Honest Hearts

By madrid_silva

9.4K 329 17

"Sometimes, we may fall in love with the wrong person. Sometimes, we may cry over the wrong person, but in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 52

155 4 0
By madrid_silva

Andre's POV:

"Text her." I tell Rinz.

"No." She replies in a sad voice.

"I'll text her."

"Oh my God, don't."

"Okay, so we'll just stare out at the window for the rest of the night."

"Yes." She says continuing to look out at the window.

I go on my phone and I feel her looking at me.


"I'm on Instagram. See?" I say showing my screen to her.

"Okay." She mumbles.

Me being the sneaky person I am, I quickly decide to text Gori to figure out what the hell is going on.

Me: Hey, what's going on?

Gori: Don't even ask, my life is shit and I am such a bad person. I hate myself.

Me: Can I call you?

Gori: Yes

Me: Wait, don't call. I'll call you.

Gori: Okay

I put my phone in my pocket and look at Rinz.

"Babe, I'm going down to the cafe, do you need anything?"


I shake my head and laugh at her. "Okay amor, I will get you some." I kiss her forehead before leaving our hotel room.

As soon as I reach the cafe, I take out my phone to call Gori.

"Hello." A shaky voice answers the call.

"Hey, oh my God, what's wrong?"

"Me and Marcos had a fight." She says.

I could tell she was trying her best not to cry.

"Oh. Oh my, when?" I ask her shocked.

"A few hours ago. He left and still didn't come back. I think he is at Paddy's place." She says in a really sad voice.

What the hell. Paddy?

"He hates Paddy's guts. Why would he be there?" I ask her sitting down on a table. "Tell me everything."

"First I had a fight with cus about the party."

"Yeah, that I know about."

"And then I told Marcos that I am not going. He asked me why and I didn't want to tell him it's because of Borja."

"Yeah and then?"

"I didn't want to come so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. You know, with Raveen and Borja there. And then, he soon realized that it's about Borja. He asked me if I still like him and that question hurted me. Like how could he even think about that? After everything?"

"You should have been honest with him in the first place and just told him everything. Also, he shouldn't have said that right away and jumped to conclusions."

"And then I got really mad."

"But I am sure that Marcos meant no harm, like he just doesn't want to lose you."

"Yeah well, he tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to. I kept pushing him away. Then, he grabbed his jacket and left the house. He hasn't come back home ever since."

"Did you try calling him?"


"I'm pretty sure he is just over at one of his friends."

"But the worst thing is..." she pauses to take a breath, which soon ended up making her cry. "Borja came."

"Did he do anything? Did you two fight or?" I ask concerned.

"He kissed me." She continues to cry.

What the hell...

"Okay Gori, calm down. I will kick his butt for you when I see him. Don't worry." I say starting to get a little mad.

"I cannot. I hate myself." She continues to cry. "The worst thing is I kissed him back and then I realized my mistake after some time."

"Oh damn!" I let out. "Okay, I must admit that was wrong of you to do."

"Andre, I hate myself. I am such a bad person. Why did I do that? I love Marcos."

"Hey, you don't need to hate yourself, people make mistakes. What happened after?" I curiously ask her.

"He asked me if we can be friends after I told him that this was a mistake. I didn't say anything and he left."

"Okay so, if we tell this to Marcos, he will be upset yes, but once he realizes that you actually love him and that you realized your mistake, he will forgive you. You did that with him so why won't he do that with you? Marcos has a big heart."

"I just... why... why am I like this?"

"It's okay, you didn't mean it. You were just lonely."

She starts to cry again and I stay on the line to comfort her.

"Thank you Andre, for listening to me. I needed to talk with someone."

"It's nothing. If anything happens tell me. I will call Marcos right now and see if he answers since you did not try."

"Okay, text me porfa."

"I will. Love you Gori."

"I love you too."

I end the call and scroll through my contacts to call Marcos.

"Heyyy Andre!"

"Why do you sound like Marcelo?" I ask.

"Because I am Marcelo."

"OH! That makes sense."


I let out a laugh. "Are you with Marcos?"


"Where are you guys? Where is he?"

"At my house. He is sleeping now, why? Are you not enjoying Paris with Rinz?"

"What an idiot, oh my God."

"Why? What happened?"

"Look, long story short, Gori is alone and is not feeling well, she was really sad when I called to check up on her. Someone should check up on her like right now."

"Damn it, I know Marcos told me. I will go, don't worry."

"Take care of her."

"I will. You take care of my BFF!"

"I will." I laugh at him. "Bye bro."


We end the call and I text Gori to let her know that Marcos is at Marcelo's house and that she has nothing to worry about.

I get up from the table that I am sitting at and walk over to the cashier to order some pasta for my soon to be wife.

Gori's POV:

I am still lying in bed, crying my eyes out because of how much of an idiot I am. Soon enough, I hear someone knock at the front door.

Oh my God, that's Marcos. How am I going to look him in the eyes after what I did?

I hesitantly walk towards the front door and open it. The moment I see Marcelo standing in front of me, I throw myself on him and hug him really tightly. He hugs me back without saying a word to me.

"Get inside it's cold." He says after we hugged for a couple of minutes.

"Where is he?" I ask him as soon as we walked inside the house.

"He's asleep on my couch."


"Let's forget about him. What do you want to do?"

"To disappear."

"Oh my God, why are you two making a big deal out of this little mess? You didn't want him to go to the engagement party so he won't get hurt, that's cute. Move on people."

"I made a bigger mess."

"You got into a fight with Rinz and you didn't want to listen to Marcos, those two messes can be fixed."

"No... bigger mess."

He rubs his hand on his chin and looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "What mess? That's all Marcos told me."

"You are not helping Marce."

"Oh my God, that's all I know! I'm sorry."

"Something happened after he left."

"What happened?"

"He came."

Tears started to fill up in my eyes again.

Marce looked confused at first until realization hits him.


He gets closer to me to wipe away my tears that have fallen down from my face. "What did he do?"

"He kissed me... and I kissed him back."

I couldn't control myself. The tears kept rolling down unto my face and I couldn't stop them. Everytime I told this to someone I had to cry my eyes out because I was so disgusted with myself.

Shocked Marce pulls me in for a hug and comforts me. "Stop crying, it's okay, shhh."

"It is not."

"You're still young. You're trying to find out who you actually love. It's all a part of growing up."

I laugh a little at what he says. I don't know why or how, but that managed to make me smile a little. Probably due to the fact that he is actually acting like an adult for the first time in his life.

"Idiot." I lightly slap him.

"Hey! There's that smile I love to see!"

"This world doesn't deserve you. I don't deserve you."

"If I wasn't in this world, no one would be here to make you laugh. And Marcos wouldn't have a place to sleep." He deeply thinks this through.

"I deserve to cry and only cry." I confess. "I don't know why I did that Marce, I love him. I love Marcos."

"Hey, you love Marcos right? Not Borja?"

"Yeah." I nod my head at him.

"And you're like 10000% sure?"

"Again Marce, you are not helping."

"Just answer my question."

"Yes I am 10000000% sure."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Tomorrow I will help you to tell him."

"NO, OH MY GOD!" I yell out.


"I cannot tell him. It's better if you just kill me."

"What if he hears it from Borja?"

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do with my life." I ramble on.

"It's better to be honest."

"Can I just disappear?"

"I will help you with this because I am your BFF. I will help you fix this." He smiles at me.

"He asked me if I love Borja and I got mad at him. After an hour, he comes to my house and kisses me. What kind of person am I?"

"It's just a kiss, Gori. It didn't mean anything to you. If you want I can talk to him before he talks to you."

"No, I have to talk to him." I say. "God, I am such a bad person!" I run my fingers through my hair.

"Did you enjoy it?" He randomly asks me.

"Marcelo..." I chuckle at him.

"It's okay you know." He pulls me closer.


"I'm trying to connect the dots here. I am guessing that you did that because you wanted some distraction from the problems you were going through even if it was Borja's lips."

"You are right..." I say once I take in what he told me. "What would I do without you?"

"Don't worry, something like this once happened to me before."

"You didn't tell me about it before." I cross my arms.

He lets out a chuckle. "Story time then?"

"Why not." I shrug.

"Okay, so you know how I met Clarice a long time ago?"


"Well, there was this other girl who was into me. I don't blame her." He jokes. "Anyways, one time she made a move on me, kind of similar to what Borja did. That day I was mad at Clarice for something stupid, so I hid what happened from her and I never told her. Then, she found out and got mad at me. So, what I learned from that is to always be honest. It would have been easier for her to forgive me if I had told her the truth. I spent a lot of time trying to get her to talk to me again, but of course it will work at the end if that person is the right person for you."

"Thank God for bringing you into my life. I would literally be so lost and make dumb decisions if you haven't shown up here to cheer me up and give me good advice." I tell him.

"Well what can I say?" He shrugs and laughs at himself. "I'm always here for you BFF."

I smile big at him and hug him tight. He hugs me back and we stay like that for some time, enjoying one another's embrace.

"It's getting late, Gori. You should head off to bed and get some sleep." He tells me.

"Only if you stay here." I tell him.

"Sure." He smiles sweetly at me.

"You can sleep in Mateo's room. He won't be coming back home tonight.

"Alright, sounds good." He says. "Good thing I came in my pajamas." He laughs.

I look down at what he is wearing. He really was wearing his pajamas and I only realized this now. I shake my head at him and laugh along.

The next day...

I suprisingly slept really good last night. I woke up feeling fresh, but still guilty about what I did.

I walk into Mateo's room to check up on Marce, but when I entered the room, I realized that he wasn't there. I walk around the house to see if he was anywhere around, but he wasn't. Then, I notice that he left a note for me on the living room table.

"Good morning BFF! I hope you slept well, I know I did because Mateo's bed was comfortable... kinda.... not quite. Anyways, I left early because I had to head back home to get ready for early morning training. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked like an angel. I'll see you soon!

Your one and only,

I smile at the note he left me.

I decide to go fix my bed, eat breakfast, and shower until training is done because I am pretty sure Marcos will come back home once he finishes his training session. I need to tell him everything that happened last night no matter how much it will hurt him. Marce was right, honesty is the best policy.

Marcos' POV:

I park my car in front of Gori's house and rub my head. I have the worst headache because I drank a lot of beer last night. Training was awful because I could not focus from the headache that I have, but the main reason why I couldn't focus was because of Gori. She is on my mind constantly and isn't leaving it. She was even in my dreams last night.

I get out of the car and slam the door shut behind me. I walk up to her front door and walk right in the house. It was quiet, indicating that Mateo still wasn't home. The only thing that could be heard was some music that was being played from Gori's room. I follow the sound that came from her room and I find her cleaning her room when I entered.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." She quietly replies back to me.

"You're cleaning?" I ask her.

Perfect way to cut the tension, Marcos. Good job.

"Yeah." She sets some papers on her desk to the side and turns off the music that was being played from her phone. "I'm done."

"Good because we need to talk." I tell her getting straight to the point.

"I know..."

"Can I start?"

"I think I should start-"

"No, I don't think you should. Gori, let me start. I've been wanting to tell you this ever since we got into that stupid fight."

Marce was right. This was a stupid fight. She was being a cute girlfriend and wanted to protect my feelings, but my jealousy got the best of me and got us into this dumb mess.

She stays quiet showing me that I can talk first. I'm glad she did because I have been preparing what to say to her during training.

I take a deep breath before talking. "Okay so, I want to start off by apologizing to you for accusing you for still having feelings for Borja. I trust you and when you say you don't have feelings for Borja, I should have believed you and never questioned it twice. I don't know why I only looked at the bad picture last night and didn't look at the good. You didn't mean harm to me, you just wanted to protect my feelings and make sure that I am okay and to me, that means a lot. I guess I acted that way because I never ever thought that you would do something so big for me like ditching your cousin's engagement party for me? That's huge. Engagement parties only happen once and I guess I acted that way last night because I was surprised you would choose me over your cousin. I just wanted things to be fine between you two, I didn't want to be the reason you two fight. Last night was horrible, I never want to fight with you ever again. I just want us to be a happy couple, live a healthy life, and have a healthy relationship. Are you up for that?" I tell her not taking my eyes off of her face.

She stays quiet for a bit. I'm assuming she is trying to find the right words to say to me. She sits down on the bed and lets out a sigh. That's when I know something is bothering her. Did something I say upset her or is she still mad at me from last night? I don't know what to do to make this right.

"Gori, what's wrong?" I ask her, taking a couple of steps near her.

She covers her face with her hands and explodes into tears. I sit next to her on the bed to comfort her. I pull her to my chest and she starts to punch my chest so I can let her go, but I wasn't buying it. Something was bothering her and I was going to stay with her until I know what it is and make her feel better.

"Stop! Let me go! I don't deserve you!" She yells out while she continues to leave punches on my chest.

I hold onto her tightly. "Don't say that! I fucking love you."

When I said the last sentence she starts to cry even harder if that was possible. She wasn't telling me anything so I just let her cry and cry. I needed her to calm down. Once she calmed down by a little bit, I pull her away from my chest and carefully look at her while my arms were resting on her shoulder.

"I kissed Borja." She whispers not looking into my eyes.


My lips part and my eyes widen a bit at her words. My arms slide off of her shoulders as I continue to look at her in shock.

"I'm sorry." She continues to whisper.

How could she do that? I trusted her. I gave her my all and now she does this? I get up from where I am sitting and walk over to the door to leave, but she starts talking again.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

When she realizes that I won't be answering her question, she continues to talk.

"Don't you want to ask me about it? Why I did it? What happened? Anything?"

"I can't funtion right now." I confess to her.

I look like a freaking idiot after everything I've told her a couple minutes ago. I hear her footsteps and soon enough she approaches me. She attempts to grab my hand, but I pull away from her.

"He kissed me first." She blurts out.

Is this Borja's fault because I swear to God-

"And I kissed him back."

Nevermind. It's both of their faults.

"I was really lonely. I was broken and I had no one to talk to. No one was home to comfort me and listen to what I had to say. I couldn't call Rinz because we got into a fight. I didn't want to ruin her vacation with Andre anymore. I also thought that since you took a really long time to come back home that you were probably at Paddy's-"

"SERIOUSLY?!" I yell out.

She stumbles back a couple steps, scared from my outburst.

"You think that I was at Paddy's? Paddy? PADDY?!" I kept repeating, my voice getting louder with every time I say her name again. "FUCK, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES ANYMORE. WHAT SHE DOES. WHO SHE'S WITH. I DON'T HAVE HER NUMBER OR ANYWAY TO CONTACT HER AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT I WAS AT PADDY'S?!?!"

"I-I d-didn't k-know that." She stutters.

Seeing her this scared from me, hurts, but I couldn't control myself. I thought things were going great between us, but I was wrong. She's probably still thinking about the times her and Borja shared. I run my fingers through my hair and then I rub my forehead because my headache was getting worse.

"I should leave. Staying here is making me sick." I say.

I put my hand on the doorknob to open the door, but she puts her hand on top of mine to stop me.

"I'm sorry. I really am, just please give me a chance to make it alright again."

"How do you expect me to trust you again, Gori?"

"You love me and when you love someone you trust them. You still love me right?"

"Of course I love you and then you just go ahead and cheat on me." I let out a big sigh.

"I'm a fucked up person. I messed up. I cried all night, ever since I did my mistake. My eyes never stayed dry for a second. I decided to tell you about my mistake because I love you too. If I didn't care about our relationship I would have just hid this from you, but I didn't because I love and care about you so much to lie to you and keep a secret like this from you."

What she said was sweet, but it didn't fix the pain I was feeling.

"Gori that's bullshit."

"Excuse me?" She asks looking at me.

I could feel her getting angrier.

"What the hell is your problem? You cheated on me too, but the way you cheated on me was way worse than what I did. And what did I do when you came to apologize to me? I didn't let you leave with disappointment. I told you we could stay friends and act like nothing bad happened between us. I kissed Borja, you SLEPT with her. If you're hurt and broken over a dumb kiss I gave Borja, well you should multiply the feeling you are feeling right now by a million because that's how I felt when you left me to sleep with another girl at the time when I didn't want to give my virginity away yet." She bursts into tears and sobs uncontrollably.

What she said was right. I was being selfish. What I did to her was way worse than a stupid kiss and here I am, complaining about it when I know what I did was nowhere near better. She forgave me for my MASSIVE mistake, what makes me not to forgive her too? What excuse do I have? Nothing.

I grab her from her hips and pull her close to me. I kiss the top of her head and pull her in for a hug. She continues to sob in my chest and I rub circles on her back to try to calm her down.

"I'm sorry. I love you." I tell her. "Let's forget the last couple of hours and act like they never happened in our lives okay?" I ask her looking at her.

She nods her head at me and wipes her tears away. I move her hand away from her face and I start to kiss away the tears that were rolling down her face. When I finish, I look back at her to see her smiling at me. Crap. I missed seeing that smile. I smile back at her and she brings me back to her bed. She lays on top of me and starts to kiss me everywhere.

"I love you so much." I tell her in between the kisses she was giving me.

"And I love you." She stops kissing me to look at me.

She had this big smile on her face, her eyes weren't red and puffy anymore, she didn't look down, she looked energetic. I loved seeing her like this and not the way she looked a couple minutes ago. It's not that she looked bad when crying, it broke my heart. Seeing her smile and full of life brings me joy.

"I want to live with you forever." I say placing a light kiss on her neck.

"Me too. Don't leave me. Ever." She says resting her head on my chest. She stayed on top of me, cuddling.

"I won't." I smile. "By the way, once Randre get married, we're next."

She giggles and playfully hits my chest.

We were okay again. This is perfect.

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