Anybody Imagines [REQUESTS OP...

By Nightcore_FairyTail

9.3K 84 46

Okay, so I know I have like, 5 or 6 stories going and unfinished but like, I cAn'T hElP mYsElF!!!! Anywhoooo... More

Little Miss Tipton (Zack Martin)
Opposites Attract (Johnny Test)
Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream (Max/Sharkboy)
Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream Pt.2 (Max/Sharkboy)
Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream Pt.3
The Nicknames (Squints Palledorous)
Nyctophobia (Richie Tozier)[2017]
Liquid Fire With A Passion (Will Byers)
IT Prefrence (1) <2017>
Stranger Things Preference (2)
Your Crush x Reader
Zack and Cody Preference [Or Deck, whichever one you prefer] (1)
Stuttering (Bill Denborough)[2017]
"Fuck This Shit, I'm Out" (Carl Grimes)
Tag, You're It (Eddie Kaspbrak)
IT Preference[2017] (2)
Stranger Things Preference (1)
Faded (Peter Parker)
Can I Keep You? (Luke Ross)
Bobbity Bop (Romeo Conbolt)
I Dare You (Bernie Schotz)
Answer My Question (Walk The Prank) Herman
My Girl (Alan 'Yeah-Yeah' McClellan)
Sensing Cupid (Jack Frost)
Thank You and Update
Another Update
The Second Year (Jess Wheatly)
Why Did You Do It? (Sokka)
One More Update
His Darkness [Robin (Teen Titans)]
Farkle Minkus x Reader [Girl Meets World]
Lmao yall-

American Boy (Alex) [Earth to Echo]

152 1 0
By Nightcore_FairyTail

Name: Arabella

Age: 1003 (13)
Style: When she arrived on earth, she took the form of a tweenage girl, along with the "average human" appearance, but kept the colors within Echo's appearance. And her eyes turn gray when she is retaining information or sleeping and slightly glow a bright blue when she is "working."

(No purse)

^Gray(retaining info/sleeping)


Plot: She was sent to earth, not long after Echo had crashed, so she could protect him. She's a more advanced model of what Echo is. She has the abilities to act more human-like and actually talk. She was programmed to know everything there was to know about earth and how to "be human, be one of them..." but she still had a lot left to learn. Starting with the "American species."

[Alex's POV]
"Let's do 20 questions with an alien!" I said enthusiastically after we had found whatever this thing was.

[Arabella's POV]
Powering ON in






My eyes opened and I glitched for a second before gaining control of all of my functions. I looked around and scanned the area but only learned that my system was jammed. I sighed and began my search for Echo. "Echo!"

~2 hours later~

[Alex's POV]
"Do you-?"
"Um, who's she?" Tuck asked cutting me off. Me and Munch turned to see a girl standing at the doorway to the barn we sat in. She cocked her head slightly and her blue eyes glowed. Her attention was focused on the little alien thing we had found and she walked over and picked him up gently.

"Wh...hold on, wait! Who are you? Y-you can't just take him!" Munch said, trying to stop her. But she didn't even turn around, as so much as flinch as she kept walking with it in her hands. I grabbed her wrist trying to stop her and she turned around and looked at me. She cocked her head again as if she was trying to decide something.

"Do you know her?" I asked it. *Beep*
It said yes but I still wasn't sure. "Who are you?" I asked the girl. "I'm...Arabella. Assigned to protect Echo, and now, bring him home. May you please let go of my wrist?" She said, almost flatly. I let go of her and mumbled an apology. "Assigned by who?" Tuck intervened. "That is classified information. Echo, do you know these.........humans?" She asked with a long pause. *Beep* "Have they hurt you?" *Beep Beep*

[Arabella's POV]
*Beep Beep* 'Good, he said no...' I thought as I looked at the seemingly male humans that looked around my age. "You keep calling it Echo. Is... that it's name?" The blond one asked. "Yes." I answered, only staying because I was intrigued. "Can we help? Get it home, I mean?" The closest to me asked. "I suppose that would be okay, seeming as I need to get home as well..." I answered again.

They all did some form of cheer while the blond one just groaned. "Oh, I'm Alex by the way." He said. "And that's Tuck, and over there is Reginald. But we call him Munch." I nodded, but didn't fully understand. "Why?" I asked.

Alex: Why, what?
Arabella: Why do you call him Munch, when his birth name is Reginald?
Alex: It's a nickname. Because he eats a lot! And- hey!"

[Alex's POV]
Tuck pulled me aside, cutting me off from my sentence. "Dude, that girl is really wierd. I don't trust her." He whispered.

Alex: Says the one that films literally everything that happens in life.
Tuck: She's even weirder than that though.
Munch: I agree. Sorry, but Tuck might be right, for once.
Tuck: Thank y- wait a minute...
Munch: Look, all we're saying is, is that she has to go. One way or the other.
Alex: You guys are overreacting. She's fine. Plus, she seems to know what she's doing and said she needs help getting home too. How about this? We'll get instructions and whatnot on how to get Echo home, and then drop her off at her house, and continue on. Sound fair?
Munch: I don't know...
Munch: What?!

Arabella: I don't mean to intrude but Echo says we must get going.

All: Okay...

We continued on but walked with are bikes because she didn't have one. "That's another thing. How did she even get out here without any form of transportation? Oh, I know! Because she's weird!!" Tuck said as we walked. "Maybe she's lost..?" I reasoned. I sped up to catch up with her and she seemed to be in a world of her own. She has silver hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. She was actually very pretty herself.

"Do you know where the map is taking us?" I asked out of curiosity, and to start a conversation with her in general. She nodded but kept looking ahead. I sighed knowing how awkward this was getting for me and maybe for her. "Am I allowed to ask questions?" She suddenly asked. "Of course!" I responded, eager for conversation.

Arabella: What are you, as a human?
Alex: Um, I don't get it.
Arabella: What is your type?
Alex: Well, male. Obviously...
Arabella: Male? So what does that make me?
Alex: Fe...male? Um, unless you're gay, I don't know...
Arabella: A male human... do you have a species?
Alex: What? A species? Like, a race? Well, if that's what you're asking, then I would be American.
Arabella: Alex, a male human of the American species.
Alex: Arabella, beautiful female human of the, also, hopefully American species? Am I right?
Arabella:..................In this form of myself, yes. You are correct. And, thank you. I accept your compliment.

We kept up a good conversation, mostly her asking questions and me answering or vice versa, all the way until we arrived at a old pawn shop. ' My phone map led us here?' I thought, confused. "So wait-wait a minute. Let me get this right. Dude comes from a million light-years away, and he wants to come here?!" Tuck exclaims.

~Huge ass Time Skip/explanation: They continued the journey along with Arabella and yes, all of the drama and stuff still happens. So now we're at the part where Alex had had enough of Tuck's shit so he leaves...😆~

"C'mon Arabella..." Alex muttered as he walked towards his bike. I looked back and forth between him and the rest. I couldn't calculate what to do in a situation like this. I wasn't programmed for stuff like this. "Um..." He looked at me, holding his hand out. "I'm- sorry guys..." I said, grabbing his hand. I got on the bike of his bike as he peddled off. He was going really fast so I had to hold on to his waist, making me feel that strange feeling again...

We were in a casino, looking for another one of the pieces the place starts shaking. "Watch out!!" The piece flew at me, almost hitting me in the head.

"Whoa, what happened to you guys?" Munch asked looking over to us. Alex was lying on top of me in an... awkward position which consisted of him straddling me. "Heh, sorry about that... Just didn't want you to get hit..." He excused, getting off of me and helping me up. I got this weird... vibe. My face felt like it was overheating and I couldn't get audible words out. What's happening to me?
~Flashback End~

It was that same feeling again, and it only seemed to come about when Alex was around. He pulled to the side a bit and looked around. We were about a few feet away from a small town. He put his, what I discovered to be known as, earbuds in his ears. He got back on his bike and gave me look, as if to say, 'Let's go...' I hopped back on and I had to say, my system was starting to get a little drained. I rest my head on his back.

"What are you listening to?" I asked. He took out one bud so he could hear me. "I didn't think you could hear my music..." He said. "I can't hear it. But I can feel it." I said as I laid my head back down. "Take me on a trip, I'd like to go some day..." I quoted/sung from the song, lightly. "Take me to New York, I wanna see L.A...." Alex continued. I smiled as he looked back and smirked. He made me feel something I've never felt before. And I liked it...

"I really want to..." I continued.

Then Alex, "...Come kick it with you..."

"Will you be my American Boy?" Just as the song finished, we pulled up in front of a small diner.

~Another Huge ass Time Skip/explanation:
They went in the diner, got food, Tuck and Munch showed up, they talked, made up, then you start acting weird, suddenly you shut down (or to them, pass out) they freak out (mostly Alex😏) Echo explains why and what you are and what to do to save you (bc Alex still loves you and doesn't want you to die or something) so the rest of the events happen and now you're on the ship, saying your goodbyes... but not befoooorrreeee....

[Alex's POV]
"C'mon Bella, please wake up..." I pleaded quietly, lightly slapping her face. "Arabella... please..." "I don't think she's gonna wake up. We were to late..." Munch says, sadly. I sigh and wipe a few stray tears. We say out goodbyes to Echo when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me. "Will you be my American Boy?"

[Arabella's POV]
I heard Alex trying to wake me up but it was like I was trapped. Trapped in my own mind. No, program. These feelings I have, I know now I was never supposed to feel them. I was made, created, built. But I can't hold them back. Even if I wanted to... I loved him. If that's the right word.

My eyes shot open and it felt like I had control over everything. No blue glows or anything. I looked down at Echo. He did something. And whatever it was... It made me the same species- it made me human...
I ran and hugged Alex from behind.
"Will you be my American Boy?"

He turned around and hugged me back. "Definitely..!" He said with a side smirk and kissed me. I was new at this so it was a just a short peck, but it meant the universe...

Aaaahhhhhh! Okay, I'm done with this one too. Hahaa, you're welcome beaches XDD😂😂

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