This ain't a diary, this is a...

By 20lait1

7K 54 18

A universe of animals and useless powers? No matter how strange it may seem, that's the norm in the world of... More

Chapter 1: 'Diary?' Ha, you wish.
Chapter 2: School. What fun...
Chapter 3: 'Ranks'? What's that?!
Chapter 4: Friends? Hmph... Maybe.
Chapter 5: Night Out with a New Friend
Chapter 6: Meeting Everyone Else...?
Chapter 7: We have a supporter... yay?
Chapter 8: Hot Chocolate? I'm in!
Chapter 9: Siblings, huh?
Chapter 10: Snoutbook and the Ditching of a Certain Dog
Chapter 11: Last Few Hours of Freedom
Chapter 12: Emotional? Who, me?
Chapter 13: I mean, English isn't bad...?
Chapter 14: Our Next Chemi-strey Topic is a My-strey
Chapter 15: Unexpected Visitor and A Colourful Teacher... Literally
Chapter 16: A Dragon Just Appeared in Class and I'm Fine with That
Chapter 17: Maths, 'Nightsune' and Gossip
Chapter 18: Learning about the Ann-Tient Times
Chapter 19: Elena Forces Us to Go Shopping
Chapter 20: There was a Stranger at the Park and I Talked to Him
Chapter 21: Why Can I Never Get a Moment of Peace
Chapter 22: What does 'DT' even mean?
Chapter 23: My DT Teacher's Apparently a Dragon... and Graphics
Chapter 24: Photoshop is Boring... and I Want to Set the School on Fire
Chapter 25: Nothing Special Aside from Some Science
Chapter 26: Why Won't You Answer?
Chapter 27: Something Strange...
Chapter 28: What's a story without plot...?
Chapter 29: It's Good to be Alone Once in a While... Wait, What About My Stuff
Chapter 30: A Warning Message? For What Now?!
Chapter 31: Health - "the most useful and fun class we'll ever take"
Chapter 32: Our PRS Teacher Just Called Us All Potatoes and I Kinda Agree
Chapter 33: "You've helped me more than you realised"... and then she's gone
Chapter 34: The Rules of Dodgeball According to an Overexcited PE Teacher
Chapter 35: A lucky strike, or skill? ... Just kidding, I don't have skill.
Chapter 36: We Get to See Sharon and Luna's Dorm for the First Time in Our Lives
Chapter 37: 'Author' Finally Apologises... in the Middle of a Maths Lesson
Chapter 39: Don't Do This At Home... Actually, You Shouldn't Do This Anywhere
Chapter 40: Some Peace and Quiet Would Be - Wait, No, Not Like That
Chapter 41: What was that about...?
Chapter 42: New Students
Chapter 43: The First Cat I Speak To Pranks Me. Just Great...
Chapter 44: 'Cheating' on the History Homework
Chapter 45: The 'Infamous' Samantha Rowell, 'Bane of Alpine High'
Chapter 46: Nobody Seems to Care About What Abbey Said... One Point To Us?
Chapter 47: 'Hanging Out' with Astra... I guess
Chapter 48: Memories and Starbarks

Chapter 38: Somehow, I Have Clothes that I Don't Remember Buying...

4 1 1
By 20lait1

"Sharon asked if five was alright... she also said that we could grab dinner together if we were free." Elena read off her phone.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that." Samantha nodded as she stretched out on her bed. She rolled over and sat up. "What time is it, anyways?"

Elena glanced up at the clock. "Three thirty." She replied. "So, an hour and half to just chill... and do homework... if you have any."

"Ah, speaking of homework." Samantha pulled herself reluctantly off her bed. "Would you mind helping me with Maths...? I kinda, er, didn't do it in the lesson."

Elena would've raised an eyebrow if she had one. "Yeah, I kinda noticed... writing to your friend, weren't you? Did they... say anything?

"Nothing important, really." Samantha sighed and padded over to her bag, where she pulled out her Maths books. "So, er, which exercise was it...?"


Samantha sighed as she read over her hastily scribbled answers and working out. "Done!" She slammed the book shut and shoved them in a random spot on her shelf of school books.

Elena glanced over from her position on the bed. "I suppose we should go and get ready... you want to borrow some of my makeup?"

"Makeup?" Samantha echoed. She made a face and shook her head. "Uh, no thanks. Never used it once in my life and never will. Thanks anyways, though."

Elena playfully pouted. "Aw, Sam, why not? You're going to need to learn for the future, anyways... once you get a boyfriend."

"Haha, me, a boyfriend?" Samantha gestured at herself and barked with laughter. "Very funny, Elena. Now you, on the other paw..."

Elena snorted. "Yeah, right, totally. A boyfriend. Me. No, Sam, stop making that face -"

The two dogs chased each other around the room for a moment before Samantha stubbed her toe on the edge of her bed. She collapsed on her bed, exhausted. "Ouch. We probably shouldn't be doing that."

Elena chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so. Is your paw okay?"

Samantha gingerly tested her paw on the floor. "I'll live, if that's what you're asking. And I'm going to go change first because you always take forever."

Elena responded with rummaging through Samantha's closet and pulling out three articles of clothing before Samantha could even protest. "Wear these. You're not going to go out dressed like you're still in school."

Samantha caught the clothes and peered at them inquisitively. "When did we even buy this...?" She questioned as she held up the pale blue top. It was definitely... something she never would've considered wearing - it exposed part of the shoulder, but thankfully came down to an... appropriate length.

Elena giggled. "You know, when we went out shopping together with Zeph? You agreed to buy this!"

"I... did?" Samantha echoed. "I certainly don't remember that..."

"Just wear it," Elena said a little too quickly. "You've already bought it, anyways. You can just wear the scarf over it to cover it if you don't like it."

"Funny... I don't remember buying a scarf either." Samantha added as she picked out the scarf from underneath the leggings Elena had tossed at her. "And when did I ever wear leggings...?"

"Haha, just go and wear them! Just trust me - they'll look good," Elena giggled nervously as she bundled Samantha into the bathroom. "Better get changed quickly!"

The door slammed shut before Samantha could argue. Samantha stared blankly at the closed door for a moment, trying to comprehend what happened. Finally, she locked the door with a sigh and went on to getting changed.


"You look absolutely amazing!" Elena gushed as Samantha opened the door.

"Uh, thanks." Samantha glanced down at her outfit. "It's definitely a lot more... adventurous, and, er, revealing than I'm used to." As she spoke, she tugged the scarf over her (exposed) shoulders awkwardly. "Are you sure...?"

Elena flashed Samantha a confident and reassuring smile as she scooped up her own clothes and a small makeup kit in a box. "You look amazing, so don't worry! And nobody's going to judge you." Elena passed Samantha into the bathroom and closed the door.

Samantha tugged on her scarf again before giving up and sitting down on her bed. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her notifications.

The clock ticked around to 4:45. Samantha redid her braid and knocked on the bathroom door a few times, but to no avail.

4:50. The door finally opened and Elena strode out.

"Do I look okay?" Elena asked as she posed. Samantha nodded and gave her a paws-up. "Stunning. I'm sure -"

A playful glare from Elena silenced her. Samantha finished her sentence inside her head: "I'm sure Zephyr will love it."

"Well, we should get going." Elena said, shuffling through her own drawers. She eyed Samantha's outfit for a moment, then threw over a pair of boots.

Slightly startled, Samantha only just barely caught them. "Uh, what are these for...?"

"You're not going out in sneakers or with bare paws." Elena replied. "We're around the same size, so these should fit you."

"Uh, thanks? Wait, how did you know that we were around the same size...?"

Elena smiled and tossed her hair over a shoulder. "I just know these things, Sam." In a quieter voice, she added, "And I might've just poked through your clothes and shoes."

Samantha was too busy pulling on the boots to hear what Elena said. To her surprise, they actually fit quite snugly. "Huh, thanks. Do I have to, uh, pay you or something?"

"Nope." Elena giggled as she pulled out another pair of boots. "Well, let's get going!"


"We're early... for once." Samantha commented as they halted near the school entrance. She checked her phone again and added, "Yeah, and we're meeting here. There's still five minutes until five... so we can just stand around and wait."

"Alright, then." Elena nodded and sat herself down on a bench. She pulled out a tiny box with what appeared to be a mirror on one side and squinted at herself. "Does it look like I overdid it with the makeup? I haven't used it in ages, but I felt like... you know, confident? Or, er, I felt like I wanted to look good today."

"That's.... nice." Samantha said carefully, trying not to brush upon the topic of a 'certain dog'. "And no, it doesn't look... overdone. But you're taking the advice of a complete amateur, so..."

"Speaking of which..." Elena smirked mischievously and put away her box. "You sure you don't want me to teach you how to put on makeup? You don't know when there'll be a day you feel confident or you want to.... impress someone."

Samantha tried to hide her smile. "It's... fine. I don't think I'll ever feel either way anyways."

"Aw, Sam," Elena gave her the puppy dog eyes, "If you're not confident in your looks now... well, maybe some makeup will make you change your mind?"

Samantha snorted. "You wish. I'd rather -" Before she could finish her sentence, they were greeted with an excited bark. "Hey, Sam, Elly! You're early!"

"Elly?" Samantha flashed Elena a half-confused, half-knowing look. Elena flushed slightly and huffed. "It's just a nickname." She turned to face the three dogs and grinned. "Hey, guys! You ready to set off?"

Samantha watched Elena greet the three dogs eagerly and finally pulled herself off the bench. "Hey, nice to see you all... but, er, does anyone know where the closest supermarket is? I kinda forgot to check and I don't even know if one exists near here..."

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