Living with Justin Bieber

By cwritesforfun

20.4K 648 110

Your mom tells you her best friend from high school and her family are visiting. The thing is are you expecti... More

Living With Justin Bieber
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Justin's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Justin Bieber Appreciation Chapter
In honor of JB's Purpose Tour
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: The Zoo
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: THE CONCERT
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: See You Later- Justin's POV
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chaper 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
1K Reads
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Justin's POV
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
A Holiday Imagine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Justin's POV
Chapter 35
Shoutout !!!!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: Justin's POV
Chapter 39 - Triple POV!!!
Chapter 40 - Another Triple POV!!!
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - Justin's POV
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Appreciation #2
Chapter 55 - Double POV
Chapter 56- Justin's POV
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Summer Imagine
Chapter 61: Graduation
Chapter 62- Double POV
Chapter 63: LA Trip: Day 1
Chapter 64: LA Trip: Day 2
Chapter 65: LA Trip: Day 3
Chapter 66: LA Trip: Day 4
Chapter 67: LA Trip: Day 5
Chapter 68: LA Trip Day 6
Chapter 69: LA Trip Day 7
Chapter 70: LA Trip Day 8
Chapter 71: LA Trip Day 9
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76- Purpose Tour
Chapter 77: Purpose Tour
Chapter 78: Purpose Tour
Chapter 79: Purpose Tour
Chapter 80: Purpose Tour/PopUp Shop
Chapter 81- Purpose Tour
Chapter 82: Purpose Tour
Chapter 83: Purpose Tour
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88: Justin's POV
Chapter 89: Purpose Tour
Chapter 90: Purpose Tour
Chapter 91: Purpose Tour
Chapter 92: Purpose Tour
Chapter 93: Purpose Tour
Chapter 94: Purpose Tour
Chapter 95: Purpose Tour
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99: Christmas
Chapter 100: Valentine's Day
Chapter 101: Purpose Tour
Chapter 102: Purpose Tour
Chapter 103: Purpose Tour
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106: Justin's POV
Chapter 107
Chapter 108: Bachelorette Weekend
Chapter 109: Bachelor Weekend
Chapter 110
Chapter 111: Wedding
Chapter 112: Honeymoon
Chapter 113
Chapter 114

Chapter 96

79 3 0
By cwritesforfun

Arrived back in Los Angeles :)

I collapse on our bed and I say "I missed this bed." Justin laughs and says "Haha. Clarissa, really?" I nod. He laughs and collapses next to me. Justin says "I'm so going to sleep early tonight. I'm so exhausted." I reply "Me too. God, I could sleep for 5 Years." He laughs and replies "I second that."

We go downstairs for dinner that night and we eat together. After dinner, we take our dessert outside.

We sit in our backyard and I say "I love this house. The view and the layout is just so amazing." He asks "You mean our house?" I nod and reply "Of course." Why would I mean anything else? He asks "So you do like it?" I answer "I just said I love it, Justin. So yes I do also like it. Why do you ask?" He replies "Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure you actually like our house. I don't want you to hate it and then take it out on me later. I want to make sure you love where we live. I just wanted to make sure we were honest with each other about everything." Uh? What? I snap "We are honest with each other, Justin." I may seem just a tad bit mad because well I am. He replies "Okay well good." I ask "Are you okay?" He replies "Damn it. Why did I have to ruin us? We were perfect. We enjoyed tour and traveling, which is where we were happy. Then we get back and I'm like what is life? I just start being mean and overthinking everything. Ugh I'm sorry." Justin Justin Justin. I reply "Justin, stop worrying. Shh... just relax. Enjoy this time off. We are still happy and good." He replies "I'm sorry again." I give him a big hug and we just stay there for a little while.

That night, we watch a movie then we go to sleep early-ish for us.


I wake up to the sun shining and I feel like today will be good. I see Justin is still asleep. Good, he needs the sleep. I grab my phone and I check texts. Whoops- guess who hasn't checked her phone recently? Haha me. I didn't check anything on the plane yesterday and we had that weird changing time zones thing when we flew over the ocean and then I went to sleep early. So yeah. Oops.

My mom created the Groupchat to talk about Christmas plans, so I might as well catch up on what's going on. Wait a minute. Justin has texted on this chat already. Why didn't he mention anything? Hm...

((Texts below))
C- Clarissa J- Justin P- Pattie M-Mom

M- Let's talk Christmas plans. Go to Los Angeles? Come here to our home? Stay somewhere else no one lives & rent a house for us all?
J- We could always stay somewhere with snow to have a White Christmas.
M- That would be pretty & cool.
P- Or we could all stay with Justin & Clarissa?
J- We don't have that much room. We'd need people to bring a mattress and hope you don't sharing rooms.
P- Please?
J- It's up to everyone to decide.
M- Hm... I say we think about this & talk more soon.

((End of this chat))

Hm... I guess everyone could stay here. Well we'd have to get a Christmas tree or else it would be sad. Christmas trees lighten the mood and are so awesome. Hm... I'll talk to Justin later.

I see that I have a text from Becky from this morning:
Becky texted So... Grant & I want to come to Los Angeles for maybe 2-3 days. What do you think?
I text back Yes yes yes! When? That would be so fun. I'll talk to Justin also.

I see a text from the BFF's Groupchat:
Alexis texted I want you both to meet my boyfriend. I've been hiding him from you both because I wanted to make sure he was really a good one before I introduced him to you both. I know he'll freak out. Haha. So maybe in the next month? I know you're both busy.
Becky texted Wait? That's perfect. Grant & I want to go to Los Angeles too!
I text Okay ladies. Let's do it!! Send me date suggestions & I'll send you a text when is best for us. You both can stay here please?!??!
They text a few different dates. Yay yay!!!

I hear "Clarissa, are you awake?" I answer "Yeah. Need something?" He answers "Nah I'm good. I just wanted a hug." I set my phone down and I wrap myself around Justin. I say "Well all you had to do was ask." He wraps his arms around me and we lay there. I love him so much.

We hear a knock on our bedroom door. Huh? What? I get up and open the door. It's the chef! Hm? He says "Madam, I hate to disturb you both. Someone's been knocking on the front door and no one was getting it. I just wanted you to know a man named Scooter Braun who I believe is Justin's manager is here." Haha what?! I reply "Yeah he is his manager. You can go back to cooking. Just let him in and we'll be there in a minute." The chef walks off and Justin asks "Why would he be here?" I answer "No idea. Let's just find out or you can stay up here if you don't feel like it." He replies "No I'll go."

We walk downstairs and we see Scooter. I ask "Would you like to sit at the table?" He nods and we walk over. Scooter pulls me aside and tells me that he will speak to Justin privately. I nod and walk off. I go into the kitchen to check on breakfast. I say "Hey. Thanks again for letting Scooter in. I'm sorry about that. You shouldn't have had to do that." He replies "Well Thanks. It was fine. Listen, I am going out of town on the 10th of December with my family and I haven't broken the news to Justin. Is there anyway you could do it for me?" I nod and reply "Of course. When will you be back in town?" He replies "I'll be able to come back to work on January 10th. I can start that morning." I reply "Cool. I'll make sure to let him know. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." He thanks me and gets back to work.

When I walk out, I see them still meeting. I walk upstairs and to our room. I find my phone and I scroll around my social media for new ideas. Hm...

Omg! It's December! Yes!!
I tweet: It's December and you know what that means! Mistletoe by @justinbieber is playing 24/7

Eventually the bedroom opens and Justin says "Breakfast is ready." I follow him downstairs and we sit at our table. I start eating my pancakes and Justin says "I'm just done with Scooter. He came, you had to leave, and then he started talking. Apparently my tour is getting promo and people love it, which is good. Or so I thought. Scooter then goes onto to tell me I need to step it up everywhere else in my life. Release new songs, collab with people, propose or something to you, ah!" Uh What? I ask "Wait? Why propose?" He answers "Scooter thinks I need to show how ... I really don't know. Scooter just suggested that." Well Scooter you should have told me. I mean what? I reply "You said you wanted to wait, but if you have to do something like that, we could do a promise ring." He replies "Yeah Yeah. Okay I'm going to ask him because that I could deal with." He seems really overwhelmed and done.

I ask "Want to talk about something happier?" He nods. I say "If you're up to it, Becky and Grant want to come along with Alexis and her new boyfriend she wants us to meet." He nods and replies "Yeah that could be fun. When do they want to come?" I reply "They sent me some dates and you can decide." He replies "Alright we could do that. So did you see our family chat?" I nod. Aw he said our family. Haha! I'll just move on because it's best to. I ask "What do you think?" He answers "I really have no idea. Having everyone here would be fun, but it could be stressful. I don't know. I want to get out and relax or stay and relax. I don't know. I just I don't know." I reply "Okay then we'll deal with it later. I love you Justin." He replies "I love you too." I smile and he smiles back.

Later... Justin says "I'm going out for like 1 hour tops. Please be here when I return." I reply "Sure Okay." He leaves and I find my phone.
I text my BFF's We'll pick the date later. Justin said it could be fun.
Becky texts back Yay!
Alexis texts So excited.

I close my phone and scroll through my YouTube ideas. Hm... I decide to film a Favorites video about what I currently like. Like make-up, clothes, etc...
I start editing and I see a text from Justin: I'm almost home but don't come downstairs until I text.
I text back Okay!!

I close my phone and I keep editing. I hear Justin arrive and I start exporting the video. I type a caption:
Favorites in December - Enjoy!!

I close my laptop and I see Justin is ready. I walk downstairs and I see Justin smiling. I walk over and he says "I love you Clarissa. I know you literally gave me this idea and surprise, I'm not that original. I literally will love you forever and I hope you like this promise ring. So... Promise to be with me?" I smile and he steps aside from the table. Aw! He's the cutest! He spelled Promise with scrabble letters & the o is the ring. What a cute little thing! Ah! So cute! I say "Yes I do promise to be with you. I love this Justin." He smiles. I take a picture and I ask "Will you do me the honor of putting it on me?" He smiles and picks the ring up. The ring is so so pretty. I love it! He slides it on my finger and I smile. I love this boy! I hug him then kiss him. He says "I love you Clarissa." I reply "I love you too Justin."

Justin posts the photo:
Promise? @ccarnell
((Picture below))

I post the photo:
I promise @justinbieber
((Picture below))

Texts start pouring in haha. Haha ok. Hi everyone.
My BFF's text OMG!! That's such a pretty ring & Justin is a cutie. Tell him he's a keeper.
I text back Aw thanks!

My mom texts me Clarissa, tell Justin he is the sweetest. That is adorable. I love how he did that.
I text back I will Mom! Love you.

I say "Justin, my friends say you are a keeper. My mom said she loves that and she thinks you are just the sweetest." He replies "Well that's awfully nice. Tell your friends to come around the 10th to whenever they want to leave. Preferably before the 20th. Haha." I reply "Okay Cool." He asks "What should we do with our families?" I answer "Really I have no idea. Like it would be fun to have them here, but like it would be so soon after friends staying here. Oh by the way, I just remembered. I talked to the chef and he won't be in town December 10th to January 10th. He's going on vacation early with his family and he wanted me to let you know." Justin replies "Wait? Ah well. You & I can cook then. Um... well that's an inconvenience. Well whatever." I smirk and say "Yeah I think between the both of us, we can cook something." He smiles and we high five. He says "Life is better now that we made a promise to each other." I reply "Yeah it really is better." :)

I text BFF's So how about December 10th?
Becky texts Perfect. We'll arrive that night or next morning. Whatever is cheaper.
Alexis texts I think that night & we might stay 2 days after that.
I text That's so short, but I'm glad I'll get to see you two. I have missed you both so much!
Becky texts Well we will be happy to be there & girl, we missed you too.
Alexis texts Yeah me too :( I can't wait to come though :) I also can't wait for you both to meet my boyfriend. He's so nice. Ah!
I text Yeah! It will be fun. He sounds nice :)
Becky texts YAY!! This will be fun! Friends reunited!

Justin and I eat dinner later outside. I smile and look over at him. He's so at peace now. He seems happier, which is good. To think I have a promise ring and one day maybe a wedding ring. Ha omg! Wow. Life is crazy! Justin looks over at me and asks "What are you thinking about?" I answer "Just thinkin' about how happy I am with you." He replies "Well I'm happy with you too." I say "I love you." He says "Love you too." We kiss :)

Later... we watch a romantic comedy because we're in a happy love mood.
We go to sleep after.

So some drama and some happy cute stuff!!!

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