She Is No Angel

By Lonely-writer-girl

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This is based on the idea that Clary had a sister that was raised within in the shadowhunter world, follow Pi... More

Chapter 1: a plan gone wrong
Chapter 2: don't think, act
Chapter 3: on the move
Chapter 4: confusing times
Chapter 5: invite only
Chapter 6: birthday wishes
Chapter 7: another quest
Chatper 8:to hell and back
Chapter 9: reveals and escapes
Chapter 10: lies and truths
Chapter 11: the other shoe
Chapter 12: the interrogation
Chapter 13:city of blood
Chapter 14: all things faerie
Chapter 15: new york wanderer
Chapter 16:midnight dealings
Chapter 17: consequences
Chapter 18: the same dance
Chapter 19: calm before the storm
Chapter 21: the tough choices
Chapter 22:nothing is simple
Chapter 23: being different
Chapter 24: home calling
Chapter 25: desperate measures
Chapter 26: drowning tales
Chapter 27: the long way back

Chapter 20: shipwreck

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By Lonely-writer-girl

^Piper's outfit^

Chapter 20: shipwreck

Piper and the gang knew that they needed to work fast since it was clear that Valentine had been planning this for a while and was likely to go through with his plan as quickly as he could to prevent anyone from stopping which is why Piper raced to her room to changed into a black sweater that hung off her shoulders showing her black lace bra, a pair of black leather leggings, a pair of black combat boots and a leather jacket so that she was more appropriate dressed like a shadowhunter ready for a fight. She also decided to throw her hair up in a messy high ponytail to keep it out of her way since it was clear that this was going to get messy, she also wore dark smoky eye makeup with dark dusty pink lipstick. Once Piper was ready, she quickly headed to the weapons room to grab her seraph blades and some extra weapons in case she needed them as she thought about her she was going no matter whether the Clave approved or not. They had all agreed to meet at the prier where they knew Valentine was due to Jace's midnight visit to Valentine as they were quickly joined by Luke and Magnus who wanted to help out as well.

" so what is the plan? I mean you have a plan right?" Clary said slightly frantic as she tried not to think about what Valentine could be doing to her best friend as she tried to look to her sister for support

" kinda...I'm going to go to Valentine's ship and distract him while you and Jace rescue Maia and Simon, the rest of you can run interference with the many bad guys we'll met" Piper said eerily calm

" that's not a plan, that's a suicide mission" Alec said looking to Jace who was clenching his jaw clearly trying not to react as he thought about this plan of her as Alec suddenly protective for his almost sister

" Valentine literally just told the Clave to kill you and you want to give him the chance to do it himself?" Izzy said knowing that there was no way that anyone of them were going to let her do this to herself

" if there was another way, don't you think I would do it? It has to be me, Clary is still learning and he's already shown that he doesn't care about the people I love" she said pointing out the facts for them

" and that means that you have to go play bait?" Jace said void of any emotion as he thought about what Valentine could do to her while she was serving herself up to him as a distraction as he looked at her

" I could do it, Valentine doesn't know me not really. He would underestimate me" Clary said trying to help her sister out since she knew that going back to their father was a bigger deal for Piper than for her

" and you're underestimating him, if I'm at my very best then maybe I can beat him. You won't, you're not experienced enough for him but he trained me, I know how he fights" she said almost darkly

" except that Valentine has one advantage over you and always will, he fights without fear and you do" Luke said gently knowing that he preferred to fight with fear than without as it was made them all human

" he's right, while you fight you're fearing for your life and the lives of everyone you love but Valentine has no such attachments or fears" Magnus said backing Luke up as he worried about the still healing wolf

" ok so what? I just stop caring about all of you and become him?" Piper said knowing that she had done everything that she could ever do to prevent that from happening to her since she hated him

" or get rid of your fear"Jace said looking straight at Clary rather than Piper as he tried not to think about everything that could go wrong with this plan of hers while trying to come up with ideas for her

" wait, you want Clary to place the fearless rune she created on Piper?" Izzy said wondering whether or not taking away from all of the fear that made her cautious and safe was a good idea right now

" yeah I do, Luke just said Valentine fights without fear and how it gives him an edge so Piper needs to do the same if she wants to survive this" Jace said slightly harsher than he meant it to come out

" what if it doesn't work? What if it works too well? I am not comfortable with this plan especially since it depends on my still very untested rune being the deciding fact on if my father kills my sister" Clary said voicing her fears and worries about this plan of his that he was clearly forming

" well I am and since it's me that you'll be putting the rune on therefore it's only my vote that matter so do it, give me the fearless rune" Piper said lifting her shirt up to give Clary a space to create the rune on her

" when you're finished with Piper, I want you one on me too... I need to go into that ship with a clear head and that's not going to happen if I'm scared about what's going on with you" he said to Piper

" ok so we're going through the crazy suicidal plan? Of course we are, I forgot our motto is to do the insane but can I just point out that we have no way to get to the ship?" Alec said pointing to where it was

" I guess that's where I come in as your warlock boyfriend, I can transforms Luke's truck into a boat of some kind to get us across" Magnus said knowing that was why he was here to help them out

" I'm assuming that I don't have to tell you guys that if you see either the cup or the sword then grab it, Valentine can't do what he wants if he doesn't have them" Luke said reminding them of their other goal

" so are we clear on the plan and on our roles? We have to do this for Simon and Maia because knowing my father, he didn't take them to have afternoon tea with them" Piper said as one final pep talk

" can we talk for a moment before all of this kicks off?"Jace said gently tugging on Piper's arm gesturing for her to step away from the main group so that they could talk alone for a minute

" what's up? If this is you trying to talk me out of this or not going then don't waste your breathe" she said trying to be firm but also kind since she knew that no matter what was going on they still loved each other

" no I'm not going to do that because I know that it wouldn't work and if it were me then I'd be doing the same but I need you to not push him, don't make it worse" he said gently cupping her face

" I won't, I promise you that I will walk away from this" she said kissing him to reassure him that she was going to be ok as well as herself since they both knew how big all of this was her right now

Soon after Jace and Piper had their little chat, Magnus called them over to Luke's truck which was ready to be placed into the water since they were going to use it to get to Valentine's ship as Piper mentally prepared herself for whatever was about to happen as she wondered once again what er father was up since she knew that he needed the cup so that he could breed a new and improved bunch of shadowhunters but having two of out of the three mortal instruments along with Maia and Simon slightly changed things in her head in a way that made no sense which mad her determined to figure out today while she was on his boat. Sooner rather than later they arrived at the boat as the shadowhunters got their weapons out for the ready for when they inevitably ran into some kind of trouble, as planned they all began to split up as Piper headed in a different direction from everyone in order to find Valentine while Jace and Clary headed in another to find Simon and Maia which they did as they headed to the darkest lowest part of the ship acting as a jail for Valentine's prisoners

" Jace? Clary? Guys, you have to help Simon! He isn't doing all that well after what Valentine did to him" Maia said clearly not in as bad as shape as Simon was which meant that he had gotten to her yet

" oh my god! Simon! Jace, he'll heal right?" Clary said as she tried to get to Simon through the bars as she saw that his throat had clearly been slit and had been drained of all of this blood as she panicked

" I'm not sure, he'll need blood and I don't exactly carry blood bags with me" he said trying to think of his lessons on vampires and their abilities as he tried to come up with some kind of plan to save him

" what do we do?" Clary said trying not to panic as she thought about all the things that she had yet to say to Simon but might never get the chance to say to him since it looked like he was about to die again

" first of all, I need you to create a rune to unlock the cell door and then go hang out by the door since I need a look out" Jace said knowing that he needed to be able to get into the cell in order to help him

" why? I could help" Clary said knowing that she wanted to help more than anything more so because this was Simon, he was her person and the only person she felt knew the real her and this new her

" I know that you probably could but I need you to not be here, I can't do what I need to help Simon when you're looking at me with those big ready doe eyes" he said realising how similar they were to Piper's

" Fine...I'll be the look and deal with whoever comes looking in here, just help Simon" Clary said stressing the fact that she needed him to be okay as she headed towards the door, weapon in hand

" Simon, I need you to drink" he said offering Simon his wrist to drink from straight from the vein as he raised it to his month but Simon pushed it away refusing to drink from people rather than animals

" no I can't, I won't be a monster" Simon said in a every strained voice due to loosing so much blood and from the stress of everything that happened as Jace turned to check on Maia's condition

" if you don't drink then you'll be dead or in a dead like state so right now you can't be pick, it's not like there's a little squirrel I can drain for you so drink" Jace said offering him his wrist for him to eat from

" just a drop" Simon said before grabbing Jace's wrist as he began to drink his blood while Clary stood outside waiting from someone to come to check on the prisoners as Jace felt himself getting weaker

" Simon, that's enough...stop!" He said getting weaker and weaker knowing that he was losing too much blood as Simon began to drink more intensely as the hunger began to take over him

" let me go!... Jace, help! Jace!" Clary said yelling from the hallway as she tried to defend herself from the demon that had grabbed her while she tried to poorly stop him as Jace tried to push Simon off of him

" Clary! Simon, Clary's in trouble and she will get hurt if we don't get to her which means that you need to stop... so please, stop!" Jace said pleading with Simon weakly from the amount of blood loss

" Jace?... what happened? Where's Clary?" Simon said now fully healed and full of fresh shadowhunter blood as he looked around knowing that Clary had been there had point before this

" she was taken by a demon... get Maia out of here and see if you meet up with the others but if not then head towards the boat that looks like Luke's truck" he said activating his healing rune to help him

" wait what are you going to do while I'm playing knight in shining army?" Simon said now fully returned to his old self as he realised that Jace has a sense of urgency around him all of a sudden

" I'm going to go get Clary back, plus something tells me that if she was taken then so was Piper and I know exactly who's they're headed to" Jace said knowing that this was Valentine's big move for Piper

As Piper was slowly creeping around the boat looking for where Valentine would hiding out waiting for her to appear since they both knew that she was headed his way just like they knew that he would be expecting her, along the way she tried hard not to think about how the others were doing right now since she knew that this was all very dangerous since they didn't know what Valentine had in store for them which would scare Piper if she hadn't gotten Clary to place her fearless rune on her. Soon Piper came to a flight of stairs that led below deck as she decided to head as she got her witch light out to light her way but as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs she was confronted by a large demon which she tried her hardest to beat unfortunately he used brute force as he picked her up and threw on his shoulders carrying her around while she slammed and kicked into him. The demon took Piper to a lavish room that seemed to reek of Valentine since it was very much in his style as he roughly put her down as she clutched onto her blade as she turned to not only find Valentine in the room but also Clary

" both my daughters together in the same room as me, I only wish that your moment was here too for a proper family reunion" Valentine said making Piper's skin crawl as she skimmed her eyes over Clary to make sure she wasn't hurt

" which would swell if Jocelyn wasn't currently in a spell induced coma, thanks to you" Piper said showing her feisty side that he seemed to admire and hate all at the same time as Clary allowed her to do most of the talking

" it's funny, I notice how you call her Jocelyn instead of mom" he said trying to push her buttons since he knew all of them and he knew how to make her go crazy as he had been the one to create her rage

" I guess I have issues with the paternal figures in my life, why are we here?" Piper said wishing that she could get him to get to the point so that she could argue with him before planning to escape

" what? I can't just want to spend time with my lovely daughters who have lived such opposite lives. Does it bother you, Clary? That Piper lived in the world you never got a chance to know?"he said trying to drive a wedge between them

" it used to when I first found out who she was but then I realised that if our lives would have been switched then it would have been you'd have tortured and I'm not as strong as her" Clary said softly

" I'm only strong because I had to be, because I wanted to survive long enough to see that there was something better than Valentine and his torturing ways" Piper said in a quiet voice to Clary and her alone

" and what about you, Piper? I mean I know you have to resent Clary for how she got to grow normal with a mom and normal friends and hobbies" he said knowing that she had always wanted that for her

" sometimes yeah I do because sometimes I all want is to be normal and in the dark about all of this so I get envious of how good she is with her art and her normal but never resentment" she said honestly

" if I'm honest, I was hoping for more sparks than that... what happened to my little firecracker of a daughter?" Valentine said trying to push her since he knew Piper better than Clary and knew her buttons

" let's not use words that we don't know meaning of like daughter or father or family because let's be honest neither of us know anything about family" she said knowing that they were alike in that way

" there's something different about you, something's missing... you've always been a little scared of me, a little fearful of me and what I can do to you but you're not" he said moving closer to Piper

" maybe she's got used to your crappy treatment towards her or maybe she's not scared of you because she knows you're just a lonely scared little boy" Clary said trying to distract him from the truth

" or maybe it's something else, maybe she's needs a little motivation to be fearful of me again" he said nodding to one of his demons as Piper and Clary began to exchange a look of worry about this

" why are we here? I mean seriously you clearly have a lot going on here and you really don't need us getting in your way so we'll just go" Piper said in an attempt to make a casual escape using humour

" not at all... we are going to play a little game with my little friend here" Valentine said before leaning onto his desk in the room as a new demon came into the room giving Piper chills and shiver down her back

" what is it? Piper, what's going on?" Clary said noticing her sister's reaction to the sudden appearance of the demon as she wondered why she was suddenly scared despite the fearless rune being on her

" that's a fear creating demon, it shows you your worst fears as if they are happening" she said remembering everything that she had learned from both the institute tutors and from Valentine

" like I said, you were always a smart child... now if you were to go first then the fear and pain would be over quickly but then again Clary's would push you over the edge... her" he said talking to himself as he debated before signalling for the demon to go Clary

" Piper... no, don't touch me! You're a hateful, hateful man-" Clary said fighting against whatever was about to happen to her before Valentine began to get bored of her and knocked her out by slamming her head on a nearby wall

" leave her alone!... you don't think I know why you're doing this, you want me back like you always have and nothing else has worked so now you're using the people I love" she said checking on Clary

" if you weren't so stubborn then I wouldn't have to use such drastic measures" he said turning all of this on making it her fault as she rolled her eyes at him knowing that only he could use that logic

" why do you want me so badly? I mean I know it's not because some twisted love you have me which means that you think that you need, why and what for?" She said demanding answers to her questions

" I don't think you proved yourself for those answers yet... there's always going to a look of defiance in your eyes where fear should be" he said lifting her chin up with his finger so he could see into her eyes

" there's always going to be a part of me that knows you're in the wrong, that you're bad things"she said being honest with him knowing that he was never going to change his bad ways, not for her

" do you want remember what I would do to you when you were a child and refuse to obey me? I would beat that defiance out of you" he said remembering how she reacting to be placed back into the darkness

" I think this time I might be able to you beat in a fight" she said standing up showing him that she wasn't going to back down anytime soon as she picked up her weapons ready to fight him

" how small minded of you, there are another ways to break a person than to beat them up" Valentine said giving the fear demon a nod as he moved towards Piper as she dropped her weapon in fear

" please don't do this, you know the risks... please" she said in a small voice as she hated the fact that she was begging him to leave her alone as she tried not to cry as the demon placed his hands on her head

Valentine leaned on his desk as he watched the demon work his magic on his daughter as he wondered what Piper was seeing that causing her to react so badly as he watched begin to cry and scream at whatever she had seen since he knew that he could use whatever it was against her in the near future as he thought about his ultimate plan and goal. Soon the whole thing was cut short as the demon as the demon stopped his torment on Piper as he looked down to see a blade piercing his stomach before it was suddenly pulled out as the demon dropped to the ground to reveal that Jace had been the one take him as he was left standing holding the bloody blade as Piper crumpled as her fear induced vision came to an end causing Jace to run over to her keeping an on valentine as he did so

" hey Pipe, you okay?" Jace said noticing how she flinched slightly from his touch and how she seemed to be in an daze from whatever she had seen as he looked between her and Valentine

" yeah... yeah I'm fine, check in Clary" she said in a small voice trying hard to shake what she just seen in her vision as she looked straight at Valentine with a hollow glaze as he began to wonder about her

" she's fine, just knocked out and will probably have a nasty bruise as well as a headache when she wakes up" he said as he checked Clary out being able to work out why she was suddenly unconscious

" do me a favour and pick her up since she clearly can't walk on her... so that was your big plan? Show me my worst fear and force me to join you? Manipulate me?" She said getting some her rage back

" how would I manipulate you? I have no idea what you saw, my plan was to torture and threaten everyone you love until you join me" he said still very curious what she seen to cause this reaction

" but the thing is I'm never going to join which means everything you ever did to me like beating me senselessly or tormenting me or... force fed me demon blood was for nothing" she said getting stronger

" ohh you clever, clever girl except that you aren't as clever as you think and can you honestly tell me that you are happy with the Clave?" He said knowing how they had been treating her lately because of him

" honestly, no... since you've come back from the not so dead, they've treated me like crap and like I'm nothing but Clave or no Clave I am always going to fight on the side of good" she said being honest

" good and bad are such over simplistic terms, everyone always think that they are in the right side. It's not about that, it's about what you believe" he said walking towards her as Jace waited for her signal

" what I believe? I believe that you are a monster doing monstrous thing, I believe that your stupid plan are just that... stupid and will fail, I believe that you will die alone and hopefully horribly" she said full of anger and rage

" like father, like daughter... that's what you're scared of, becoming like me? I raised you in my image and now you're worried that you have little monster in you too, admit it!" He said yelling at her

" I am nothing like you and I never will be!" She said yelling back at him as she grew angry as Jace noticed that her hands were beginning to glow as she lost control causing her hands to explode

" Piper..." Jace said unsure what just happened as she tried to regain control of her tempter as they looked at the boat floor to see it scorched and cracked from her unusual power as the boat rocked

" grab Clary, we have to go.... where's everyone else?" Piper said knowing that the boat was about to sink as her feet became surrounded by water as she realised that they had to move before that it did

" they're meeting us back at Luke's truck... Piper, what just happened?" He said as she tried to move while they ignored the fact that Valentine was scrambling to grab his things before the boat sunk

" Clary isn't the only one that can do strange things, can we go now before he realises that I'm about to escape and tries to stop me?" She said trying to avoid the subject of what and how she just did this

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