Same Mistakes

By Niall_is_my_mofo

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Sometimes instead of making the same mistakes you need to learn from your mistakes More

Same Mistakes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Best Friends

Chapter 44

19 1 1
By Niall_is_my_mofo



"Where's Ariana?" I ask Katie as i make my way inside of her apartment.

"She's with Josh."

"As in THE josh Hutcherson." I ask a little surprised by this.

"Yeah. I was surprised too."

It's our one month anniversary today. I'm glad we've made it this far. Last week we went to visit Zayn and Danielle and to our surprise they were carrying two babies. Reality soon hit Katie and i, and we knew it was their babies. Katie was a bit upset that Danielle hadn't told anyone but her disappointment dissolved when she carried little Madeline in her arms. At that moment i knew she would make a perfect mother.

I over heard Katie talking to steph three days ago, about how Steph and Niall finally had their first time. I could feel the guilt building up in me but i'm glad she was able to get over what i did, and enjoy her time with Niall. For some strange reason she cares so much for me and looks up to me as a brother, it was weird hearing her say it but the awkwardness was taken over by relieve.

"Danielle's wedding is in two weeks." She squeals.

"Yeah. I'm disappointed though." I admit.

"Why? It's your best friend's wedding."

"Yeah but i was sure he would pick me to be his best man."

It really upsets me. I thought i would be the best man at his wedding but much to my surprise it's Niall. I'm sure Danielle had something to do with this, but i can't really blame them, i have been an asshole and i honestly didn't know how to show them that i've changed. I guess they don't see the good in me like Katie does.

I'm just glad my friends are happy and im happy. I honestly couldn't ask for anything better.


The anxiety is killing me. It's burning every inch of me, and i can't do anything to control it. I even tried to cut myself but Nick saw me and immediately took the switch blade from me.

Day and night i've been trying to imagine my sister, i try and picture ever face, her personality. I wonder if we would even get along.

This is all driving me insane and i haven't even talked to my friends. I heard Danielle gave birth a month ago but i didn't even make an effort to go visit her. I haven't heard anything from the others. Even if they tried to call me, i wouldn't be able to answer because i smashed my phone the day my father came to talk to me.

Just as im about to fall asleep the door bell rings. If Nick were here i'd make him go open the door but sadly he's at work. I get up and open it. It's dad...

"What do you want?" I question.

"Angie, honey i know you're mad but... God how do i explain this?"

"What to you want?" I ask again, this time more harsh than the first.

"Your sister called me and she wants to meet you." Bullshit.

If i meet the chick, i'll stop this non ending cycle of guessing, and if i don't meet her i'll go nuts.

"After so long she finally wants to meet me?!" I yell.

"She didn't know you existed." He defends her.

"Fine! When and where?"

" I'll call her and tell her to meet us at the park around the block."


I can't wait to meet my long lost sister...


It's been a month since i found out the truth about my father's lie. I contacted him and he explain what had happened. I'm extremely disappoint of him but i love him so much and he was always there for me, so this whole thing won't change our relationship. I asked him for details about my sister but he didn't explain much. He wouldn't even tell me her name. He said he wanted us to greet each other and try to be at least friends.

"Louis my dad just called me. He said to meet him at Nationals."

"Okay lets go."

I'm so anxious to meet her. I wonder if we'll get along? I hope we do. I've always hated being an only child.

We finally reach the park and i can see my father. As louis parks, i can see my father walking towards us with, my sister? It's got to be her. She's walking right behind her. I make my way out of the car and hug my dad. As i do so i look behind him and my blood freezes when i see Angie in front of me.

"Anna? Anna what the fuck are you here for?!" Angie asks and tears stream down my face.

"You girls know each other?" My dad dares to ask.

"Yes. Yes we do! Angie is my best friend. Dad what the fuck did you do?" I shout as i push him back. Louis tries to grab ahold of me but i fight against him.

"I would have never expected this too happen. I had no idea you girls knew each other." My father continues.

"Anna lets go home." Louis says to me but i refuse.

"Anna? Should this even affect us?" Angie asks, and even though i thought she was being sarcastic i notice the seriousness behind her eyes.

Should it? We've been best friends for so long and we've always considered each other more than friends, we've always been more like sisters. This twisted world happened to want us to be actual sisters after all.

I'm too caught up in my own thoughts that i don't even realize Angie hugging me.

"You're my sister Anna, we should be glad about that. I swear if it had been some other chick i would have hated her, but i could never hate you." She says and i agree.

We turned out to be more than best friends, we're sisters.

Heyyyyy guys!!!! Ok so there's only ONE chapter left!! Yay! I'm really looking forward to writing my new fan fiction, that by the way is going to be called "Love Between Wars" it's a 5sos and 1D Fanfiction. Punk of course! I hope you guys enjoyed reading Same Mistakes and i hope you guys read 'Love Between Wars' as well. Love u all! ❤❤❤

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