Unknown - fillie

By filliedolan

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"One huge coincidence. That's all it was." Coincidences happen , but they happen for a reason. They can mean... More



2K 51 76
By filliedolan

Finn PoV:

I walk down to set, getting ready to shoot the big scene, which is also the last scene. I'll miss set, I'll miss my friends, but most importantly, I'll miss millie. How am I supposed to cope? I won't see her everyday, I'm used to seeing her everyday. She's going to be busy with other projects so she won't have time for me, and so will I, I'm filming IT soon. What do I do? I then realise I'm just standing. I'm standing here looking over all of the trailers and people. How did I end up here? In this beautiful place, I'm living a dream I once thought was impossible. Yet here I am.

"Finn?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. She's crying.

"Millie? What's wrong?" I turn around.

"What are you doing on the cliff top?" She asks.

"I-uh I don't know" I say as I approach her. "What's wrong?" I ask again.

"Everything" She sobs. I hug her tight but she pulls away, our faces are inches apart. I stare at her lips, she's staring at mine.

"We can't do this. I can't do this. Not anymore." She says walking passed me, towards the clifftop.

"Millie? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Get away. Please" I beg, tears streaming down my face.

"Finn. Just know, I love you. I always have, as more than friends. But you never noticed. Now I deserve this. Goodbye Finn." She says, a tear trickling down her face. And then she jumps. I run over to the cliff edge and everything's moving in slow motion. I'm watching her fall slowly as I scream, I fall to the ground crying as I watch her. Her body is inches from the ground and then I let out one more, pain filled scream as her body hits the ground. Blood pours, I scream. I'm running, running as fast as I can, as far away as I can. I can't do this. I can hear her voice in my head "finn" she calls.

"GO AWAY!" I scream, crying my eyes out. I fall to the ground, trying to bare the voices in my head.

"Finn" she calls again.

"FINN?" Millie shouts shaking me from my slumber. I'm crying?

"Oh my god. Millie." I cry as I hug her tight. She's crying too. We sit there for a couple of minutes, I'm so fucking glad that was a dream.

"What happened? You were screaming my name and crying and-and I didn't know what to do your mom called me over-and-I-what-I don't-I dont know what's happening." She sighs.

"Millie, I'm just glad you're here. I had a dream. A really terrible dream." I say, and then I remember, that cliff doesn't even exist.

"What was it?" She asks, placing herself next to me.

"I was on a clifftop, alone. And then you approached me crying-" I say, my eyes filling with tears. "You didn't tell me what was wrong you just hugged me and went up to the clifftop and-" I lie "you jumped. I watched you fall as I screamed and you hit the ground. Blood poured and I tried to run away but you called my name and I-i couldn't take it Mills." I say looking down, tears streaming down my face. "I can't lose you millie, I don't know what I'd do. I-I can't." I sniffle. She lifts my chin and looks me in the eye. She leans in closer, is this really about to happen? As our lips are about to touch she pulls away.

"No-we-we can't." She says getting up.

"W-what why? I'm sorry I-I didn't know, I thought you wanted to-I-I'm sorry." I panic.

"Finn. We won't see each other for months. Tomorrow is the last day I'll see you, do you know how hard that is for me to think about? I. Won't. See. You." She cries. "And if I kiss you, I'll just miss you more. I'll want you more." She says, sniffling. I get up and approach her.

"Yeah well I'm here now." I say lightly. Then, I do it, I lean in and kiss her lips. This is what I've wanted for such a long time, yet I didn't even realise it. She's surprised at first but soon kisses back, I feel the sparks flying as we continue our kiss. I love this. She puts her arms around my neck and I feel her smile into the kiss, I do the same. We both pull away and she giggles.

"We just did that." She laughs.

"Wow, way to ruin the moment." I smile.

"Don't tell the guys that this happened." She chuckles.

"I won't" I smile.

"Wow wolfhard, proud of yourself, aren't you?" She smirks.

"Well I did just kiss the girl I've liked for quite a long time." I laugh, fuck. I just told her I like her. She stops.

"Y-you like me?" She asks.

"Uh-I-" I start.

"We can't do this, us. It can't happen, you know that right?" She states, backing away.

"W-what? Why?" I ask.

"Long distance never works finn. You know that." She says looking me in the eye.

"Do you like me?" I ask.

"We can't do long distance finn it won't w-" she starts.

"DO YOU LIKE ME?" I ask cutting her off. She stands there, staring at me in the eye. She shows no emotion.

"No" She says plainly.

"Then why did you kiss me?" I ask.

"You kissed me Finn. You. Kissed. Me. I don't like you, Ok? Get that into your head." She says walking away from me.

"Millie wa-" I start.

"Goodbye Finn." She says walking out of my door. The slam of the door was like a bullet to my heart. She doesn't like me? I spent all of this time, waiting. What if her dying in my dream was a sign. Was it telling me that she'd leave my life? And that our friendship would die? It can't, This can't happen. I check the time 2am. She came over to my cabin at 2am to make sure I was ok? I run out of the cabin, my mum looking at me confused as I do so. She won't be in her cabin. I think. When she's angry she prefers to be alone.

"Millie?!" I call as I walk around the woods. I eventually find her sitting on a rock nearby. I place myself next to her as she cries quietly and stares at the sky. I don't say a word.

"We're best friends." She says.

"Yeah. And I don't want that to be ruined because of one" I sigh. "Stupid kiss" I carry on. She turns to face me.

"I'm glad" she smiles. "Can we please just go on like nothing happened and just, be best friends again?" She asks, there's a look in her eye that I cant explain, something I've never seen before. Pain? Almost.

Millie's POV:

Do I like him? Of course I do. But we can't be together, we're like brother and sister, and we live so far apart. He has a movie to film over summer and so do I, we'd have no time for each other. But, then again, I know eventually it'll eat me up alive if I don't tell him how I feel, but it can't be yet.

"Of course Mills." He smiles. "And thank you by the way." He says looking down.

"For what?" I ask.

"Waking me up. God knows what would've happened if you didn't." He says looking up.

"Oh. You're welcome. I was scared, I didn't know what was happening. Your mum knocked on my door, waking me up and I just freaked out. She told me you were screaming my name and that she couldn't wake you up." I say, tears starting to form.

"I guess we've both seen each other in a bit of a mess tonight then." He smirks.

"There's a difference between having a nightmare and literally dead finn, are you ok after seeing that?" I ask.

"Not really but I'll be fine." He smiles, he's so strong.

"Millie..." he starts.

"Yes?" I reply, confused.

"You-uh. You kissed back." He says now looking me in the eye. Finn Wolfhard are you really doing this to me right now? I sigh.

"Yes, yes I did" I smile.

"Why?" He asks.

"It was one of those 'in the moment' things, I was glad that you were ok after screaming my name whilst watching me die in your sleep." I lie. His smile fades.

"Oh. But. You leaned in earlier on-a-and you can't deny that. We both know it happened and I'm just wondering why. And you literally said to me 'we can't do long distance' now you can't tell me, that's you wanting to 'just be friends'." He says smirking.

"That's enough questions for one night wolfhard." I say chuckling as I get up. I get up and start walking away. "You're a good kisser by the way!" I shout as I walk, hearing him chuckle behind me.

"Bye best friend!" He shouts.

"I'd rather call you my brother!" I shout back hearing him shout 'ew' back at me.


Ok so you're either going to love me or hate me for this chapter but trust me this chapter will mean a lot further on in the story :) THEY FINALLY KISSED OFF CAMERAAAA

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