Craving You- ARSHI

By QuerenciaHaven

194K 7.4K 512

Khushi has spent her whole life wanting to love and wanting to be loved. She may love Arnav with her whole he... More

Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Yearning You

Part Two

13.2K 510 15
By QuerenciaHaven

Arnav awoke to see Khushi had already woken up, he stretched out his hand to feel the sheets beside him were freezing cold, he looked at the clock- 6am. Where was she?
He got up slowly, walking towards the living room when his eyes fell on her sitting on the balcony

Her knees were up to her chest, a dark red shawl covered her arms and she had a cup in her hand
"Khushi, why are you awake so early"
She turned her head around slowly "Couldn't sleep, breakfast is on the kitchen side"
Arnav furrowed his brows and walked over to her "Why couldn't you sleep"

Khushi pulled herself up slowly, placing the cup down "Just one of those nights"
"Did you want to talk about whatever the real reason was that you came to my office"
Khushi looked up stunned, he knew her so well.
She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, Arnav raised one hand, resting it on her head, the other wrapped around her waist, then rose up rubbing her back slowly

Khushi gripped onto his waist tightly, she felt stupid for ever doubting his love, he knew her better than anyone. She didnt need him to tell her he loved her, she knew.
Arnav pulled back and walked to the kitchen to get his breakfast
He walked back up to Khushi and held the plate out to her
"But, this is yours"
Arnac shook his head "Ill get some at work, I have to get ready or I will be late"

Khushi fell into her chair, sighing heavily.
Everytime she felt she was getting close, he just shut down again.
She looked up at Arnav who was walking out of the room, placed the plate down and walked back outside again.


Arnav arrived home at 11pm, he unlocked the door to see all the lights off.
"Khushi" he called
He looked in the living room and then in the bedroom, his heart raced when he couldn't find her.
He grabbed his phone, calling her.
"Please leave a message" he swore under his breath at the beep tone
"Khushi, call me back when you get this"

Arnav jumped in his car, driving towards the dance academy.
He parked quickly and ran inside towards the lit up room
He stopped at the open door, taken aback by Khushi dancing, he had only ever seen her dance once, but he had never forgotten the passion in her eyes as she did
He stepped closer, grabbed her wrist and span her around so her chest hit his
He put his finger on her lips

"Lets go home" he put an arm under her waist, the other under her knees
"But, I need to rehearse"
"Khushi, its late"
"So, you work till late" she retorted
"Thats different"
"How, look Arnav, just put me down"
Arnav put her down slowly "Look Khushi, im tired, please can we just go home"
Her heart clenched painfully, all she wanted was to be in his arms, to go home and sleep by his side

But Lavanya's words constantly echoed in her head, although she didnt want to admit it out loud, it was true.
She was scared he didnt love her, they went days without talking and she understood he was a silent man but it often left her feeling lonely.
They hadn't even been intimate, it had been nearly three years of marriage but she still felt like she was pleading for him to love her.

"You can go home if you like, Im gonna stay for a bit longer" Khushi replied, looking down
Arnav cleared his throat "Well I guess thats fine, just let me know where you are next time"
Khushi looked up "But you go away on business trips and dont tell me until I call you"
Arnav shrugged "Guess I forget"
"Forget" she replied, painfully "Im your wife, how do you forget"

"I didnt mean it like that, look lets just go home"
"You never want to discuss anything, ever, you get up at 6am, sometimes earlier, then you dont get back until 11pm or later, you go on business trips, and you don't tell me, all I ask is for some of your time, its been three years and I never complain, now the one time I want to talk, you say you want to go home, what home, the house we live in, because it takes two people to make a house a home, you're never in it to help with that"

Arnav looked down at Khushi, speechless "You seem stressed, this isnt you Khushi"
"No, its not me, im like this because of you, of course im stressed, you won't even kiss me, what is it, am I not attractive to you"
"Khushi, look, ive been working all day, im tired, we can have this conversation another day"
He turned on his heel, walking away, he stopped at the door when he heard her sniff

He turned his head over his shoulder, he sighed heavily
She shook her head "Just go Arnav, run away back to work, like you always do"
Arnav turned back around and walked away, Khushi fell to her knees slowly and dropped her head

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