Unexpected Hearts

By yopsdft

80.2K 1.9K 1.6K

Rarity had always lived the life of luxury and extravagance. She never worked once in her life and takes many... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
2ND update
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
The 3rd of update
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
4th update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
5th update my peeps
Chapter 24
Commercial break!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
New story ideas!!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
6 update motherefffers!!!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Commercial break!
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 43

717 21 10
By yopsdft


"Are you cold Rarity?" Applejack asked, sitting on the porch.

"Kinda. I feel like I was brought back from the dead." Rarity said

"I get ya. Its like we were forgotten or something."

"Exactly. I mean, who would forget us babe." Rarity leaned in to kiss Applejack.

Rarity and Applejack were outside by themselves. The party was getting too rowdy and they felt more comfortable outside. Still, Rarity felt a bit worried around Applejack. Rainbow Dash scar was by Applejack hurting her but she didn't knew what ticked her off. Maybe it was something really bad or an accident.

Applejack wasn't too sure of Rarity either. From what Sweetie said, she wasn't loyal at all. At this point, both girls were thinking about their relationship. Thing is that both of them didn't know that they were having second thoughts. A few moments outside brought them nothing but a boring aurora. Nothing happened so far.

"So are you planning on going to the Applehearts festival?" Applejack asked. Her awkward smile came into light.

"Of course. I have to be there with my, girl." Rarity said, looking at the dark street.

Rarity hesitated when saying the word "girl." Was it going to be alright with Applejack? Applejack was having the same feeling as well and question too.

Applejack didn't know as much as Rarity knew her. They spent at least 10 minutes sitting down, silent and looking at each other. Whatever happened at this point was nothing special. Still, one of them had to muster up the confidence to speak with each other.

Finally, Rarity took a deep breath and spoke.

"Tell me your life!" Applejack and Rarity yelled in unison.

Their faces were now completely red. They now knew that they wanted to learn more about thew other. The feeling was similar but it felt too awkward.

"I-I guess you want to get to know me a little better Rares." Applejack said.

"Yeah..." Rarity said.

They stare at each other for a few seconds. The more time went, the more anticipation build. Rarity got a hold of Applejack's hand and held it tight.

Rarity closed her eyes tight and yelled out.

"Did you abuse Rainbow Dash?!" Rarity faces the ground, distraught on what she said.

Applejack doesn't respond. Her face darken and stares at the night sky. Rarity looks up, only to see tears streaming down her face.

"Well did you cheated on everyone one you went out with?!!" Applejack said, now faced Rarity.

Rarity doesn't cry. Her face also darkens, surprised by Applejack question. They don't speak for an entire minute but their faces said it all. What was once love now turned, "skeptical."

Applejack tears kept streaming in a rapid pace. She punches the chair she sat at, startling Rarity.

"You'd think I'd abuse Rainbow dash?" Applejack asked.

"I don't-" (Rarity)

"Don't say you don't know. Give me a answer." Applejack said. She now grabbed on the chair tightly.

Rarity sighed and looked away. Applejack grunted, loudly, and punched her chair again.

"Answer! Please!" (Applejack)

Rarity turned around, tears and all.

"No." Rarity flunged herself to Applejack and kissed her.

Applejack tries to push her back but Rarity's kissing was stronger. Applejack pushes back with another kiss. Her hands held Rarity's face and the kissed went on. Rarity stops kissing Applejack. Both of them started to pant heavily.

"I just need to know." Rarity said.

Applejack tears went away. The kiss defeated them and now she was free to speak.

"Are you sure?" Applejack asked.

"More than anything." Rarity replies.

"Only if you tell me about your previous relationships." Applejack said.

Rarity nodded and her attention was devoted to Applejack. Applejack struggless coming up with words then Rarity placed her hand on top of her hand and smiles.

I love that smile. Applejack thought.

"I- Me and Rainbow Dash went out a few years back. Before that time, I had no one to really like, so being with her was a huge deal." Applejack said.

Applejack wiped her eyes with her forearm. She started to sweat a little.

"So when I asked her out and she said yes, I was jumping up and down like a crazy person. I felt, happy, especially at that time in my life. Bless ma' an' papa.", Applejack blew a kiss to the night sky, "So me and her went out for 4 months, kissing, going out, all that lovey stuff."

"Was it all fun?" Rarity asked.

"Very fun. I was happy with her everyday. We reached a point were me and her were sleeping over each other houses. I always felt h-happy, u-u-until she came."

"Who is this she?" Rarity asked.

"Pinkie..." Applejack grit her teeth and turned redder than any apple.

Rarity didn't say or react in any way. She instead, hug Applejack and kissed her on the cheek. Applejack wasn't sad but fustrated at this point. Rarity wasn't too sure if she could continue on the story.

"Do you want to stop?" Rarity asked.

"No. It's a lot to remember and it still hurts me a bit, but I'm fine." Applejack said.

Rarity kissed her on the lip once more.

"So Pinkie move to town around our freshman year in highschool. At first me and the girls liked her. We talked and hung out almost all the time. Dam' thing is that someone liked her better."

"And that person was-" (Rarity)

"It was Rainbow Dash. I never suspected it and all the dam' clues were right in front of me! Rainbow Dash went to Sugarcube on a daily basis and every time pinkie was around, she ignored me and went with her. I was so dumb. So damn dumb!" Applejack yelled again.

Applejack breathed to calm herself down. Rarity kept moving closer to Applejack.

"Then the day of the Applehearts festival came. It was me and Rainbow Dash 4 month anniversary at that time. I bought her a red ring pop cause we met over arguing which ring pop was better. Ha. It was at 12 a.m when things were dying down so I told Rainbow Dash to meet me at my room.", Applejack sighed heavily, "I was giddy to see her, I even giggled of thinking about kissing her.  When I got in the house though, I heard two people saying I love you babe or something."

"What you do after?" Rarity asked.

"It was upstairs were I heard the noise. I thought it was some random people who snuck in the house. So I went through the closet in the hallway and grabbed a bat. Metal bat. I-I ran upstairs, you know to get them people away. I walked around and I heard some of the noise in my bedroom. I-I g-got m-m-my bat ready and kicked open the door."

Applejack sweat came streaming down. She held on the chair more tighter than ever.

"It was no intruder. It was Dashie and Pinkie, kissing on top of my bed."

Rarity once curious face turned surprised in no time. Nothing else could surprise her now. Applejack struggled win her words. Her body was shaking and tears came out. She kept wiping her eyes over and over again.

"I d-d-didn't believe what I saw. I thought I was drunk and told myself it was a dream. I knew it wasn't a dream. RAINBOW DASH CHEATED ON ME! I couldn't believe it. Then she had the nerve to tell me that it was a misunderstanding. Pinkie tried to hug me but I pushed her to the ground. I hated them. I'm not exaggerating, I really wanted them dead."

Applejack punched the the ground and even growled.

"Rainbow dash tried to calm me down. I kept yelling at her over and over again and she still confronted me. The bat was in my hand, my mind was in hell, and she cheated on me. I regret it now but at that time, I felt like a demon."

Rarity saw Applejack smirk a bit. Rarity moved back a little, cautious from Applejack.

"I hit her 3 times. The first two times, the bat hit the floor. Third time, it was at the head. She fell and I was satisfied. Pinkie yelled at me and ran up on me. I didn't swing, I let her punch me. I felt like shit when I fell. I realized what I done and I cried like crazy. I-I-I s-s-saw Pinkie pick up R-R-ainbow dash. Her blood dripped slowly but I heard every drop."

Applejack didn't look sad or angry. Frustration filled her face and nervousness was in Rarity face.

"Eventually, Rainbow got better a few days later. Pinkie was butt hurt and told everyone. I stayed in county jail for a few days until Rainbow Dash dropped the charges. I couldn't believe she dropped it. She met me at the jail, with Pinkie by her side. She tried to hug me and I only pushed her away. I didn't even look at Pinkie."

"I-I'm guessing this resulted in you not having another love until you met...me." Rarity said.

Applejack nodded.
"Yeah. Everyone liked me but no one went out with me. I was alone for three years. I hung out with Rainbow and Pinkie 1 year later but that was it. We never spoke about what happened again. I got used to them but I was angry at myself. I-I-I never got to say sorry... There's your story Rarity, words and all."

Applejack stood up from the porch and walked out to the parkway. She stood above the bottles, gazing the night sky. What was hard feelings before, flew away by the sight of the stars. Rarity couldn't believe everything. What Applejack told her came at a surprise and nothing would stop her from thinking about it. That doesn't mean she wouldn't love Applejack.

Rarity stood up. She walked each step, slower than the last one. She made it to Applejack backside and stared at it. Rarity moves a little closer, with her nose now touching Applejack neck. She kisses her neck and hugs her from behind.

Applejack shook her body and kept looking out the night sky.

"The past is gone and I regret a lot of stuff but someone is here to help me out." Applejack said.

Applejack turned her head over and kissed Rarity. The two were kissing each other, under the shining stars.

Story will end in the 50s chapters or at most the 70th. To be honest, I don't even know what will happen next. I do know this, this story will get better over time and I will have a blast writing it. Love you all who read this story and kept patient in my hiatus. Thx!

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