No. 1 Party Anthem || Ashton...

By duIcedeIeche

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A song brings two strangers together. More

No. 1 Party Anthem || Ashton Irwin
Christmas Eve
Christmas Morning
Wedding Day
No. 1 Party Anthem
No. 1 Party Anthem Part 2
New Years
I Can Make Eggs...?
Next Morning
Our Song
Lies & Pools
Awkward Shower
End Up Here
Malibu to Mykonos
The Studio
Arguments & Coffee
Double Dates
Legal Documents
It's Not Like I'm Falling In Love
A Random Message
News To Luke
They'll Come Around
Luke Apologizes
Letter One
Letter Two
Homecoming 2
Goodbye's & Gifts
Friends & Frats
Calls & Coffee
The Concert
Letter Three
Letter Four & School
Arrival & Birthday
Letter Five & Six
Dick & Dinner
I Always Knew
If You Don't Know
The Vaccines
Before The Moment's Gone
Thank you's

Sulking & A Slip-Up

10.7K 337 142
By duIcedeIeche


I flipped through the television channels for the tenth time, trying to find good day time television, but it was pointless. All I was coming across were talk shows that were more for the feminine crowd. I rolled my eyes at Wendy Williams blabbing on about the latest and most unimportant celebrity gossip before I switched the TV off and tossed the remote on the floor, slumping down on my bed, further sulking in my funk. I felt pretty okay for the bit I sat with a carton of cookies n cream ice cream, watching The Talk. The show had a good table of women that succeeded in getting a laugh out of me for the first time in a day or two. I would watch the local news, but it wasn't useful to hear about the weather I wasn't going outside to experience and CNN depressed me even more because it showed all the bad things that were happening around the world. Stuff I liked to stay oblivious to.

Talia was the last person I would believe could do something as low as cheat. Seeing as she was cheated on, you'd think she would steer away from it herself. People were always full of surprises, so I was not sure why I convinced myself she would never cheat. Perchance, I was convinced by the aroma of coconut that never seemed to fade off her and got me high. Maybe, it was the constant apologies hypnotizing me and convincing me that she could do no harm. I don't know? Whatever it was, I fucking hated it. I hated Talia. I wanted to call her and scream that in the phone to her, but at the same time Talia was a sensitive individual just waiting to break, so I couldn't do that to her. That was the idiotic side of me still finding it in my heart to forgive her. I wanted to believe she was an angel. I did. I couldn't bare putting a bad image to her. No one was perfect though.

"We ordered burgers, if you want to eat." Calum barged into my room like he owned the place. I rolled my eyes, pulling the sheets over my head. "I'll leave yours on the stove if you get hungry..." I heard the door click shut and I kicked the sheets off myself. I hadn't spoken to the guys in about a week, maybe more, but who was really keeping count? I'd occasionally nod my head or grunt to let them know I was listening but nothing more. If I spoke, I didn't think I'd be able to piece together an understandable statement. My mind was all over the place, yet it also appeared blank, it was an odd thing the human mind was capable of. I just didn't want to feel like I was suffering anymore. I found happiness and that was ripped away from me and I didn't want to look anywhere else for it.

I was surprised at the fact that I had even bothered to shower and change my clothes daily. It was a daily battle with myself to get out of bed and do something with myself even if I'd end up right back in the comfortable space to mope. I went to the kitchen when I was positive the guys were asleep because I didn't want confrontations. I only wanted alone time, but seemingly that was too much to ask for in this damn house. I walked out of my room a few times but I could quickly feel the tension that filled the space when the guys noticed me. They'd stop whatever they were doing and sit or stand there awkwardly, waiting for me to do something, anything. They wanted me to talk, but I felt as if there was nothing to talk to about. They wanted to make me feel better, but what could they say to make me feel better? This was probably a case of waiting it out and feeling better with time. Time healed all wounds, right? Bullshit, maybe. I was too bitter to believe anything positive right now.

I overheard Mikey telling Calum that I was overreacting and that it was probably just nothing that I walked in on and that I was starting to overreact just like Sarah used to do with me, but Michael had never been a real relationship, he didn't know anything so why was he trying to act like he did? He wasn't completely stupid, but his knowledge on topics didn't vary. He was only helpful to a certain point then he sounded like he was stupid. No offense to my friend.

I found myself behind the wheel of a four door smokey grey sedan, blasting "Vendetta" by Slipknot as I drove to the other side of Los Angeles, preparing myself for what was to come. This was going to be top number one on my list of biggest mistakes, but it was worth it. It was all going to be worth it. Karma was going to come back for Talia. The metal tune was fueling me and giving me confidence in my actions that were about to happen and keeping me from putting too much thought into how badly I was about to fuck up. Palm trees and girls with fake tits were what I zoomed passed as I got closer to my target. I pulled into the driveway, giving myself a mental pat on the back for making it to this destination and not turning around halfway here. Emotionally stable Ashton would have beat himself up and made himself turn around and go back home, but emotionally unstable Ashton talked about himself in third person and was willing to do anything to feel better. I pressed the doorbell, listening to the foot steps get closer and closer before the door opened.

"Sarah..." I smiled at the platinum blonde haired girl that I was craving in my most vulnerable state.

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