A Common Ground

By timekeeperstories

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A Common Ground The First Instalment Of A Three Book Series Written By Morgan Townsley *UNDER EDITING* Hermi... More

Chapter 1: A Melancholy Memory
Chapter 2: M.I.A
Chapter 3:Toasts and Jam
Chapter 4:How The Girl No One Knew Met The Boy Who Lived
Chapter 5: A Little Curiosity Never Hurt Nobody
Chapter 6 : Santa Blaisey
Chapter 7: Him and the kid , Her , Those Two and Potty
Chapter 8: What Makes A Mother?
Chapter 9: Christmas with the Malfoy's?
Chapter 10: Our Humble Home
Chapter 11: " She's okay Draco , she's just fine "
Authors Note .
Chapter 12: It's All Rather Confusing To Be Perfectly Honest..
Chapter 13 - Buckteeth Granger Has The Most Terrible illness
Chapter 14 - Two Malfoys would be best buds with a Weasley and a Potter?
Chapter 15 - He wants me to hug Malfoy.
Chapter 16 - The end of Weasley's vs Malfoy's
Chapter 17 - Voldermort Didn't Have Any Children
Chapter 18 - Well Miss Anderson It Was Very Nice to Meet You
Chapter 19 - Even Hermione Granger Can Be A Little Reckless
Chapter 20 - Rita Skeeter's Scoop
Chapter 21- Oh Shove It You Old Bat !
Chapter 22 - The Story of Mia Narcissa Daphne Pansy Lucile (secret name) Malfoy
Chapter 23 - Devistation - part 1
Chapter 24 - Devistation - part 2
Chapter 25 - Stop Saying Things That Make Me Want To Kiss You
Chapter 26 - Breaking News
Chapter 28 - Farewell For Now...
Chapter 29 - Life Is Cruel & Beautiful All At Once
Chapter 30 - A Blur of Red Fury
Chapter 31 - My Hero, Albus Severus Potter
Chapter 32 - The Brown Eyes Of Hermione Granger
Chapter 33 - Pug face & The Weasel
Chapter 34 - Arianna Zabini
Chapter 35 - "It was just one of those things"
Chapter 36 - Mia Fesses Up
Chapter 37 - The Unstoppable Quiddich Princess
Chapter 38 - The Fly On The Wall
Chapter 40 - Mind, Time, Love
Chapter 41 - Our Last Train
Chapter 42 - Nightmares Come True Too
Chapter 43 - Wine, Witches and Wizards
Chapter 44 - It Will Cost You, Your Life Draco
Chapter 45 - A Common Ground
Authors Note - Thank you
Bonus chapters for hitting 2k! - Scorpios & Rose POV
Special Chapter : The Wedding
Hey Readers!
- Mia & Albus -

Chapter 27 - The Truth Finally Breathes Freely

1.9K 74 5
By timekeeperstories

It was summer. Beautiful and warm outside were it bathed upon them as they sat in the garden. Hugo was teaching Mia how to catch a quaffle while in flight, Leo and Scorpios were exchanging chocolate frog cards; Rose was drawing the flowers in the garden. Harry and Ginny were seated with Lilly, there newest addition to the Potter clan with Albus trying to explain Quddich to the 5 month old and failing but never gave up. James was standing with Hugo waiting to catch Mia if she fell off the broom. Pansy and Blaise sat next to Harry and Ginny laughing at Albus and Lilly one sided conversation. But more importantly trying to encourage their daughter to go play with her brother, her name was Arianna and they'd adopted her from a muggle orphanage, after showing signs of magic they were sure it was meant to be. Draco and Hermione were seated on a swinging bench watching the children play with smiles on their faces. Hermione had her legs on Draco's lap, reading a book while he sat drawing circles on her legs and admiring the view of family. His parents, Narcissa was near puling out her hair with Mia swirling about in the air above them all and his father casually talked business with Blaise.

Eli walked out into the garden and straight to Draco and Hermione.

"Sir, I know you are enjoy your day but I believe your guest deserves your attention, she's quite distressed and very eager" Eli stated his gloved hands ringing with worry as he spoke quietly.

Hermione and Draco exchange looks.

"May I ask who it is?" His butler leaned closer upon answer.

"Ms Greengrass"

"As In?" Hermione started.

"The very same Ma'am" Eli nodded his head vigorously. Hermione looked to Draco but he did not return it, he was thinking and then gave his answer to Eli.

"Let her through" Eli left immediately.

"Draco, why I can just-"

"Hermione, love I know, but their is enough wizards here to stop an army, she'd be a fool to try anything, I want to see what she wants, either way it can't be good" They stood from the bench. "Tell them before she arrives, Eli will take her the long way, he usually does that with guest I don't like"

Hermione then told everyone, warning them of their guest-who's last interaction with them nearly killed Mia. Draco got Mia from air and told her to be seated with Harry and Ginny, alone with the other children.

Astoria Greengrass appeared from behind Eli. She looked the definition of dreadful. Her face was thin her hair grey at the roots, the clothes she wore barely fitted her and her brown eyes were red and glassy,Draco waited for her to burst into tears.

Mia however, did not recognise the women who looked yearningly at her. Who spilt tears at her, who's face moved back and forth between her and Draco. She did not look like Astoria Greengrass.

"What are you doing here Astoria?" Draco asked quickly as the air shifted from peace to distress very quickly. She looked urgent. She pulled out paperwork from her bag and walked toward Hermione.

"I'm here legally, I have paperwork to prove so, wand permits and such, in case you thought I flooed " She stated tryingly toward Hermione and handed her the paperwork. They were real Hermione knew that and couldn't help but feel pity swim in her heart for the women.

"Answer my question Astoria" Draco's voice wasn't as soft as his ex-wives. She nodded and swallowed with-holding burning tears that threatened to spill down her once handsome face.

"Yes-right, well I thought you should know, Hermione if you turn to the page behind the wand permit you will see a yellow slip" Draco wanted to roll his eyes. But Hermione listened pulled it out, she knew instantly what they were, she'd seen them so often at work.

"A Court Case?" Hermione looked to Astoria puzzled, she nodded gently. "For cursing?" She continued.

"Yes, t-the day I arrived here, I went to Diagon Alley to by gifts for-"She choked and looked over to Mia, who was confused of everything happening. Draco scoffed but Hermione touched his arm, telling him to listen for what she has to say.

"Go on" Hermione encouraged.

"Well, it was late you see and someone, I had no idea who they were, but they were looking for you Draco" Malfoy turned his eyes back to her." I told him, to leave me that I had to go, but he kept persisting and asked me about you and your cousin Atticus" This grabbed everyone's attention including Scorpios who looked to Mia with worry, she took hold of his hand. " I wouldn't speak so he asked why I was there, why was I in Diagon Alley, when I refused again, he forced me to drink a truth telling potion-"

"He got everything he wanted" Hermione sighed. Astoria nodded.

"Including the fact that I was visiting you and Mia" Her and Draco looked at each other. Draco had known long enough when Astoria was lying, she had a tell, she'd stutter or sometimes choke, she was very bad liar, here she looked him dead in the eye and he knew it was true.

"What happened?" Hermione continued, wanting to hear the whole truth.

"He placed a imperious curse on me" Astoria's head hung in shame. The place went silent and Draco was the only one who could speak.

"That's why you did those things, that's why you nearly killed-"

"I would never harm her, I would never take a hair from her head, I gave her life Draco, I would never-do that to her, let her bare the same mark you did, that our families did, I lost my parents because of that mark I would never let my child suffer the same way" Astoria's eyes burned with tears. "They wanted to hurt you, hurt me, hurt anyone who was related to Atticus"

"Mum, why not you take the kids inside, get them something to drink" Narcissa nodded, taking Scorpios's hand who wouldn't let go of Mia. They all followed her in like little ducklings as she asked them what they wanted. But Scorpios turned his head and looked to Draco who gave him a smile.

"Continue Astoria" Hermione stated as everyone grew nearer to listen to the story.

"Atticus, told you of the new dragon species he found?, he did just find it, he stole it from a black market in Romania and from the wrong people, ex death eaters, their children and grand children, a full mob hiding in Romania selling of the black markets to get ends meat and when Atticus stole their biggest money maker-"

"They came after him" Draco finished.

"They heard it was Scorpios birthday and that the only person that he ever contacts is you, loose any owls when talking to Atticus?" Astoria asked him.

"Three or four a month, but I just presumed because of the distance, Atticus told me it was normal"

"But it wasn't, because they found all your letters from each other, in the houses were the ex death eaters were staying, the same man who followed me here, the same men who where looking for you after they Atticus tortured him, the same men who killed him and the very same I got locked him" She stated the last part proudly. Draco was in disbelief.

"You were the Romanian case?" Harry asked. Stepping closer to the three. She nodded in reply. "That was one of the biggest fights in law since Grindlewald, you shut an entire mob down by illegal animal trading, after they got guilty they took the serum and confessed to everything, about torturing and killing a man, to everything they ever did; even when Voldermort was alive, you got the whole lot!" Harry continued in exasperation. Draco turned and glared at him. "Sorry.., continue" He backed away and Draco turned back to Astoria.

"What took you so long to tell us, or to apologise?" He asked.

"I couldn't bare the fact of what I did, look at me Draco, I'm a mess- my husband he barely recognises me, my boys don't have a mother because I haven't slept since the night the curse was lifted and the what I did, to Mia, it repeats every day like a endless nightmare and I can't function" She sobs. "I needed to see if she was okay, that she was happy and the first time I do, she's smiling with friends and family, with a new mother and I'm so happy for her and you" She said with a smile.

"Astoria" Draco sighs, his brain was finding everything so hard to process.

"I know, you don't have to tell me twice, all I wanted to do was tell you the truth and look you in the eye when I do it, I've done that and here" With a wave of her wand, a large bag appears. " For the children, my boys love them, I thought Scorpios and Mia would too" She smiled and turned around.

"Eli" Draco called, he did not need to continue the butler lead her back to the front door.

"I can't believe it" Pansy said, placing her hand on her heart.

"Malfoy, I know it's not my place" Ginny stood from the ground, placing Lilly in her father's arms. " You can ignore me if you want, it's your choice" She walked right up to Draco, with Moly Weasley's love burning in her brown eyes. "But if I was her, I would give my very soul up to see my daughter, she maybe doesn't deserve it, but maybe Mia does, to see her mum and not have her last memory of her being when it wasn't the real Astoria but a curse, I know what it's like to be cursed that way, and you have no idea what you're doing or what you're doing to others, it's terrifying, don't let her suffer twice" Ginny smiled kindly to him.


"Astoria!" She turned to find Draco walking quickly toward her. She stops before leaving forever. But her heart falls and breaks when the little girl she loved so much appeared beside him. The image of her father, thank Godric. Draco had explained to Mia what had happened, in the best way possible you can explain a imperious curse to a seven year old. She understood that it was bad magic and not mummy.

She walked slowly to Astoria, curiosity burning her brain. She could now recognise the women. Her brown facial features, she was the painting she visited. She was the dresses that hung in the old bedroom, the perfume that was spilt on the carpet, the untouched mug in the kitchen. She was the women she dreamed to be, beautiful but Mia dreamed to be tall. But she knew now that the very unhappy looking women who stood before her was her Mother.

She raised her arms up and with out a word Astoria raised her in her arms. Mia smiled seeing her, she did not look like the women who hurt her or Rose. She may looked ill but she certainly looked a lot nicer. She placed her hands on Astoria's face and smiled.


Astoria could no longer hide. She laughed a little as the tears rolled down her face. Despite of what she had done. Despite not visiting often. Despite not sending letters as often as she should have. Despite missing celebrations. Despite it all, Mia looked her in the eye with a smile and called her pretty. She looked to Draco. Who was wordless himself and his expression unreadable. She knew him well enough that it was when he was most unreadable was when he felt the most. And he too could not believe the heart of Mia.

"Will you write?" Mia asked, a simple question.

"I promise you I will" Astoria said , strength back in her voice. That leer appeared once more on the girl's face.

"Okay" Was all she said and you could tell the amount utter joy that was filled in that one word.

"Okay" Astoria said in reply and placed a kiss on her head. "Mommy loves you, always remember that and that she never, ever, ever want to hurt you, she loves you and your daddy so much" Astoria sniffed and spoke each word with meaning. Mia nodded again.

"Love you too" Astoria placed her back on the ground, she had too leave. She looked to Draco, into those grey eyes that she fell in and out of love with. A wordless powerful conversation fell between them. He cleared his throat and gave her nod. As she walked down the path of the Malfoy Manor, she heard Mia's distant 'by-bye's' and it broke her. Her heart crumbled into dust in her chest and as soon as she got far enough. She disapperated.


Upon returning to the garden. Peace settled back into their lungs and the truth breathed freely. Draco watched as Mia ran and jumped into Hermione's arms who greeted her with a smile and a laugh. They gave each other kisses and hugs, talking and chatting. Like they were mother and daughter. Why could it not be simple? why does the darkness always stand their and destroy what is simple as a relationship between mother and daughter? why does it mock? why does it take?. Why could it be Astoria kissing and hugging her daughter and not saying farewell? . It would be simple to stay and think about the cruel whys?. Draco didn't, he let them fester his mind for a moment until he was back on that bench, hugging his daughter with Hermione by his side. Where in secret, for no one to see, one single second long tear fell. He wiped it as soon as it came, but it had still fallen and it was meant to. He owned so many broken puzzle pieces in his life. A broken childhood, a broken family, a broken pride, a broken reputation, a broken marriage, but their was one piece that was never broken, a spirit that was never put out. Something he watched grow in awe and laugh and cry with, someone he knew so well =- but could still surprise him. Mia was his full puzzle piece. She kept them together, she had placed them all together.

She was the reason behind his truce with Harry and Ginny Potter. She was the reason behind his relationship with Hermione, she was the reason behind his change of heart, his redemption, she made him new and better. She made him want to try and change. Each person that he watched in the garden. Each child to adult Mia had influenced them in the greatest way possible.

His parents- changed people because of her love.

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley - Work partners and friends because of her.

Hermione- Helped him because of her.

Scorpios - Moved on from his grief because he had her.

Rose- Was bolder, a stronger person because of her.

Albus - Found the greatest friends he'd ever have because of her.

Without Mia, all of them would be in misery. She was there glue. She was there Mia. How he was ever going to say goodbye to her when she walks on the Hogwarts Express, he hadn't a clue.

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