Glitched Out

By lenyan_

27.6K 513 111

After being sliced by Asuna's photon sword in GGO, Sinon appears in the world of Naruto and runs into someone... More

Gone Rogue, to Gone Speechless
Explaining Our Worlds... in a Cave
Because of Onigiri
Ninja Training: Memories Come to the Surface
Meet Team Taka
Newfound Abilities
The Return
Sleepover Pt. 2
Joint Training
Chimu Exams
Chimu Exams: Sabotage
Chimu Exams: Hidden Mist Village
Teaming Up
Chimu Exams: The Forest of Death (With a Twist)
Chimu Exams: Tournament
Chimu Exams: Tournament Part 2
πŸ›οΈKonoha Fire Moon Ball: ShoppingπŸ›οΈ
Konoha Fire Moon Ball: The Asking Out Shit
Singing and Other Random Crap
The Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 1: Preparing and Food
Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 2: Clearing the Air
Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 3: What the Hell Just Happened?!
Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 4: Analysis by Itachi
Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 5: Kidnapped
Mission with Naruto/Moving Day with Sinon
Close Call
The War Begins, and the Encounter
Surprise Mode
And So It Begins
Trio v.s. Kabuto
Joining Up With Naruto
Team 7 Unites
Teamwork Kicks Ass
Infinite Tsukuyomi
Special Chapter
The End
New Story
A Happy Ending

Chimu Exams: Hidden Sand Village

585 12 2
By lenyan_

Sinon's POV

It was morning and I started to pack up to leave. We went downstairs and headed for the exit. We walked to a ramen place for breakfast and left the town. It was awkward, really. Sakura was clinging to Sasuke who was talking to Suigetsu. Naruto glared at Sakura and I was in the middle! I got bored, so I started a conversation between Naruto and I.

"So...what's your dream?" I asked.

He grinned, "To become the Hokage, BELIEVE IT! You?"

I smiled, "Don't have one, really."

I leaned to whisper in his ear, "But maybe to get back to my world? Not sure."

He nodded.

I tried to think of an awkward question.

"Who was your first kiss?" I asked.

He pouted, "... Sasuke-teme."

"What? Sasuke? But. Was it an accident or something?" I asked, confused.

He nodded. I laughed.

"Hey, you two, stop fooling around, we've reached a forest," Sasuke called.

We looked at him and sweat dropped, "Why is your Sharingan out?" We said among ourselves.

We leaped through the trees on tree branches. I remember, I used to be terrible at this. Used to. I go at an average speed.

"Why is your hair blue-green?" Naruto asked.

I answered, "You know how I'm not from here?" (in whispers). He nods. I continued, "I was playing a game and made myself look like this so you can custom your avatar. In real life, I have glasses, and short black hair."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh," Naruto says.

"Yeah," I said.

"Will you two shut up?!" Sasuke said, Sharingan still out for no reason at all.

I glared, "Well, looks like someone wants some quiet time so he can snuggle with Sakura," I said.

Naruto laughed. Sasuke glared and looked away. Sai and Suigetsu smiled. Sakura blushed and giggled and clung onto Sasuke harder, making him annoyed. Naruto and I were trying not to laugh.

We continued leaping through trees, (at the pace that looks like their flying and not looking at the branches at all).

"Suigetsu, toss me a bottle," I said.

Suigetsu took our a water bottle and threw it to me. I caught it and drank at least half the bottle and tucked it into my pouch where I kept my ninja tools. We reached the end of the forest and I checked the map.

"Almost there, guys. We're halfway," I said.

After 3 hours...

We. Reached. The. Sand. Village. I drank a ton of water. The desert is freaking hot!

"Put on your hood," Sasuke told me. I nodded. Sasuke thinks I'm OP and stuff so he wants to keep my identity a secret. To others who don't know me, they call me the Ice-Cold Ninja. (Just so you know).

We saw Gaara and walked over to him.

"Two more teams," he said as he handed Naruto and I each an Earth scroll for our team.

"Who was first?" asked Naruto.

"A team from the Cloud," he replied, pointing to a small building.

Another team came through from the Sand.

"Ah, Matsuri," Gaara said.

We bristled past him. We walked into the the building where we saw a different team with Cloud headbands. One was wearing a cloak with the hood on like me, so his face wasn't visible. My Hidden Leaf headband is on my shoulder if you wanted to know, Suigetsu's is on the side of his waist.

"Team Samui, Omoi, and Karui," Sasuke said, "where is Samui?"

Karui replied, "Samui has a broken leg. He is her replacement." She gestured toward the hooded figure. "Also known as the Black Ninja."

Black Ninja... never heard of it.

Omoi asked, "That must be the Ice-cold Ninja, no?"

The hooded figure stiffened at my alias name.

Naruto yelled, "He's the one who trashed our boat!"

Karui grinned, "Sorry, water jutsus are his specialty."

Naruto responded, "Well Si-"

Sasuke slapped a hand on his mouth. "She," he said, gesturing to me, "is also skilled with water jutsu."

"Keep my identity a secret," I whispered to Naruto.

He nodded as I could feel the hooded person watch us very carefully...

2 days later...

There were 2 teams from each village, and three teams from the hidden Stone, and two from the hidden Sand and we were brought to the Hidden Leaf.

"Attention! Your next task is to take both of your scrolls into the Death Forest with all your teammates to the center. Each team will be targeted by one jounin, if your scrolls are taken, you fail," the proctor said.

Oh well. Life is unfair. Suck it up. All the teams separated to different gates leading to the inside of the forest. The other failing teams were cheering us on.


All the teams rushed into the forest. I pulled down my hood. We were on our way to navigating our way to the center.


Thanks for reading and please review! I think you know who the guy in the hood is...

If you know what I mean. And I'm reading and typing at the same time so... sorry for the delay. Them stress tho. When I finish my other story, I have another great idea...


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