The Secret Sister ( Demi Lova...

By DemisBlueHair

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Chapter 1 - Telling the Girls
Chapter 2 - 17 Years Ago.
Chapter 3 - Bad first encounter.
Chapter 4 - Decorating.
Chapter 6 - Summer with Demi
Chapter 7 - Hospital and Trampoline rooms.
Chapter 8 - Day out with Maddie.

Chapter 5 - Horror Films and Live streams.

398 11 0
By DemisBlueHair

Dani's Pov:

I come out the shower , wrapped in my towel , I go to the wardrobe grab a pair of joggers and a oversized jumper , I head downstairs , and jump on the sofa and go in the corner seat , 'Right I can't cook so I'm ordering a pizza , what one do you want ' Demi says , 'Um Pepperoni please' I say , Mads orders BBQ and Mar orders some vegetarian one. Demi orders the pizza and comes back to the sofa , 'Ok guys what film do you wanna watch' Demi asks , Mad and Marissa both pick some creepy horror/thriller called the Women in Black , Its got the dude who plays Harry Potter in it. We start the film and i've literally jumped about 5 times in the first 30 minutes. 'Who ever picked this film , I hate you' I said holding the duvet to my face. The bell rings and I scream , the girls all burst into laughter , Demi manages to say through her laughter 'That's the pizza I'll get it'. Demi returns to the sofa with the pizza , 'Dani is this film scaring you?' Demi asks , 'No I Actually love this film defo in my top 5 ' I say laughing , getting a slice of pizza from the box. We all chat and eat pizza for a while , when were all done Demi goes and puts pizza boxes in the kitchen. 'Dani come here' Demi says , I go over and she lets me snuggle next to me 'I'll protect you' Demi says and she kisses me on the forehead. There's a scene where Daniel Radcliffe goes in a room full of childhood toys. 'If there's any clowns in this room , I'm hiding' I say to Demi and then there's a freaking clown , 'Nope I'm done im hiding till the films over ' I say , hiding under the covers. Marissa and Mad , both laugh. I'm hiding under the covers , on my phone checking twitter , I haven't been on twitter for a while I check my profile and see I've got 2,000 followers , I'm scrolling through twitter and see the picure of me , Demi and Mad laying on the floor , this was after they scared me in the morning , I open it up and see loads of comments , saying about saying how much they love Demi, I see one comment that annoys me saying that Demi's fat and should die. I get so annoyed after seeing that tweet I replied back to this person @DaniLovato , @J123 , Your beautiful , have a nice day. , I tweet this idiot and put my phone down and poke my head out the duvet , 'Is it over?' I ask , 'Not yet hun' Marissa says. I poke back down under the duvet , I go back on my phone , and see lots of lovatics have retweeted and favorites the tweet. I smile and tweet @DaniLovato: @ddlovato , @Maddielovesyou1 and @m_callahan In future I'm picking the film , I'm like never going to get asleep tonight. Im scrolling through twitter and see loads of tweets asking who I am , 'Dem' I say poking my head out the duvet , 'Yes hun' She responds , 'When are you going to tell your fans who I am?' I ask , 'We're actually going to do a live stream tonight , if that's alright ?' Demi says , 'Yeah that's great thanks' I say , going back under the duvet. 15 Minutes later , Demi lifts the duvet up 'The films over hun' She says , I get up from under the duvet , 'That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life' I say , 'You only watched like 40 minutes ' Marissa says , 'Yes but that was the scariest 40 minutes of my life.' I respond smiling. 'Let me go grab my laptop' Demi says hoping up.

Demi returns with the laptop , and logs into twitter , She opens twitcam up , and the viewers start rising by the minute ' Heyaa lovatics , I've got someone for you all to meet' She says smiling at the web cam  , her lovatics are going crazy in the comments , She shuffles next to me so I'm in the web cam shot , 'This is my sister Dani , Before ya'll go mad , I only find out about her a few days ago , I hope you all treat her nicely and accept that she's a new part of my family' Demi says smiling , 'Say something Dani' She laughs , 'Heyya guys' I wave at the web cam , 'Oh and also these losers are here too' Demi says and Marissa and Maddie both come in the web cam shot , 'If any of your lovatics have a questions for us tweet me with the #DemiTwitcam and I shall answer as many as I can.' Demi says. I'm scrolling through the #DemiTwitcam and answer some of the questions with Demi , Marissa and Mads.I'm looking through the questions , and see lots saying that I'm only with Demi for attention and I should kill myself. All of these mean comments get to me , I put my phone down and run upstairs crying.

Demi's Pov:

The twitcam is going great all my lovatics are loving Dani , Me, Mads , Marissa are all answer some of the questions my lovatics are asking. I look other at Dani who's on her phone. Dani gets up leaving her phone on the sofa and runs upstairs , Maddie grabs her phone , and is shocked at what she sees , I grab it off her  'Demi wait' Maddie says trying to grab the phone of me , Marissa grabs the laptop so my lovatics don't see this happen and answer some question. I walk to the kitchen reading through the 100 hundreds of  messages saying Dani should kill her self and they wish that she never was found. I put the phone down and run upstairs to find Dani. I go in her room and see her sitting on the floor crying her eyes out, with her knees to her chest , I run over to her and draw her body towards mine she just keeps crying , 'Hey look at me ' , She looks up at me still crying 'You are beautiful , ignore all the hate messages' I say to my little sister who's crying her eyes out still.'Let me grab you a tissue' I say to her and walk to her bathroom , I go to grab the tissue and notice something shiny on the floor beside the toilet , I go to pick it up. Shit its a blade I quickly throw it in the toilet and flush it away. I come back from the toilet and give her some tissues she wipes away her tears. 'Dani?' I say 'Yeah?' , 'I saw something in the bathroom and I just need to know if your okay?' I respond 'What you talking about Demi?' She says back , 'Dani I saw a blade' I say holding back tears 'Ok first of all I did'nt do it , I've been 6 months clean and I'm not planning on breaking it' She snaps back at me , 'Dani I'm so sorry I did'nt know , you can always come and talk to me ' I say crying. 'Demi don't cry over me , I'm not worth it' Dani says , 'Hey' I say grabbing her hands 'You are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met , and you can always talk to me I will be here 24/7 for you , if you ever fell close to relapsing come to me!' I say to Dani 'I love you Dani' , 'I love you too Demi' Dani says back to me and gives me hug , 'Demi can you not tell Mom about this?' Dani asks , 'Dani , We need to tell her it's a kinda serious issue' I say to her. 'Demi please' She says looking at me with her tear filled eyes staring at me. 'Fine I wont tell mom , but you've got to promise me you wont do it ever again.' I say to Dani staring into her eyes 'I promise Demi' She says.

We sit and talk for about 30 minutes about my past and hers as well , My phone vibrates and I see a text from Marissa 'Hey is Dani okay? Mads fell asleep down her and I don't want to wake her up so I'm going to sleep down here' I text her back saying 'Hey shes fine thanks just a some haters got to her , I'm probs going to go to bed so i'll see you morning night Mar' I send. 'Maddies fell asleep downstairs and Marissa is going to bed down there with her' I say to Dani , 'How can anyone fall asleep after that film , I'm still freaked out by the clown' Dani says smiling, 'You can come sleep with me if your scared' I say , 'I don't wanna like intrude your space Dem' Dani says , 'You wont be , now come on ' I get up stretching my hand down for her to grab , she grabs it and I pull her up. We head to my bedroom , 'I'm just going to change quickly change' I say heading to the bathroom as Dani lays on the bed. I come out the bathroom and see Dani fast asleep , I quietly go to the bed and bring her in for a cuddle and fall asleep.

My phone buzzes next to me , *One new message from Marissa* 'Hey you awake , Maddies gone to Drews , and I'm lonely :('  I smile to myself and and turn around to see Dani fast asleep still , 'Hey Dan , get up' She flips over pulling the duvet over herself. I pull the duvet off her 'Not a morning person?' I ask , 'Nope' she says trying to get the duvet back , 'Don't think so , get up ' I say , still holding the duvet 'Fine' She gets up , 'I'm going my room to have a shower I'll meet you downstairs' Dani says getting up and leaving my room.

Dani's Pov:

I head into my newly painted room smiling to my self , I get some clothes to wear put them in the bathroom and head into the shower. After 15 minutes of just staring at my self in the mirror looking at the faded scars on my stomach , I get into the shower. After my shower I get changed and head downstairs to see Demi and Marissa trying to flip pancakes , 'What you guys doing ?' I say laughing , at Demi trying to flip the pancake , 'Were trying to make breakfast' Marissa says recording Demi trying to flip this pancake and completely missing it resulting in the pancake landing on the floor. Demi puts the pan down 'You know what were going out to get breakfast' , Demi says , 'You guys go get changed I'll clean up' I say , 'Thank sis' Demi says giving me a hug  , as her and Marissa head upstairs to get ready. I go into the kitchen and start cleaning all the mess they have made. After I finally finish cleaning Demi and Marissa come downstairs , 'You ready Dan?' Marissa says , 'Yeah Sure lets go' I say heading out with Demi and Marissa. We all get into Demi's car , as we leave the gates of the house there is about 20 Paparazzi waiting outside and once they see Demi's Car they follow us , all the way to Waffle House , We pull into the car park before we get Demi says 'Dan , just follow me and Marissa ignore the papz' , 'Ok Dem' I say nervously. We get out the car and were faced by bright flashing lights 'DEMI , HOW YOU' , 'DEMI HOWS LIFE WITH NEW SISTER' , 'DANI HOWS LIVING WITH DEMI' , I ignore the questions and we fight through the papz and head into Waffle House , 'You okay Dan' Demi asks , 'Yeah that was a bit mad though' I say , 'You'll get yours to it ' Demi says 'Now lets get some breakfast'. We go over to a table , and order our food , Demi gets waffles , Marissa gets Nutella pancakes and I get strawberries and pancake. We eat our food , and Demi looks at her phone 'Mom just text me she says that her and Eddie will be back at 4' Demi says replying back to the text , 'Ok Maddie text me saying she'll be back at 3' , 'Ok we've still got to finish up your room' ,We get up and pay the waitress , Demi signs an autograph for a couple fans and takes a couple pictures before we head back into the chaos of the papz.

We make our way through the papz and head off , We drop Marissa off at her apartment ' Bye guys ' She says as she gets out the car , I quickly go to the passenger seat next to Demi. As she reverses out of Marissa driveway and we head back to the house , 'So Dani how you today?' Demi asks , 'I'm fine thanks' I say ,'If you ever need anything I'm always here Dani ' Demi says , 'Yes Demi I know , but honestly I'm fine you don't need to keep asking me' I say at her angrily , She does'nt say anything , we finally arrive back home , and I get out the car and head to my room. I head into my room and go to balcony , I sit out there for about 20 minutes trying to calm my self , from getting snapping  at Demi. I head downstairs and see Demi siting on the sofa watching ID channel , 'Hey Dem , I'm sorry for snapping at you' I say sitting at opposite sides of the sofa , she picks up the remote and pause the programme 'Hey Dani , Its okay , I understand ' Demi says , 'I only got annoyed cause when I was in care no one ever asks if your okay and now I have people caring about me , Its like a new thing' I say , 'Come here' Demi says , She pulls me into a massive hug and whisper in my ear 'I will always care about you Dani' . We cuddle for a few minutes 'Shit we've got to finish your room ' Demi says , 'Hey' I look over at the clock 'Ok we've got an hour to Moms home' I say getting up from the sofa , 'Ok you take all the paints sheets off , and I'll start bringing the things from the trunk of the car into the house' Demi says as she heads out the front to her car , I run upstairs and take the sheets of the bed and other furniture , I fold them up and put them in a corner , I go to the top of the stairs to see Demi surrounded with the items we bought from Ikea , 'Demi chuck the bean bags up and the pillows ' I say , Demi chucks the bean bags up and I catch them and head to my room putting them beside either side of my bed , Demi enters my room with the pillows ' Where do you want these?' She asks , 'Um you choose Imma grab the other things' , I head downstairs and grab the bag full of  fairy lights and the horse statue. I head back into my room to see Demi arranging the fluffy pillows , I put the bag of fairy lights at the horse statue on the bed , 'Demi Wheres the horse going ?' I ask , 'Um put it the corner besides yours shoes' , I go and put it next to the shoes. Someone calls from downstairs 'Hey where are you guys? ' I go to the top of the stairs and see Maddie , 'Heya were just finishing my room , come help please , Mom will be back in 30 mins' , 'Ok Im quickly grab a drink do you guys want one?' Maddie asks , 'I'll have a 7up please and I'll go ask Demi' I say as I head towards my room , 'Demi do you want a drink?' I ask her as she tries to untangle the fairy lights, 'I have a water please' She says. I head downstairs to help Maddie with the drinks , We get a bottle of water and 7up from the fridge , 'Have a good day out ? ' I ask Maddie , 'Yeah , it was good thanks , Me and Drew went to the cinema and saw 22 jump street it was so funny' , 'Sounds good , I think we should go help Demi thought shes trying to untangle fairy lights ' I say laughing , 'Oh god' Maddies laughs as we head back upstairs, We enter my room and see Demi , with the untangled fairy lights on the bed , 'These took me at least 10 minutes ' Demi says pointing at the fairy lights laughing , I hand her her water and We sit on the bed , 'Whats the time ?' Demi asks , 'Um 3:40' I say , 'Ok where do you want the lights to go ?' Demi asks putting her bottle down , 'Above the bed I think' I say grabbing one end and Demi grabs the other 'Um Maddie we need you' Demi says , Maddie comes in the room and we put the lights above my bed and some around my bed frame. We sit on the bed and admire our work , 'Right we've got ten minutes till Mom , will be home , what else do we need to do ? ' Demi asks , 'Um did you get rid of the pizza boxes ?' I ask , 'Oh crap ' Demi says , 'I'll go do it , you guys head downstairs' Maddie says running downstairs , Me and Demi get up and head downstairs , and go into the living room and put the ID channel on. Now we've just go to wait for Mom to come home.

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