Three....
Lonely Heart
My choice
Phone call
Three words
That time
Playing around
Who you are
Found her
Hey guys.....
And to our own way

Her Surprise Party

7.3K 113 109
By ririapple

A couple years later......

Actually, a lot.
They're like adults now.

Don't ask anymore questions!!!!

"Can you pick up the flowers on the way there?"

"What?! That was your job!"

"Please~! Look, I'll do the rest of the stuff so you have time buying presents."

"Ugh! Fine! You owe me big time!"

"Yay! See ya later~"

I put my phone away and run through the streets.

Today was the day we were going to have Bonnie's celebration for becoming a gym leader...... Party...... Thing. I don't know what to call it?!

Me, Clemont and his Dad already threw a little party but I wanted something bigger!

Clemont wanted to focus more on his inventions so they announced that the Lumiose City Gym Leader will now be Bonnie.

I was so happy as Kalos Queen to hear that! Not only me but May and Drew will also be coming as special guests.

I wanted to invite Ash but I didn't want to bother him and his work.

He's probably the busiest out of all of us.

After all, he is the Alola champion or "The unbeatable Pokemon Master." They say.

Not only did he become a champion but he was also the person who built/started a Pokemon League in Alola.

We haven't seen each other in a while but we do talk everyday.

Gahh!!!! I shouldn't be talking about this! Focus Serena focus!

I didn't have time to buy Bonnie a present so now is the only time!

I run into a boutique and look for something nice.

I look around and found a beautiful yellow clip with little pearls and flowers on it.

"Perfect!" I whisper as I grab it and buy it.

I walk out the boutique and look at the time. 2:49. The party will start at 6:30. It's alright. You still got time. But you never know.....
I hope Clemont is doing a good job on distracting her since this is a surprise party.....

Ever since Ash left, I decided to go back to Kalos and follow my dream of becoming Kalos Queen and a couple of years later, I did.

Everyone congratulated me and it was the best decision I've ever made in my life.

"Hey, isn't that Serena?"

"Nah. She can't be walking around here!"

"But she looks just like her...."

I touch my face.
I forgot to put my sunglasses on!
Holy cheese I need to get outta here~

I run through the people, grab the flowers and fast walk a bit towards the gym since I'm tired.

I look around, make sure no one was watching and enter through the back door.

"Hey girl!!! What took you so long!"

"Gahh!!!!" I yell as I almost stumble on the floor.

"Why did you tiptoe in here? It's not like we're intruding in here or anything."

"This is a Surprise party. I repeat, a SURPRISE party."

"Yeah I know. So~?"

"Never mind. Here, I got the flowers." I sigh in defeat as I hand the flowers over to her.

"Thanks so much! They look and smell amazing! Drew and I already finished the cake and Korrina is almost done with the decorations!"

"I'm so excited for tonight! We're gonna have to do our best on the performance!"

May and I decided to perform together for Bonnie.

"Yeah! Beautifly and I are so ready!"

"Hey girls! Can you help Korrina with the decorations?" Drew yells.

"GOT IT!!!!" We both yell back as we run over to her and help her out.

Couple hours later.....

"She's here! Everyone hide!"
Drew yells as we all scatter around the gym and duck down.

I hear the door creak open as the lights beam in a little.

"Finally! Home sweet home."

"This is a gym Bonnie."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Hey why is it so dark in here?"

"Can you get the lights?"



We all yell as confetti and steamers fly everywhere.

I see Bonnie with a shocked face.

"Congratulation for becoming the next Lumiose City gym leader Bonnie!" I say walking towards her.

She yells as she runs towards me with a big hug.

"Hey Bonnie! Everyone is here to celebrate so let's have fun alright!"

"Thanks so much!!!"

Everyone gathers around as they all say Hi and congratulate her.

I turn around and see Clemont walking towards me.

"You got that right." I giggle.

"Thanks again for doing all of this. I'm 100% sure all of Bonnie's dream became true today."

"Don't thank me. It wasn't possible without everyone who came here today. Especially Miss Kalos Champion."

I see Bonnie getting squished by her dad.

"I just wish Ash was here to see all of this."

"Yeah. Well, we all have different dreams and are still following them today. That's all I ever want for him."

"Can you believe that Bonnie's a gym leader?! We're getting old!"

"We're still pretty young you know." Clemont laughs.

"Well, I've got to go get ready for the performance."

"And I'll go save Bonnie from my dad before she gets crushed."

I laugh as I see Clemont trying to calm his dad down.

Clemont set a stage just for this day in the gym.

Let's just hope this won't explode.

I see May talking with Drew.

"Oh Sere! Over here!" She waves.

"Alright. So after Serena and I perform, I want your Roserade and your Braixen to collide your moves together to make somewhat of a smoke effect and switch places."

Let's say Braixen didn't evolve into Delphox  because Braixen is cuter :)

The plan is to first do May and I, then I switch places with Drew and the two of them will perform, finally, end with my solo performance.

"Got it. I'll be looking at you to from the side to give me a sign when your ready." Drew says.

"Got it." I nod.

"Alright!!!! We better make this the best performance ever!!!!!!"

A couple minutes later, the lights dimmed down.

"Ladies and gentleman, we will now be starting a performance performed by our special guests!"
Clemont says.


I nod as we both run to the stage.

"Braixen! Flamethrower!"

"Beautifly! Whirlwind!"

The two trainers say as the pokemons obeyed their trainers.

Braixen's flamethrower got trapped in the whirlwind and made a swirl of red and white.

"Air cutter!" May said as Beautifly made the swirl disappear and made the sparkles fly over to the people watching.

"Woah!" "So pretty!" They say.

Then the four of them skipped around making a circular pattern.

"Attract!" May says blowing a kiss.

"Will-O-Whisp!" I say as the fire type Pokemon shot purple balls towards the hearts.

The hearts were trapped in the purple fire as it floated all around the gym.

All righty, it's almost time.

I look over and see Drew with his Roserade. He mouths a 'ready' and I nod.


"Stun spore!" We yell as I run over to the side as soon as the two moves collided.

I high-five Braixen and take out Pancham and Sylveon.
"Get ready guys! We're up right after them cuties."

I see the two cuties performing together. Rumor has it that Drew going to purpose to her soon.

Get dibs on the Bridesmaid!

"Petal dance!" Drew said as beautiful pink flower petals danced in the air.

"Quiver dance!" May said as the bug-type danced around, sprinkling green sparkles everywhere.

"Finish!" They say.

Everyone cheers as they both bow down.

"Now for a solo performance by our one and only, Kalos Queen!"

May says as the lights dim down a bit.

I look behind me and look at Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon.

"You guys ready?"

"Pan!" "Braixen!" "Sylveon!"

For today's performance, I created an original routine that I have never performed before.

It'll be a bit more relaxing and calming compared to my usual ones.

There was single spotlight which I will walk towards.

The four of us walked over in a straight line.

I stood under the spotlight as three more appeared on my pokemons.

"Thank you all for coming today. To show my congratulation to Bonnie, we will perform something a bit different. Please enjoy!"

Everyone claps as I put the microphone down and get into position.

I stood over on the right side of the stage as the tree of them ran over to the left.

I take a deep breath as I look up to give a signal to them.

Pancham, Braixen and Sylveon were looking at me with sparkles in their eyes.



"Pika~ chu!!"

"Spirit Shackle!"


The moves collided making me fall to the ground.

"Wow! Performing is hard. Way off my league." I hear a familiar voice.


The smoke fades revealing a tall Raven haired boy.

No.... He.....

He walks over smiling with his Pikachu.

"Sorry Serena! You alright?"
He says handing over his hand.

"I-I uh.... Wh-wha.... Thi-this....."

He picks me up bridal style and kisses me on the forehead.

"Was I not invited?"

He laughs.

He was so tall. I've seen him on TV many times but....

His arms were bigger and stronger.
His body was slim, but built at the same time.

"I'm home~. Miss Kalos Queen."

I couldn't believe what I was looking at right now. The love of my life, standing before me, more of like carrying me.

He kissed me deeply as I was still in shock.

I could feel a lump in my throat as tears fill my eyes.

"I don't remember you not being much if a talker?"
He says softly while whiping my tears away.

I see him look over at Clemont as he shrugs.

"Uh...... Surprise?"

"Surprise!" Everyone says. I can hear everyone laughing.

Now I'm even more confused.

"Ash! You made her cry without her even saying anything!" May said kinda angrily.

"I'm sorry!"

"Wha-what's going on?" I finally said.

She laughs as she looks at me.

"This wasn't a surprise party for Bonnie, it was for you!"


"Ash told me he wanted to surprise you so ta-da! What do you think? Aren't we all great at acting! Especially Miss Lumiose Gym Leader."
May says pointing at her.

Bonnie runs up on stage.

"Hehe! You two are so cute!!!! It was so worth it! C'mon Serena! Do you think my brother can bribe me for a whole day without accidentally saying a lie? Of course not!"


Wow. Just wow.

I can't even believe I fell for this.

"I uh..... Wow. I'm speechless."

"Yeah! Ha! I told you she would fall for it!"

"Ugh. Fine~" Drew says as May squeals.

"Alright, enjoy the rest of the party people!" Bonnie yells as everyone yells back.

~So many time skips today~

"Why did you come back?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you looked so busy. I never thought you would come back like, right now."

"Of course because I wanted to see you. I told you we would see each other again when we conquered our dreams right?"

I look at Lumiose city. The lights were like little stars in the sky. I love the view from up here.

He places his hand on my cheek as he pulls me in to a kiss.

It was deep but felt so soft and warm. My whole body felt the kiss as I kissed back.

I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer, I felt my other hand getting goose bumps by his hand.

He pulled us apart as he looked at me straight in the eye.

"Hey Serena, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while...."

Happy ending yay~
Sorry this chapter took a while. I tried to make the epilogue longer than my previous book. So please ignore the mistakes.... please?

And also, I just got a new editing app thing so I was playing around.

If your still here, thank you so much for reading this. It really makes my day just seeing you guys commenting, voting and just simply wanting more of my stories.

I'm planning on making another chapter about the Sun and Moon gang so be on the look out I guess :/

Also, I'm going to be posting some new booksters so yay!

They're NOT going to be amour, but from different animoos and series.

I'm thinking Aphmau and maybe Boruto? I dunno.


So if you want more amour, please check out my Sea of Ai!

I hope you enjoy your day~

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