The Virus

By AmeliaKennedy1

574 89 0

Ophelia's a survivor, at least that's what everyone else says. She's lived through nearly eighteen years of h... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight


35 3 0
By AmeliaKennedy1

Over the next few days, we all got practice killing them. With some experimentation my theory is proven correct and the fact that destroying the brain is the only way that kills them is confirmed. There aren't many but there's enough for us to get used to it. We begin actually doing useful things with our time. We each do watches, practice cooking, practice driving and also practice killing. All in all, my days have been full of things to do. And, although it's tiring, it's a welcome change to the unbearable boredom of before. So far, Noah and Alex have sufficient training behind the wheel. However, Mark and Solomon were finding it hard to get to grips with it and I hadn't even gotten around to teaching Jayden.

We were getting ready for the run. I was hoping to do it in the next few days although I had been waiting for over a week. I traced back to the day it happened. April 1st. I woke up the evening of April 16th. And today was April 24th. Twenty four days the world had been ruined. Twenty four days the dead had roamed the Earth. And twenty four days I had spent here.

It's strange, because despite the fact that if I walked out of the gate unarmed then imminent death would soon follow. I was beginning to become content in my life here. I was needed and I was respected and I was happy. And, for now at least, we were safe. That was something the majority of the world couldn't say.

The only thing that bothered me was Jayden. We had a rocky past. But I was willing to forget if he was, and at first I actually believed he was going to. But every turn I take Jayden watches me. Not in a distrustful way. Simply a sensitivity to my movement. Which tells me he's paying close attention. But I try to ignore it.

I make my way from the showers to our room. I catch Jayden in there on his own and give him a half hearted smile. And even as I make my way to my bed, I feel him watching me. I put some things away and stand to face him. "So, Jayden I still need to teach how to drive. When are you-" I turn fully and catch him sliding the lock forwards. It makes a small clunk as the door locks.

I freeze, unsure of what to do next.

He looks up and his eyes lock with mine. "Ophelia, Ophelia." He says softly, making his way over to me. He stops several steps away from me. I tense and begin thinking of a way out. He begins saying something and steps forward warily.

I take my chance. I jump forward and elbow him in the nose. He staggers back. I sprint for the door unlatching it and running into the next room. Mark sits there pulling apart his gun. I smooth myself down and walk over to him casually. "Can you teach me to do that?" I ask. He looks up and smiles.

"Course." He says.

He catches my eye "You okay?" He asks.

I nod and say "Fine. Just tired. Noah has me doing so much." I sit down next him and watch closely. Just then Jayden clatters past. He stops and our eyes meet before he slugs off. I give a sigh of relief.

A few hours later, I sit watching once again. But my regular watches have brought peace to my life. Noah often comes and visits we sit and talk. Before he goes afterwards. Usually, I'll stick around for an hour or so before getting on with my day. We sit in silence for a while. It's not awkward, the silence is like an unsaid moment where both just think to ourselves. Only for a moment, then we go back to talking. Sometimes, I recite recipes that he copies down, sometimes we play stupid games and sometimes we just talk. He's begun to call me Ophey again. But only up here. Because that nickname is between us.

"So." He says finally. "That fresh start I was talking about. Did you get it?" He asks.

"I think so. Mostly. But I don't want this to be the only me. I'm keeping my past a bit. This can't be the only thing I know." I say. 

He nods understanding. 

"Noah?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He says, turning towards to me.

"I was wondering if I could move into another classroom to sleep. Maybe the one next to you." I say sheepishly.

"Why?" He asks.

"I thought you'd be happier sleeping in with other people." He says concerned.

"Well I was. It's just I'm a girl and I literally have to sleep fully clothed." I lie.

He nods. "True. Cool. Next to mine then." He replies. Thank god. Truthfully, I wasn't sure what Jayden might do. I would move my stuff and lock myself in during the night. I was a light sleeper if anything happened I'd be awake instantly.

Noah mutters about a drink and makes a move to leave. "Noah." I whisper. He stops and looks up at me. "Are you here? Are we here?" I ask desperately.

"Always." He replies and goes. His voice echoes in my mind and a feeling of comfort settles upon me. He arrives minutes later with two bottles of water and crisps. I thank him and we settle in. When my watch is finished I stay and keep him company. Half an hour before the end of his shift I leave for a quick shower and bed.

I spend no more than twenty minutes in the shower and make my way upstairs. Noah must have told Mark that I was moving rooms becasue all of my thing were ready to go in my new room. I I was still only in a towel si I hurry in and change into some light pyjamas for the night, thankful I didn't have to be considerate of all the men in the room. I hadn't locked the door yet, but I was already paranoid. 

Taking a few moments to stretch and shift the stiffness from my back and neck, I take amoment to move some of my things around that Mark didn't seem to know what to do with, although it si difficult to do in the dark, I had no source of light at all. We were in the English classrooms in the upstairs corridor. It had been a smart decision to set up sleeping arrangements in this parto of the school, I had to admit. The rooms were large, but well insulated, there were plenty of windows to help with the heat in summer. The windows also faced towards the road, giving us a view of any problems we might have.

The corridor outsdie also had exits on both ends as well as another room that led back into the school and a fire exit for emergencies. If anything went wrong we were much less likely to be cornered by anything. 

With a sigh, I take a seat on my small bed of blankets and pillows that had been made up on the floor for me. I was tired, but I knew I wouldn't sleep, I was restless. 

I stand and make my way towards the door when someone jumps out of the shadows and pounces on me, "Ophelia..." he purrs, "Look at you," he says, glancing down at my bare legs. I coff in response and give him a dirty look while backing away from him. 

He nudges me up against the wall and places both hands on my hip, holding me in place. He moves his face to mine, and whispers in my ear, "Come on, Ophelia, I know what you want," he jokes. 

"No, you really don't. Get off me please," I say. 

Jayden smiles and shakes his head before leaning in even closer. I crane my neck to get away from him with little success, "Ophelia, stop playing hard to get, my patience is wearing thin," he says, tracing his finger over my pelvis. 

I push against him, "Stop." 

Jayden laughs and continues on, making me more and  more uncomfortable by the second. I push on his chest and he is forced to take a step back, "I said 'stop'", I continue. 

Jayden jumps forward again and shakes his head, "No, don't worry I know what you want." He says before trying to thread his under beneath my shirt. 

I retreat back as much as I can, moving his hands away from me. "Stop, please," I plead, feeling the panic rise in my chest. 

Then, he leans in and plants his lips on my own dramatically. My entire body goes rigid and I beat against his chest, grunting in disagreement. 

Suddenly, there is the familiar creak of the door opening. I don't pause to look, I keep on fighting against Jayden who pulls away. 

"Hey, have you seen Jayden I need to-" Noah stops mid-sentence as he looks up from his hands to see the situation unfolding. His entire body freezes and his gaze locks on Jayden. 

I take my chance and tumble away from Jayden, falling over the desks and chairs, trying to stop the tears from coming as i crawl  into the corner. 

Noah suddenly moves. Fast. He is on Jayden in an instant, knocking him over and punching him over and over. His fists do strike after strike after strike, until I finally realise that he may not stop without intervention. 

I struggle to my feet, my entire body shaking, and throw myself onto Noah, grasping for his hands. 

"Stop! please, Noah, stop!" I plead, trying to hold him down, away form Jayden. 

Finally, Noah's arms stop flailing and he is panting and wheezing from beneath me. His fists are stained bloody but I can't tell who's blood it is. 

From behind me, Jayden shuffles and groans in pain. 

In a minute, everyone is stumbling through the door, trying to see what the problem is. 

I let go of Noah and fall to the side of him on the floor, panting. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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