Living In The Light

By EsreldaSnape

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This story is the sequel to Flying Blind. Ellenore and Draco's adventure continues where it left off after th... More

Chapter 1 Light vs. Darkness
Chapter 2 Double Vision
Chapter 3 The Dark Stalker
Chapter 4 Friends
Chapter 5 Sleeping Single in a Double Bed
Chapter 6 Taking Over
Chapter 7 Rise of the Dark Lady
Chapter 8 His Shattered Heart
Chapter 9 The troubles of a Single Father
Chapter 11 Serve Me Or Die
Chapter 12 Returning to the Light
Chapter 13 A Bright Future
Chapter 14 A Mother's Fury

Chapter 10 Scorpius Healer's Apprentice

115 4 0
By EsreldaSnape


After graduating from Hogwarts Rose and Scorpius both became healer apprentices under her mother's watchful eye. Aside from going on rounds in a different ward of the hospital every week, they would sneak into Hermione's office and go through his mother's very detailed notes. Years of research she had done, only to have drunk one batch of the potion that nobody could figure out how to reproduce.

This sneakiness went on for two months before they got caught. Late one night, they both sat in the silence of Hermione's office going through another set of notes when Hermione walked in and scared the daylights out of them when she cleared her throat. "I wondered, who had been going through those notes," she said as she closed the door behind her.

Scorpius and Rose looked down at their feet with shameful expressions on their faces. "We didn't mean to pry, mother. We just thought that perhaps if we went through the notes again, a little slower that we could determine exactly what was in that unknown potion, that Mrs. Malfoy drank," said Rose softly.

"Well, I've been over and over those notes and still get stuck. On every set of notes that pertain to any kind of potion, there are those strange runes. I've looked through so many books on ancient runes that my head is left spinning. Have either of you made any head way on the notes," asked Hermione eagerly?

"Yes, actually, I have," said Scorpius as he looked down at his own copy of notes. "You see my mother taught me this rarely used language that looks like runes, when I was younger. The reason that you and everyone else who attempted to decipher my mother's notes was because you are using the wrong books. These aren't runes, they're Egyptian hieroglyphics. Furthermore you would have to understand French and Hieroglyphics to decode her notes," explained Scorpius as he handed Healer Weasley his copy of the notes.

"Why would your mother write her notes in such a manner and make it so hard to understand," asked Hermione as she looked over Scorpius's notes?

"She didn't want her potion to fall into the wrong hands," said Scorpius with a smile on his face.

"Well, I guess that considering everything she isn't as crazed and mental as your father thinks," said Rose as she peered over her mother's shoulder and read Scorpius's neatly written notes.

"Don't forget, my mother could see the future. She knew that all of this would happen before any of us with the exception of my little sisters," said Scorpius as he thought of his mother and sisters.

"Scorpius, do you actually understand your mother's notes as well as I think that you do," asked Hermione with a serious expression on her face?

"Yes, ma'am, I do," said Scorpius with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Well then, I have a special job for you since that is the case. You may be the only one who can save your mother. For that reason I am putting you in charge of deciphering your mother's notes, and both of you are responsible for brewing the potion that we will need," said Hermione as she left the two apprentices in the room.

For the next years Scorpius and Rose put everything on the back burner. They even postponed their wedding, due to the fact that Scorpius wanted to mend his broken family before he married the witch that he loved. One evening he sat alone in his study on the ground floor of his modest home on Spinners End with a frown on his face. He had after so long deciphered his mother's very detailed notes and had almost everything that they would need to brew the potion.

Rose came down stairs and leaned seductively against the door frame. "Scorpius, are you ever going to come to bed? It's lonely up there without you," she said as she entered the room and sat on his lap.

"Darling, I'm sorry that I've been neglecting you, but I've finally finished deciphering my mother's notes. We have almost everything that is needed to brew the potion, except for three very important things," he said as he pointed down at his notes. Rose read the notes and made notice of the three underlined things that were still needed.

After reading over the notes Rose looked up at Scorpius with a dazed expression on her face. "Scorpius, these potions ingredients make up the Angel's Trumpet Draught it's completely useless. Nobody has ever discovered its true use. It has even stumped its original creators. Why would your mother want us to make such a useless potion," asked Rose in confusion?

"Rose, you are missing the point. If you look here on the ingredients for the potion, you will notice that we need strands of hair from the head of each person who truly loves the intended drinker and tears of love from the closest blood relatives of the drinker in the other. Then the potion must be divided in half and the hair added into one half, while the tears are added into the other half," said Scorpius as he placed his notes into the top drawer of his desk and locked it.

"The only problem will be getting my father to listen to me and give his part for the two potions. He also has my mother's talinian cauldron which we need to meld the two potions together once they are complete," said Scorpius as he reached for a blank piece of parchment and his quill.

"Scorpius, you've been working on this for too long tonight. I know that you need to get the cauldron, and the hairs and tears from your family, but if you don't get some sleep you'll be in no shape to even attempt to speak with your father,' said Rose pulling gently on his hand.

"Maybe you are right, it's just that we've waited so long and worked so hard to get this far. Just let me write a letter to your mother and my grandmother to let them know what I've found, and I'll be right to bed," said Scorpius as he kissed Rose softly on the lips giving her backside a playful swat making her squeal with shock.

The next day Rose and Scorpius were just about to sit down to breakfast when they heard the sound of someone wrapping on the front door franticly. Before either of them could get up, Blinky popped into the room shaking with fear. "Blinky, what's wrong," asked Scorpius as he got to his feet?

"Master's father is at the door. He looks very distraught over something," answered the elf as she followed Scorpius to the door.

Scorpius walked calmly to the door and opened it for his father. Once the door was opened Draco looked up at his son with red tear filled eyes. "I won't stay long, son, I just wanted to ask you something important," said Draco from the porch.

"I've taken the wards that mum put up against you off of the house, please come in father," said Scorpius as he stepped aside. Draco stepped into the house cautiously looking around taking in the changes that the young couple had made to the old house that used to belong to his ghostly father-in-law.

He followed Scorpius into the study and placed the talinian cauldron and two vials down onto the desk. "Your letter said that you've deciphered your mother's notes, and now know what is in the potion that she drank," said Draco softly attempting not to cry for the hundredth time that day. Rose entered the room and handed Draco and Scorpius both hot cups of coffee.

"You both look like you need this," she said as she sat on the edge of Scorpius's desk and sipped at her own cup.

"Scorpius, do you think that the potion will save your mother," asked Draco softly?

"Well according to her notes, the dose that she took was just a sample. The recipe that she wrote down is for a much stronger and larger batch of the potion. The first phase of the potion is brewed in master level cauldrons. I have two Master Level cauldrons from both of my grandfathers," said Scorpius.

Draco's eyes darkened with rage and he got up and walked to the window in an attempt to calm himself. "Scorpius, never call that demon spawn of Satan's loins your grandfather. He took your mother away from us. I'll never forgive him," said Draco shakily. Rose walked over to her future father-in-law and placed a tender hand on his shoulder.

"You need not go into it, Mr. Malfoy," she said soothingly. "Scorpius only means that he has the two Master's cauldrons. He didn't mean to upset you," she said as she stroked his back soothingly. Suddenly Draco turned and wrapped his future daughter-in-law in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, for what I said last year when my son preposed marriage to you. You both have my blessing to marry if you wish. I just felt like my entire world has been falling apart ever since Ellenore started hurting herself to get rid of the dark magic," he said as he shook with silent sobs.

Rose hugged him back and patted his back in a soothing manner. "It's going to be alright now. All we have to do is brew the potion to her instructions and administer the full batch of the completed potion to her when we see her again," said Rose sweetly. Draco looked up into Rose's ocean blue eyes with a worried expression.

"How long will it take to brew the potion Scorpius," asked Draco as he wiped his eyes with a silk handkerchief that Rose had conjured for him?

"It will take about a month. The only complication that I see is how we are going to get close enough to mother to get her to drink it," said Scorpius.

"We'll worry about that when the time comes," said Draco as he straightened his robes and walked over to the desk. "You said that you needed a few strands of hair from everyone whom truly love her and the tears of love from the close members of her family. Your grandfather Snape told me where to find a vial of his tears that he was saving for an experiment. The only hairs and tears that you are missing are your own. I also brought your mother's talinian cauldron. Be very careful with it as it is very rare and not easily replaced," said Draco as he ran his fingers over the edge of the cauldron lovingly.

"Anyway, I've got to get back to Hogwarts. Your sisters have informed me that things are about to get dangerous for our family. If you two can manage it, I'd really prefer that you both come to Hogwarts where you can be protected," said Draco as he placed a hand on Scorpius's shoulder.

"Father, are they certain of what they see," asked Scorpius with a worried expression on his face?

"Son, have you ever known your sisters to be wrong on anything that they predict," asked Draco as he reached the front door of the house? Scorpius shook his head mutely. "I've already spoken with your parents and headmistress McGonagall about this, and they all agree that considering the way things are going that this is for the best. Don't wait too long before you make up your mind," he said as he apparated away leaving the couple standing alone on their front porch.

Three days later Scorpius and Rose took his father's advice and moved to Hogwarts. They moved into the Quarters of the head of Slytherin house and began work on the Angel's Trumpet Draught for Ellenore. First they brewed two master level cauldrons full of Angel's Trumpet Draught. Then they added the tears of love into one and watched as it turned an interesting shade of purple. Into the other cauldron of Angel's Trumpet Draught they placed the hairs of those who truly loved Ellenore, and watched as it turned a shiny silver color. Once the two potions had cooled they slowly mixed the two potions together into the talinian cauldron. This process took the entire month as the mixed potion had to simmer and more had to be added until the contents of both masters' cauldrons were completely empty.

Scorpius and Rose took turns stirring the potion until late on the night of Christmas Eve. Draco was sitting in his office reading a depressing article on the movements of the Dark Lady, when Scorpius walked in and placed a vial that was four inches tall and two inches in diameter onto his desk in front of him. "Merry Christmas father. That potion took a lot of hard work to make. Because of how it's made, it is very strong and should take effect instantly. According to the girls you are the only one who will be placed in the proper situation that will allow you to get close enough to mother to administer the potion. Keep it with you at all times," said Scorpius as he yawned and left the office for the comfort of his bed.

After everyone else was fast asleep in their beds Draco quickly left the castle and apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. He wanted to do some late Christmas shopping for his family. He stopped in front of Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions and looked at a lovely set of olive green robes that would look amazing on Ellenore. He saw a pair of cloaked men standing behind him in the reflection, and was about to draw his wand when he suddenly went limp and was knocked unconscious and carried away by the two robed men.

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