Knights of Lore

By Illness_of_mind

5.5K 832 582

Seven hundred years ago they came and almost wiped humanity out of existence. Now they've returned to finish... More

chapter 1 - Kariah-Belle Nadire
Chapter 2 - Knights in training
chapter 3 - The Arrivals
Chapter 4 - Akio Stoneheart(edited)
Chapter 5 - Aya Felicity(edited)
Chapter 6 - Kaden(edited)
Chapter 7 - The bounty hunter(edited)
Chapter 8 - Vengeance (Edited)
Chapter 9 - Iris Eloclipse(edited)
Chapter 10 - Bonds(edited)
chapter 11 - The grieving(edited)
Chapter 12 - Rygilya Semtek(edited)
chapter 13 - The ceremony(edited)
Chapter 14 - The Gauntlet(edited)
chapter 15 - Welcome to the family(edited)
Chapter 16 - Bad News(edited)
chapter 17 - How you came to be(edited)
chapter 18 - The search(Edited)
Chapter 20 - So they return(edited)
Chapter 21 - The Queen and her Knights(edited)
chapter 22 - The lost girl(edited)
chapter 23 - The Vympiri Lord(edited)
chapter 24 - The cycle of vengance(Edited)
chapter 25 - The Request(edited)
chapter 26 - The gathering(edit)
Chapter 27 - Not without a fight(Edited)
chapter 28 - Emerald Flower(edited)
Chapter 29 - The Knight and the terrorist's apprentice(edited)
chapter 30 - Crystal Oblivion(edited)
Chapter 31 - The despair(Edited)
Chapter 32 - Sword of Justice(edited)
chapter 33 - The Rivals(edited)
Thanks for joining the fun!

chapter 19 - What the hell are you(edited)

21 17 0
By Illness_of_mind

"Kaden!" Rygilya Semtek shouted "Get up you wuss! Get up and fight!"

The damage to the surrounding area was massive. All around them, Knights and Vympiri clashed.

Rygilya didn't understand what happened. One moment his rival was fighting alongside him. The next he dropped to his knees, clutching his chest.

Rygilya looked over to the woman Vympiri as she landed beside her comrade. The dark-skinned Vympiri had questioned her, asking her why'd she kill her prize.

"She is only sleeping." She held up her arm, black mana surrounding it. "I didn't want our target getting in the way while we have fun killing the cattle."

Rygilya remembered her. She was the one Memphis made the deal with to attack Salonia almost a year ago. One of Dracula's Royal Guard.

She smirked at Rygilya. The Darkness Tamer smirked back. "I'm not the one who's gonna die here, leech scum."

Rygilya gathered black mana to conjure black lightning spears all around him.

The Vympiri were ready to attack. It looked as if he'd be fighting alone. He cursed those Knights and their inability to leave a comrades' side. That compassion would be what got them killed.

That lesson was one reason why he'd chosen the path of a Darkness Tamer.

A chill went down his spine. A strong gust of wind blew over the area and the Vympiri eyes grew wide. One of the male Vympiri took a step back as if he was frightened.

"Kaden?" One of the council lapdogs questioned.

Rygilya turned around. He saw just what he expected.

The miniature black dragon that his master had been trying to absorb.

Rygilya clenched his fist and his jaw. He could feel the sinister black mana rolling off him.

Rygilya didn't know how Kaden acquire this power. How suddenly he could wield black mana.

That didn't matter now. The only thing that mattered was getting Kezell before Memphis found him.

He started to get close to Kaden to tell him to stop standing around.

"Don't get close!" Aya cried out struggling against a group of mature Vympiri. She fought alongside the holy Knight to get the Knight who strangely resembled Kaden.

Suddenly Kaden moved. He was next to Rygilya in an instant.

He hadn't been this fast before.

Rygilya spiked the mana output half a second before the scorpion-like tail whipped into the side of his face, sending him flying through a stone.

The Darkness Tamer grunted in pain as he rubbed his jaw. If I had been a weakling that would've taken my jaw off.

He looked up in time to see the black dragon appear in front of the Vympiri. It spun rapidly, then kicked the woman Vympiri who blocked but was taken off her feet. The dark-skinned Vympiri tried to send a flaming fist his way but Kaden vanished then appeared behind him.

The leech tried to roundhouse kick but Kaden ducked then flicked his tail. The Vympiri tried to block but the tail spilt him in half. The Vympiri stared wide-eyed before each half peeled apart, hit the floor and spilled innards everywhere.

The dragon creature then let out an enraged roar. It was an blood-churning sound that sounded like a mix between a cry and a screech. Rygilya shivered once again.

The female Vympiri appeared behind him and jabbed her black mana encased arm through his chest.

The Vympiri was surprised that Kaden was still standing.

Kaden roared in pain and rage as he backhanded the Vympiri away. The hole in his chest sealed itself shut.

Kaden moved again. He attacked the Vympiri with a furry of punches and kicks. Rygilya watched as he pushed the Vympiri back, noting his attacks had become more powerful and precise. His speed and reflexes increasing with the exchange of blows.

He's... He's getting stronger.

Rygilya cursed again in frustration. In under two minutes Kaden had done it yet again. Kaden had become stronger than him. All the Darkness Tamer could do now was watch with envy as his rival fought on a level higher than himself, knowing he'd only be in the way if he intervened.

Rygilya watched as Kaden flipped over the Vympiri. He then used his tail to trip her before spinning rapidly for a powerful kick that sent her flying through some trees.

Kaden roared.

Then Rygilya heard singing. He couldn't understand the words but even his hardened heart found the song beautiful.

He looked for the source and found Aya cradling the unconscious girl. The redhead was standing at her side.

He saw Kaden swaying in place, growling softly.

She was soothing him, calming him down.

Kaden let out a roar. One that was different from the previous ones that seemed full of pain. This one was full of hate.

Smoke started to form near Kaden's opened mouth. The smoke was a mix of blue, purple and black. The smoke formed a ball of swirling colors and shining dots.

"That's nebula crusher," Rygilya said as realization dawned on him. "Frozen Gun! Move!"

It was too late. Kaden howled as he fired the blast. If that attack connects it would wipe the three of them out of existence.

The female Vympiri appeared. Using her black arm blade, she slapped the attack away. She screamed in agony holding her arm.

Rygilya knew the limb would be useless now. There was no way she could've deflected that attack and not face consequences.

The attack went into the sky before landing somewhere in the distance. It exploded in a large and beautiful mix of purple, blue and black with moving shining spots.

Lax-Rim punched the Vympiri with a flaming fist that exploded on impact. The blast sent her flying towards Kaden who whipped his tail. However, the Vympiri turned into black smoke to avoid the attack.

"Marclus!" The female Vympiri shouted.

"I got her!" said a mature Vympiri jumping seemingly from nowhere.

Rygilya looked to see a tanned skinned man who's body was surrounded by a black Lightning Cloak. He smacked the redhead sending him tumbling along the ground a good distance.

He tried to do the same with Aya but she was ready. She ducked then tried to counter.

The Vympiri used his lightning augmentation to double his speed, dodging he summoned a sword of black lightning and the two began to battle.

Rygilya rushed to aid but was intercepted by another mature Vympiri.

"Damn leech!" he hollered as they fought.

She hit Rygilya hard in the head. He was seeing stars. She tried to hit him again but he swayed, barely managing to avoid her kick.

Rygilya found his opening and stabbed two black lightning spears into her legs, pinning her in place. Black lightning covered his gauntlet as he punched the side of her face sending her hurtling through a few trees.

"Kariah-Belle!" The red-haired young man said, causing Rygilya to turn. Blood ran down his forehead from the hit.

He rushed over to the Vympiri just as the leech threw the brown-haired girl over his shoulder. Every time his feet hit the floor, he used flames to propel his stride.

A doubleganger.

The Vympiri leaped before Lax-Rim could reach him, flipping high over Kaden and fleeing.

The Stoneheart gave chase but the female Vympiri appeared before him. He swayed her attacks easily until black mana flared to life around her.

Now the Knight had to block, the exchanges caused green and black shock waves to topple trees. The ground rumbled and Rygilya knew that both Knights and Vympiri were going all out. His eyes could barely keep up. The two threw out one powerful skill after another. It was a stalemate.

Kaden launched himself at the two. The Knight and the Vympiri disengaged. The Knight rushed Kaden. Dodging his strikes easily, he put Kaden in a hold.

The female Vympiri looked at Kaden. She cursed. "I'd love to play with you little cattle but that human is a monster. The mana rolling off him is pure evil. We'll bid you farewell."

She winked to Aya as the Knight tossed rubble off her. "Thanks for the gift and good luck."

With that, the Vympiri disappeared into the forest.

The divine Knight released Kaden and a second later, currents of black lightning danced around him, tearing through the earth.

Kaden's head snapped around, his red eyes glaring at Rygilya.

The Darkness Tamer cursed. He knew he stood no chance.

Aya began to sing again and Kaden's gaze fastened on her.

He roared.

She kept singing.

He took a step towards her as she stood. She walked closer to him, moving slowly as her voice sang those beautiful words Rygilya couldn't understand.

Now Kaden was swaying. His tail moving along to the melody of Aya's voice. She was in front of him now. The beast closed it's eyes when she placed a hand on his cheek.

Rygilya could see the dragon scales starting to crumble and break off. She ended the song.

Kaden collapse in her arms. She held him on the ground as the dragon scales completely crumbled from his body then scattered to the winds.

Rygilya watched Kaden. Normally Darkness Tamers started to loss memories bit by bit, he could easily remember the memories he shared with his rival. The mischief they caused that led to wild adventures. He remembered besting Kaden multiple times during sparring matches.

"Just what are you?" he said to himself.

He began making his way over. Beeping started to go off. Aya pressed a bottom on her wristwatch. A holographic projection of Star Titannia popped up.

"Master," Aya started. "We have a problem."

"So do we," she said, urgency in her voice. "Head back to Kartrina. ASAP."

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