Yoitsme108: Wow, I ship this.
Sidious: this is at least better then Vader.
Snoke: I am not able to keep my hatred down anymore. Get ready to die Yoitsme108.
Yoitsme108: good luck sith child. I've died a bunch all ready. I can't be killed.
Snoke: do not call me sith child. I am no child.
Yoitsme108: Yeah. Sure.
Snoke: ENOUGH!
Sidious: Wow, you kind of do act like a child.
Snoke: *shook*
Yoitsme108: shhh! Sidious, you're his role model.
Sidious: really?
Snoke: *nods quietly*
Sidious: I feel so honored. I'm so proud of how powerful you've become.
Snoke: really?
Sidious: yes.
Yoitsme108: I'm fangirling so hard right now it hurts.
Sidious and Snoke: *force choke Yoitsme108 together*
Yoitsme108: *dies. But is happy because they did it together and she is a fangirl.*
Yoitsme108s rating: 10/10
Snokes rating: 1/10
Sidious rating: 1/10