Things That Piss Me Off

By The-American-Nerd

102 4 10


Things That Piss Me Off
Things That Piss Me Off

Things That Piss Me Off

22 1 1
By The-American-Nerd

21. When people know I hate a sound, but they do it anyway. Like, do you want to get punched?!

22. When people don't text back but it says they read it, like seriously? -__-

23. When people say, if this post doesn't have 100 likes, a girl in the hospital dies. Do you see a dctor saying, please only 59 more likes and she survives.

24. When people keep sending Farmville requests, like I don't want to help your raggedy crops, lazy arse.

25. When something doesn't work so you call your mom and she tries and it magically works. 

26. When you can't find something so you call your mom but then, BOOM, she finds it .

27. When people don't listen to me, you know who you are.

28. Barbie dolls. Why can't they make a chubby one? 

29. When a little girl says you're not my momma. Little girl......... don't get hurt.

30. When a baby cries, anybody got duct tape?!

31. School. No need to explain that one.

32.  People with bad breath. I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

33. When there is somethinh in your eye.

34.  When people say I need to tell you something but I forget.  -_-

35.  When girls think being dumb is cute.

36. People who make sounds when they chew.

37.  The sound of a clock ticking.

38. Scratching fabric. If you ever did this, I'm not your friend anymore.

39. When people shake their leg . It gives me anxiety.

40. When people don't close the door. 

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