- The New Pilot - Titanfall 2...

By Orisaaa

14.3K 143 179

*SEQUEL -The New Hunter-* DESTINY 2 X TITANFALL 2 ⚠️ CONTAINS SMUT ⚠️ Please read my previous book to be a... More

[1] The New Pilot [1]
[3] Nope [3]
[4] Why pick a Ronin? [4]
[6] Do you not like us? [6]
[7] I'll Keep you Safe, But Don't Go Believing I'm Nice [7]
[8] Find a new Evan [8]
[9] This isn't a love story [9]
[10] Cross That Bridge When You Come To It [10]
[11] Jet [11]
[13] Lookin' good Mimick [13] *LEMON/SMUT*
[14] Last Night Was Worth It [14]
[15] &%$&% [15]
[17] I'm Her Girlfriend [17]
[18] One Thousand Glimmer [18]
[19] Stealth? [19] LEMON/SMUT
[20] Kat And Cat [20]
[21] Does This Feel Different? [21]
[22] Christian West [22]
Book 3 - Apex Legends

[12] Xara [12]

388 6 0
By Orisaaa

Sorry for any errors, i was in a rush when writing this chapter.

"I HATE TO INTERRUPT JET, BUT I MUST RECEIVE SOME REPAIRS SOON" FC was talking to Jet, she had a very ladylike, yet robotic voice, unlike AZ's deep robotic voice.

"Yes, I will try to arrange that, i belive AZ may need some tinkering too." Jet replied


"No, we can sort that out later." He said this quickly, obviously embarrassed, followed by his eye turning yellow.

"Sims need charging?" I asked him. I don't know much about simulacrums, apart that they are killing machines.

"I am a prototype, so yes i do, more updated models do not."

"How the fuck do you charge?" I laughed at the situation

"Do we need to plug you into a wall?" Kat asked

"No. FC has a battery, i just connect myself to it." He pointed to her. "Cayde, you must know what i am talking about?"

"Yeah- Sort of" As Cayde spoke (Y/N)'s face went bright red, i'm sure Cayde's face would have too if he had one.

We could hear AZ and FC talking, apologizing for fighting.

"I know someone who might be able to fix your titans, they are currently fixing my ship." Kat offered

"Who is it?" Jet asked



"That's the name!" Xara was a young woman who supposedly owned the business.

"Okay so i have a big favor to ask." I needed to get this just right otherwise she wouldn't repair our titans. We aren't exactly rolling in cash, just credits. "AZ, FC come here." They did so, AZ's right arm has hanging by a thread and FC's leg was defintly not working right.

"I have heard about you guys, making a lot of trouble." She had a bright smile to contrast her dark brown eyes. "If you want these guys repaired its going to cost you at least 50 thousand cold ones."

"You see.. We dont really have that kind of money."

"I'm sorry, i can't really do much for you then." She picked up her wrench and continued on her projects.

"Let me try.." Kat walked up to Xara. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it looked like it was going well.

"Has any progress been made on getting back home since you arrived?" Jet asked me, his raccoon tails were blowing in the wind.

"I'm not too sure, the lady who is in charge hasn't told me anything."

"Do you trust this lady?"

"Slow your roll man... Listen. I just wanna get out of here, my dad is probably freaking out about me, wondering where i am." I was starting to pace back and forward. "BT is probably scanning everywhere-"

"Did you say BT?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"You're Hazel Cooper!"

I shoved my hand where his mouth would be. "Shhthefuckup. Fuck."

"I apologize." He could still speak very clearly.

"Just don't tell anyone."

"Of course, I understand why you would like to keep your identity secret." He was silent for a little while. Kat was still talking to Xara. "As we are speaking, i would like to tell you about my previous missions."

"Yeah man. Whatever." I didn't really care about his past, all i care about is what he will contribute with to get us out of here.

"I was one the IMC pilots requested to bring your head back."

"Wait. You're not here to kill me are you?" I instantly got my SMR off of my back and aimed it at his blue eye.

"Woah. No. I'm here by accident." He put his metal hands up in surrender, his eye turned orange. "I'm not going to kill you, Cooper."

I put my SMR back onto my back, but held my Mozambique in my hand. "I'm keeping my eye on you, Jet"

"And i will watch your back in return." His eye stopped glitching out and returned to its normal blue.

As i returned to look back at Kat she was walking back over to us. I'm surprised i never noticed it but she had a giant bite mark on her right arm, along with a giant burn. "What happened to your arm?"

"Oh, that. Its fine, i was just bitten by Thralls before."

"The burn?"

"Um. Just the casual burn youknow?" She answered very vaguely, trying to avoid the question. I dint want to ask about it more, i have made her uncomfortable enough today. "Anyway! Xara said she would fix them for us!"

"How did you manage to convince her?" Jet asked, concerned.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve" She winked at me.

FC and AZ walked over us three to get to Xara. They sat down on the ground and Xara started to get to work. "I'm not too sure when i'll be done, but i'll be as fast as i can be."

"Lets go back to the tower while this is being done."

"Wait where am i going to sleep tonight?" I asked, I didn't want to sleep on some random persons couch.

"You can stay with me!" Kat instantly ran off and entered the ship. I ran behind her, and when i looked back i noticed Jet's eye was glowing purple.


As we arrived at the tower, Jet seemed to be enjoying himself.

"This is a nice place." Jet's eye was glowing white now.

"Dude. What the fuck does your eye mean?"

"I don't understand.." It changed to black.

"Why does it change colors?"

"Oh, it reflects what emotion i would be feeling if i was a human. For example, normal is blue, happy is green, playful is purple, focused is a light purple.... You kinda get it." It changed back to blue.

"That's so cool! I need something like that for Bux!" Kat was acting like a child on Christmas day.

"Bux? Who is Bux?" It changed to black again.

"I am. Nice to meet you Jet." Bux came out from behind Kat's shoulder. It didnt scare Jet like he does to me.

"You are just marvelous." His eye turned to a almost blinding white.

"Hello there" A voice said from behind Jet. "I am Ikora, it's very nice to meet you." She held her hand out, but he gave her a fist bump, learning from me obviously. "I have already spoken to Cayde and he says the two of you are very similar, is that true?"

"Yes Ikora, i believe so. With the little knowledge i have about him we are almost identical in our mechanisms."

"You are a far cry from Cooper here. Perhaps that is a good thing." Ikora smirked and got a death stared from Kat and I.

Jet didn't seem to like that either as his eye turned a bright red. "We see eye to eye on our goals, please do not look down on her." Jet was protecting me.

"My apologies, that was foolish of me. Anyway, we have a way home to figure out, please follow me."

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