Alternate reality 2

By aaal_x

19.1K 831 163

Tip, if you haven't read the first book I suggest that you do that. 'Alternate reality (klance) What will ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 4

2.6K 113 46
By aaal_x

keith was the first to wake up. probably because he was asleep while lance went to put quinn to bed. he woke up around 10:30am which was late for him, he usually woke up around 7:00am and went to train. lance woke up not long after keith, he sat up and rubbed his eyes "what time is it?" he said getting up slowly.
Keith got up and sat at the desk then turned the laptop on "um, 10:05."
lance begun to remove his shirt "right, I'm getting a shower."
Keith nodded "be quick I need one too." keith heard a faint "kk" coming from the bathroom.
as usual lance's version of 'quick' took 30 minutes. keith on the other hand took less than 5 minutes.

after they showered they got changed into the clothes hunk had miraculously washed and dried overnight, they went to the kitchen for breakfast. everyone was already half way through their breakfast when they arrived. Keith and lance went and sat down in the only two available seats where their food goo was already waiting for them.
lance smiled at quinn "have any bad dreams after your little visit last night Quinn?"
she shook her head with confidence "nope, i had a dream about being a mermaid!"
lance pretended to be fascinated, as you would to little kids "wow, really? you know i once met a mermaid. me and hunk met them at an underwater planet."
quinn seemed excited "really!?"
shiro was quite confused "wait, what happened last night?"
quinn lept out of her chair and ran around to where lance was sat. "come play with me"
lance picked her up and ran out of the room with quinn under his arm pretending she was flying.
keith turned to shiro "she came to us last night about a nightmare that she had. but dont worry lance calmed her down in under 5 minutes. he's great with kids!"
older lance smiled at keith "thanks, it's a gift."
shiro didn't pay attention to lance "what did she say the dream was about?"
Keith took his last mouthful of food goo, got up and started washing it in the sink "something about loosing nerrissa"
nerrissa who was eating her breakfast while listening to music looked up "did someone say my name?"
shiro shook his head "its nothing" nerrissa went back to eating her breakfast.
he turned back to Keith "why did she come to you?" he asked in suspicion.
keith shrugged his shoulders "dunno, although like I said lance handled it." keith finished washing his plate "well, I'm gonna go find lance." he said walking out of the kitchen.

keith went to the lounge to find lance there playing with Quinn. Aidan, Cai and Alya were there as well. "hey." keith said walking over to the couch.
lance had grabbed a quilt from somewhere and was using it as a cloak "off we go on our epic quest to save princess Alya!" he said picking Quinn up
Alya joined in with lance's game "help! help, save me!" she said dramatically.
keith was trying not to laugh "lance, what are you doing?"
lance ran over to keith and put Quinn down next to him "we need to save her from the extremely handsome but equally evil warlock kogagorim, who has kidnapped her!"
keith decided to join in. he got up and ran over to alya who was still pretending to be terrified, he grabbed her and yelled "haha, you'll never catch me! and your never going to save your precious princess alya, knight Maclovio!"
Quinn who had a cardboard knife, ran up to keith "we will give you anything in return of the princess. unless you want to die instead!" she said with confidence.
lance pointed at keith "yes. warlock kogagorim what is it you desire?"
Cai looked up from his laptop "oh, I have a great idea."
everyone turned to him.
he shut his laptop and walked up to keith, then grabbed alya "now, I'll give princess alya back if..." he started to grin "you two kiss. and I mean for more than one second."
aidan heard this and turned around to see what was going on "oooh, ye that's a good one."
then nerrissa walked in "hey guys, what we doin'?"
Cai turned to face her smiling "keith and lance are going to kiss!" he informed her.
her eyes widened "wow, really? our keith and lance don't really kiss in public."
Quinn tugged on lance's quilt "go on. kiss him! kiss him! kiss him!" she started to chant and everyone else joined in "kiss him! kiss him! kiss him!"
lance interrupted them "OK, alright. fine I'll kiss him." he then took the quilt he was wearing off and dropped it on the floor.
nerrissa smirked "now don't go to hard, there are children present remember."
lance turned to her with a devilish grin "haha very funny" he then turned back to face keith, he cupped keith head in his hands and slowly leaned into a kiss .Keith's arms were around lance's waist. it only lasted for around 5 seconds, they weren't going to make out in front of everyone. when they broke apart everyone was smiling and clapping as if they just got married.
cai let go of his sister and Quinn yelled out "yay we saved the princess!"
everyone started laughing. keith never played make-believe when he was younger, he never had anyone to play it with but he really liked it, it was fun even for teenagers.

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